Angel Heart Last movie you saw: Angel Heart
By Nelly on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 11:11 pm:

    There's no category for movies that weird you out, and this isn't the last one I saw, but it's still haunting me. It's sitting here next to the computer and I don't know whether I'll put it away for good or put it in the DVD player someday and analyze it...

    After I watched it I played a game of Word Whomp and words like "heart" and "devil" kept coming up.

    Has anyone seen this and what did it do to you?

By droopy on Saturday, January 7, 2006 - 02:27 am:

    this is the movie with robert deniro and mickey rourke, yes? I remember seeing it in 1987. i honestly don't remember it that well, but i think i remember the end when mickey is going down an elevator to hell yelling "i know who i am!" (or maybe that was some dream of my own.) anyway - my friend and i thought it was a cool movie, and it's possible we were stoned when we saw it. i'll have to rent it some time. i've been reading so much jorge luis borges and p.k. dick, lately, that i think i'll be ready for anything.