The Water boy massacre Worst movie you ever saw: The Water boy massacre
By Mr. X on Monday, November 16, 1998 - 02:51 pm:

    What the heck is that movie coming from? HAD to leave after 5ive minutes max.

By PetRock on Tuesday, November 17, 1998 - 02:31 pm:

    Well, were you actually expecting it to be GOOD by any chance? It's Adam Sandler after all -- what did you think you were going to see?

    He's only done one decent movie, and that was The Wedding Singer. Of course I haven't seen any of the others so who am I to judge?

    Live and learn Mr. X....

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, November 17, 1998 - 07:15 pm:

    Ah yes the Wedding Singer. A splendid flick. Watched it with a good friend.


By Skottey on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 01:08 pm:

    How can you hate a movie that you have never even seen? Five minutes max is hardly an entire movie. Maybe if you had stayed and watched even half of this movie you would have a better idea of whether or not this is a good movie.
    Like many people I hate(d) Adam Sandler movies and expected a to hate this movie too. I watched and laughed. The movie actually gets funnier as it goes along. You should have stayed longer and given it a chance. I mean really, did you actually think that you would be glued to the screen in the first five minutes anyway? Not many movies have gotten my attention like that, well, except for Saving Private Ryan.

    Give it a chance.

By Nate on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 01:53 pm:


By REBEL on Thursday, July 29, 1999 - 07:02 pm:

    What's cooking!? It's no wonder why SISKEL & EBERT placed this film on their list of WORST FILMS of 1998. There was nothing remotely humorous about this film. Jokes that would have received heckling if the main characters had been standup comedians!hehe And the most annoying factor to this film was SANDLER'S voice. Can someone care to explain to me the humor in pretending to speak like a squirmy nebbish!? His so called speech impedement fell flat on its face!!! Yes, you have two schools of comedy: CEREBRAL and SLAPSTICK. e.g. WOODY ALLEN would be considered a cerebral comedic genius. Both in acting, writing and directing. MEL BROOKS would fall into the latter genre. But for God sakes, their films are funny. Everyone enjoys a silly film, provided that it makes you laugh!! Such wasn't the case with THE WATERBOY! And for anyone to say otherwise, I ask of you one question: WHERE IS YOUR HUMOR BONE & HAVE YOU SEEN MANY COMEDIES!?eheheh Now I know why THE WATERBOY was written by SANDLER'S college chums. Because the end result looks like a COLLEGE FILM SHORT!heh Unfortunately, the duration wasn't as concise!heh Remember, REVENUES never equates to QUALITY!! If not for the mindless adolescents who pay to see shlock like this, such films would cease to exist. Therein lies the problem with todays Hollywood. Too concerned with the $$$ and very little else. Couple that with the simple fact that these DOPEY COMEDIES only cost 1/3 the amount that it would take to make a SCI-FI film. So the earnings always exceed the budget. e.g. That's why PAULY SHORE was allowed to make cornball film after cornball film! Lastly and most importantly, how did HENRY "THE FONZ" WINKLER & Academy Award winning actress KATHY BATES agree to be in this film!? Unbelievable to say the least!!

By Just me on Friday, March 25, 2005 - 12:46 am:

    but it was all bullshit!
    just a god damn joke!
    when i tihnk anout you Linda,
    i hope you fucking choke!

    oh whats that? ya adam sandler rocks, if you dont think so, go kill yourself