By Jim on Saturday, February 21, 1998 - 08:17 pm: |
By Sorabji on Sunday, February 22, 1998 - 12:06 am: |
all in all it was a pretty pissed-off account of the 70s. when i saw it and marky mark revealed his plastic cock the whole theater busted out laughing. somehow that was not the response i might have expected, but whatever. how Burt Reynolds got an Oscar nomination for that role is a mystery to me, but he must know the right people. Oscars are not about good work, they're about connections. but maybe i listen to too much (that being any) Howard Stern. it was too long. the movie, that is. many of the stories could have been left out. my favorite line from a porn movie is in this one where a man and a woman meet one day and fuck for 10 hours straight. after which the guy says to the girl: "Let's get married. Waddaya say?" and she says: "OK!" western cinema at its highest. |
By Pete on Monday, February 23, 1998 - 10:48 am: |
By Boogie Nights Schmoogie Nights on Wednesday, June 17, 1998 - 11:06 pm: |
*sob* |
Does that mean there's something wrong with me? |
But I keep wondering if I just didn't 'get it'. Was it supposed to be camp? Why wd a movie abt the dark side of pornography be camp? I mean, sure/Phillip Seymour Hoffman is everybody's darling now/due to his performances in "Flawless" & the upcoming "The Talented Mr. Ripley". But his character was so PATHETIC in "Boogie Nights"! Meaning pathetically played -- the guy practically had a big L stamped on his forehead. His dialogue sounded like it was delivered by a somnabulist. And Burt Reynolds was just so unctuous/even for a porn director. And whatshername -- Julianne Moore (I actually like her -- so why can't I remember her name?) was such an airhead as the porno community den-mother. It didn't make a lot of $$/but everybody raved abt that film. I cdn't understand why. I think the E! Television expose on that pretty blonde porn star Savannah was a lot more hard-hitting & realistic -- even w/out fake dick shots. |
he reminds me of one of simon's friends. |
Burt Reynolds is the biggest cock-sucking wife beating gigilo wannbe fuckface hair rag doucheface in hollywood.... |
jesus christ man. |
everywhere else on the 7th of the new year. |
Can anyone tell how this is related? Because it is. Is really is. |
The talented mr. riply. something like that. |
I may see "the talented mr. ripley" even though I know it will be far inferior to "purple noon" just because I like watching movies about good-looking indolent rich kids. |
He looked much much better with dark hair. But I would like to see his new movie anyway. I think Matt Damon looks kinda spooky in it. |
Same source also reports an interesting comment made by Matt Damon--------"If I were gay, Brad Pitt would be the man for me, I'd even have a poster of him on my wall." Hmmmmm Did anyone see him on the cover of Rolling Stone------I liked his dress, but he really needed to lose the playtex gloves. |
It's pretty cheesy, but it's in my video collection. |
I liked that movie so much. |
and i've seen her muff. |
of course, if i did have time, i doubt i'd blow it on hollywood, blathering, wanker pissants. peace. |
It's wipe your ass. speaking of which, i wiped my ass yesterday while utilizing a public facility. while leaning to wipe i sort of lost my balance and had to put my hand down for support. The wiping hand. poop side down. I left a big do-do smear on the toilet seat. I feel sort of bad cause shit like that really grosses me out when i see it, but the fact that it was mine made it o.k. i think i might suffer from coprophilia. |
i don't understand myself. i just find that sort of thing funny. besides its the janitors job to clean the toilet. thats what he gets paid for. |
gonna take some spic and motherfuckin' span to get that shit off now. I can control my bowels. i didn't blow out all over the toilet like i just had a bowl of colon blow. i simply lost my balance while pivoting to wipe. what can i say it was one of those handicapped toilets. things are dangerous. |
and actually a lot of it is very gratuitous, in a harvy kietel kinda way |
Television nudity is the last bastion for equal opportunity. |
Patrick, they might still show it on TV. it would be perfect for Showcase. they like to show stuff like that. Crash. Gia. Kids. they're showing this gay soap opera from the UK that has lots of male nudie-shots in it. I think I will suggest it to them. |
why the fuck am i not studying? asshole. |
oh wait, that's birro. biro birro. hm maybe i don't know. one time i ordered a birro (biro?) burrito at La Azteca and they brought me the (more expensive) birro platter. then i said that I had ordered the burrito, so they brought me the burrito (birrito) and it had a big ol' honkin goat bone in it. fuckin-A. |