A better movie about french boys gone bad w/o catraping is "Son of the Shark" that's a real good one. |
Please don't be so harsh. |
artsy fartsy crap. |
Someone who has a TV and is watching the olympics tonight, please keep an eye out for Gabriel Jennings, my friend who's running the...mile? I think so. Anyway. If he does anything cool and you manage to catch it on tape for me, rockin'. Otherwise please do tell me how he does...anyone who notices...thanks. |
Has anyone here ever actually Seen "Man With a Movie Camera"? If you took a bunch of potato eyes and threw them in someone's face at the speed of light while babbling sanskrit, it could not be more Dull than this movie! actually that doesn't sound too dull. this morning we watched "Nanook of the North". it was cute in its condescension. I especially liked the part where they talked about how "poor old Nanook" didn't understand why they wanted to make a documentary when they could just hang around with the "brave, loveable, happy-go-lucky eskimos" for another year. for a happy-go-lucky people, they sure did go without food a lot. I liked it because it was so beneath me. |
*places the vote in the box labeled "let's rent amateur dominatrix porn tonight"* Heh. that's where I found it, originally. Honest. |