28 Days Later

sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: 28 Days Later
By spunky on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 12:07 pm:

    I have not seen this yet, but after watching the first six minutes of the film I have to. This is the low-bandwith link, High badwith

    WARNING: Clip NOT suitable for work viewing without at least a head set. Contains uncensored language and violence.

By patrick on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 12:57 pm:

    the wife saw this trailer on the way back from europe recently and said it looks damn good.

By spunky on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 01:19 pm:

    I can't wait to see it

By semillama on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 04:03 pm:

    It's by the same guy who directed trainspotting. I've been reading reviews and I can't wait to see it either.

    This has been a damn good year for movies, huh?

By spunky on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 04:03 pm:

    no shit, the best in a long time

By Rowlf on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 05:49 pm:

    it was a huge hit in britain. an audience has already dictated it worthy... its a safe movie to go with this weekend...

    I can actually say I've been looking forward more to 28 Days Later than any other movie that came out this year...

By dave. on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 12:04 am:

    i'm downloading it right now. thank you, mr. usenet.

By eri on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 01:51 am:

    OMG. What is it with Spunky and virus creates zombie movies lately?

    Y'all better watch out for Monkey Pox!!!

By moonit on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 08:00 am:

    I just saw Ghost World.

By heather on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 11:03 pm:

    is ok

    mostly predictable

By eri on Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 12:23 am:

    Which one...Ghost World, or 28 Days?

By patrick on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 01:21 pm:

    ghost world was weak

By dave. on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 01:25 pm:

    28 days was pretty good but for the huge plot holes.

By Rowlf on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 05:01 pm:

    ghost world is anything but weak

By Skooter on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 02:06 pm:

    Just watched it on DVD. Though I really enjoyed parts of it and thought it was worth seeing again, the plot holes in it are big enough to drive a truck through.
    However, it's worth seeing just for the opening 1/2 hour, which is transcedent and quite possibly one of the most frightning things I've seen in a while, like the scene in the church.
    "Repent...the end is extrelmy fucking nigh.." Indeed! Lots of neat stuff, and in the end, it's a high class zombie movie, what do you expect?
    Nice score also. Made me reflect on what I would do if the end of the world was at hand. I think I 'd live in the deep woods with a shotgun and 50 acre field of weed.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 02:26 pm:

    eri and I watched that last night, finally.

    The musical score was fantastic, the special effects (especially when the gas station exploded) was great, the actor who potrayed the main character was very good, but I did see the huge holes in the plot.

    Overall, good flick, but needed more work on the story.

By patrick on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 03:23 pm:

    random tech inquiry?

    apparently one of those nudie sites (or some other site) that was linked here recently has dropped a little turd as to reset my explorer home page upon each restarting of my computer. I've tried changing it in my preferences but it just keeps reseting to some hooky gay ass spam like web page. i've tried dumping all my temp files, thinking there was something in there, but to no avail. how can i purge this shit from my system.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 03:32 pm:

    what operating system are you running?

By dave. on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 03:35 pm:

    patrick, google ad aware and download and run that. it takes about 20 minutes to run, depending on how much shit you have on the computer.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 03:56 pm:

    that wont fix the homepage, there has been a registry hack run on your machine.
    YOu need to Click Start, and then click Run.
    In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
    In Registry Editor, locate the following subkey, if it exists:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
    On the right hand side, look for Start Page.
    Double click on that, and manually type the start page you want, then click ok and close out your regedit. open IE and it should take you to your correct homepage.

By patrick on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:01 pm:

    Explorer spunk.

    thanks dave. will do.

By patrick on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:02 pm:

    although ive been using netscape because explorer was crashin my shit left and right.

By patrick on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:07 pm:

    done spunk.

    im gonna restart once ive downloaded dave's suggestion. even if dave's suggestion doesnt help in this regard, im sure its not a bad thing to have.

By semillama on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:21 pm:

    So, what were some plot holes people saw in 28 Days Later? It's been a while since I saw it. I vaguely remember thinking that the reasoning of some of the characters about the illness affecting the whole world was of course illogical when you considered how fast the infection takes place and in that it renders the infected person utterly insane and berserk - there was obviously no way it could have left Britain. But I think that this wasn't a plot hole per se, since it seemed to be integral to the panicked thinking of the survivors.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:21 pm:

    no, i was going to say, I would install the ad-aware. it will shock you how much spyware is on your machine

By patrick on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:37 pm:

    seems to have solved my problemo spunko. gracias d00ds

    fuckin A. I've been trying to remove that Gator ad tracker shit for a fucking year. Hallelujah!

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:44 pm:

    I'd like to see more of what happened during the original 28 days, before Jim wakes up.
    Why did the radio broadcast say that NY and Paris were infected as well if it never got off the island?

    I loved the cimematography they used.
    I wish more movies (horror like this one) were set in london, because the atmosphere is better set for this type of thing then LA or NY.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 04:45 pm:

    no problem.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 05:02 pm:

    oh, and why did the infected not kill each other?
    how did they have the ability to seek non-infecteds out in that army base miles from town?

By dave. on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 05:03 pm:

    sem, like why would a mindless zombie not turn and devour the zombie next to it instead of chasing down someone not yet infected? why weren't there seagulls and crows and domestic pets and squirrels attacking everything in sight?

    that scene in the tunnel -- sorry, you'd never be able to drive a mini over all those other cars.

    that's just for starters.

    spunk, i think it was because they didn't want anyone in britain to even try to get to the continent, so they made it sound like it had spread everywhere. obviously they also re-routed all flights away from the isles (except for a few recon flights) to preserve that illusion.

By dave. on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 05:04 pm:


By semillama on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:04 pm:

    I wouldn't call those major plot holes. Maybe the virus is primate-specific. The taxi thing was a bit much, but then again, so are zombies. although technically they weren't zombies since they weren't dead to begin with, and they weren't voodoo zombies. However, zombie is the still the best term. and since the purpose of the virus was to spread itself (I believe it orginated as a bioweapon), that explains why the zombies didn't eat each other.

By kazu on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:11 pm:

    A bird infected the older guy, but he could have just had blood on its beak from pecking at a dead infected thing.

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:13 pm:

    I was not under the impression it was a bio-weapon. From what the scientist said to the animal rights people, I assumed they were trying to find a cure for rage. He kept saying "You have to understand it to cure it"....

By spunky on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:14 pm:

    i thought the blood came from the body that was hanging over his head that the bird was perched on?
    I saw a dead coyote as well, but not sure what killed it.

By semillama on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:17 pm:

    oh yeah, I think you are right spunky. Plus, if it could infect animals, consider metabolic rates - most smaller animals have much higher metabolic rates than humans and thus starve to death quicker, so if infection among small animals spread like wildfire, it is concievable that within 28 days all animals in an urban area could have been infected and died. or it could just kill off animals right away, and not have the rage effect.
    Still, they could have explained it somehow, but it didn't really effect the movie for me.

By kazu on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:21 pm:

    "i thought the blood came from the body that was hanging over his head that the bird was perched on?"

    that could be it. it's been awhile.

By Skooter on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 06:50 pm:

    In this age of wireless internet everywhere, no one was able to log on and establish that the Island was isolated?
    What about carrion eaters? Would they get the virus also? If the window of disease was 20 seconds before they turned into blood puking zombies, then there would be no way for it get off the British Isles. No ones going to get on a plane or boat with blood red eyes.
    Where the fuck were all the people? Did some of the people die from the disease and only some turn into zombies and stay alive chasing people?
    What happened to all the dead people in the church?
    If the main guy was in a coma, in a hospital, where was his life support?
    Where did the father get power to run his Christmas lights?
    We're expected to belive that the mani dude got shot in the belly at point blank range by a shotgun and survived that?
    My brother saw someone die within 20-30 seconds after being shot with a sawed off shotgun in the chest.
    If the scientists had the apes on an inhibitor, then why couldn't they make a vaccine for the general populace?

By semillama on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 10:46 am:

    But: do any of these things take away from the movie? I don't think so, at least not for me. I mean, if I can accept that scientists can make a virus that turns people into berserkers, than I can accept all the rest too.

By patrick on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 01:01 pm:

    hey spunk, it seems this bugger keeps reseting my registry upon restarting? any other ideas?

By spunky on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 02:28 pm:

By patrick on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 02:37 pm:


By Skooter on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 03:30 pm:

    No. Like i said. I like the movie.

By Xevious70 on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 04:28 pm:

    28 Days was something my wife and I rushed to see,
    after hearing that it was "the scariest movie since The
    Exorcist." We both dig a good scare, and hadn't seen
    something good since "The Ring."

    I wasn't affected so much by the scare factor in the
    theater, but this movie did linger in my mind for a long
    time afterwards. Skooter brought up some really good
    plot holes that I hadn't considered, but it was still
    enjoyable nonetheless.

    It's hard for me to recommend this movie to others,
    since I know I like to trip out on stuff and dissect things,
    while many of my friends / acquaintances take things
    on a more simpler level. So if they wanted to just "get
    scared," I wouldn't recommend it. For me it worked
    much better on a psychological level.

    Only thing that sucks is that they re-released it a while
    after the first run, this time advertising the "ALTERNATE
    ENDING!" What a waste. I wasn't about to go sit
    through the whole movie again just to see an alternate
    ending. What were they thinking??

    Yet, they are releasing the DVD next Tuesday, now with
    "THREE DIFFERENT ENDINGS!" Trip out on that. I will
    probably end up buying it, actually.

By spunky on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 05:34 pm:

    Patrick, did you download, install and run spy bot?

By patrick on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 05:54 pm:

    yeah. it seemed to catch some of the shit i thought I removed with AdAttack or whatever it was dave suggested. We'll see how it holds up. thanks.

By semillama on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 06:40 pm:

    I don't like "alternate endings" - to me it just says that the director had no clue how to end the film, either that or sometimes the case is that the studio hated the original ending and made them change it (a la Army of Darkness).

By kazu on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 06:43 pm:

    Clue's multiple endings worked.

By spunky on Friday, October 17, 2003 - 08:57 pm:

    the alternate endings on the DVD kind of sucked.

    And I cannot place it, but the end, with them putting the hello sign out and flagging down a plane, I could have sworn I have seen that scene before.

By Gee on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 06:43 pm:

    I Love alternate endings.

    and the alternate on this dvd was awsome, in the sense that it made much more sense to the movie.

    I'm killing time until I go meet my friend. that's why I keep posting.

By V on Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 10:38 pm:

    ...Its still my best movie ever...

By V on Friday, August 25, 2006 - 05:04 pm:

    ...and I dont have a problem watching it 100 times over,do you?

By V on Friday, August 25, 2006 - 05:19 pm:

    You guys too scared to post to v?

By V on Sunday, August 5, 2007 - 03:06 pm:

    Haloooow,anybody out there,or am I the only person still alive on Sorabji?

By V on Sunday, August 5, 2007 - 03:14 pm:

    ...shit,I cant even get a station on the radio now...

By V on Sunday, August 5, 2007 - 04:27 pm:

    ...hold on,I have a transmission..."come to Wigan,we have food and water,and own whippets and use flat caps,all are welcome,mostly if your prostitutes...

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, August 5, 2007 - 07:28 pm:

    V, it is Sunday, no one is home, I mean they are out somewhere ,like bar, dancing, dine out, maybe travel.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, August 5, 2007 - 07:33 pm:

    Uhmm, I thought Shawn of the dead is scarier than 28 Days Later..

By V on Monday, August 6, 2007 - 02:12 pm:

    ...No, its not scarier,but its more fun,I like the bit when they go in the pub,dont you?

By Dr Pepper on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 - 04:39 am:

    V, to be honest with you, "Shawn of the dead " is scarier than "28 days later">

By V on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 - 06:24 pm:

    ..In what way was it scarier than "28 days later,"dude"...v likes a movie the rips your balls clean off,like "28 days later",so whats the big fucking deal with "Shawn of the dead"...you have a relation in that movie or something?

By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 12:11 am:

    Lol, I liked that guy.

By V on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 01:23 am:

    ...so did I,if it came up on t.v. right now,I would watch it,but its not "28 days later".

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, August 25, 2007 - 02:25 pm:

    Hey V, that guys from " Shawn of then Dead", I saw them again on movie called " Hot Fuzz".

By V on Saturday, August 25, 2007 - 07:06 pm:

    Dr.Pepper,how come you try to clone v so much?

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, August 26, 2007 - 01:55 am:

    v, clone? I don't know nothing about cloning, anyway,I find this movie funny.