Dark Knight (spoilers)

sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: Dark Knight (spoilers)
By Nate on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 05:56 pm:

    I'm about to talk about things that happen in the movie, so if you haven't seen it yet, stop reading.

    So, why the hell would they kill off Two-Face?

By platypus on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 08:50 pm:

    I was wondering about that!

    It seems like that would have been the ideal set up for a sequel, so it's weird that they just killed him off and didn't really develop or explore that character at all.

By kazu on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 09:05 pm:

    Did you see Gordon or anyone bury the body?

By kazu on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 10:20 pm:

    And I don't actually believe that Two Face is
    still alive, I'm just saying.

By semillama on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 06:00 pm:

    They imply he died, but nothing about the body shown in the film implied certain death. Maybe he's in a coma or something. who knows?

    I agree that killing him off doesn't make a lot of sense, since he'd be a great key villain for the next film. If Nolan doesn't plan on using Two-Face or the Joker again, the range of bat-villains gets a little thin, although Hush would be a pretty good choice and would fit in well with the direction Nolan is taking this series of films.

By beta on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 06:18 pm:

    Hush would be a great next step- or Bane done correctly (and then we could a little more scarecrow action from Cillian Murphy) but I think once you get past the origin story Two-Face is little more than a mobster with a schtick- I'm pretty ok with killing him off.