American Wedding Last movie you saw: American Wedding
By Kaylee on Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 08:26 pm:

    The last moive i saw was American Wedding. If you havent saw it then you need to cause it is extremly funny!

By wisper on Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 10:07 pm:

    somehow, i doubt that.

By moonit on Sunday, February 1, 2004 - 04:41 am:

    I dunno the gay club scene was kinda funny.

    But mostly I just went to put m&ms in my popcorn. mmmm salty but sweet.

By eri on Sunday, February 1, 2004 - 01:37 pm:

    It was funny sometimes and over the top disgusting sometimes. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't classify it as one of the better movies I have seen.