Air Force One Worst movie you ever saw: Air Force One
By Harun on Thursday, April 30, 1998 - 08:31 pm:
    50 year old pres. beats up 20 russians, yeah if steven seagal played the president, but harrison fort can't beat himself. MOVIE IS PATHETIC

By Christopher on Thursday, April 30, 1998 - 10:22 pm:
    Wait. I thought "Sphere" was the worst movie you ever saw.

    I'm holding off on declaring my most despised flick. I have infinite confidence that the depths of badness have yet to be truly plumbed.

By PetRock on Friday, May 1, 1998 - 01:18 pm:
    Any movie with good special effects or good cinematography is ok with me, even if the plot is not so believable. I can easily sit for two hours watching a movie as long as it looks good, no matter how much the story sucks. For example: The Godfather III ("Dahd?"), Jurassic Park or The Lost World, Titanic (sure the plot was tepid but the movie looked great), Twister, Independence Day, and on and on.....(and I'll include Air Force One in this category...)

By Skottey on Friday, June 19, 1998 - 03:10 pm:
    I agree, this is one of the worst movies ever made, loved Harrison Ford in Star Wars though.