Best War Movies of All Time Best movie you ever saw: Best War Movies of All Time
By Matt on Wednesday, September 9, 1998 - 12:02 am:

    Now it's Saving Private Ryan, but for awhile I couldn't tell you what my favorite war movie was. In no particular order:

    Full Metal Jacket (the 1st half remembrances of Marine Corps boot camp alone make the movie for me.)
    A Bridge Too Far (the cast is awesome.)
    The Longest Day
    Bridge Over the River Kwai
    The Guns of Navarone
    The Sands of Iwo Jima (the Duke!)
    Apocalypse Now

    Saving Private Ryan is being hailed for showing the horrors of war, and I agree that it carries the stongest message of any war movie I've seen, but the others haven't necessarily made war look cute & cuddly. Platoon & Full Metal Jacket for sure pulled no punches, although Oliver Stone overdid it a little, I think.

    There's a scene in A Bridge Too Far, where the supplies being dropped to the surrounded British paratroopers by air are dropped in parts of town held by the Germans. One container of supplies lands close enough that a young British soldier attempts to run over and pick the container up to bring it back. As he's running back with the container on his shoulders, a sniper hits him in the back. When he falls, the container splits open, and everyone else sees that he spent his life running for a container full of red berets.

By Bryan on Wednesday, September 9, 1998 - 12:56 pm:

    Don't forget about Paths of Glory and, also, what I think was John Boorman's first film...Hell in the Pacific. Paths of Glory is definitely one of Kubrick's masterworks and Hell in the Pacific is sort of a personal fave with that certain Boorman-esque quality that made his early films so good. Check them out if you haven't already. Oh yeah, on a more abstract level, I've always thought the Manchurian Candidate was quite good although a little overrated.

By Jay Aichel on Friday, June 4, 1999 - 06:29 am:

    The best war movie I"VE seen is Apocolypse Now.
    It was so watching my own life in 'nam unfold in front of me. I saw Platoon and Full Metal Jacket and those also had good parts to them and I'm sure a few guys can relate to Full Metal Jacket as it's probably been lived by many marines (except for the fact that Joker is a writer, how many marines do YOU know that are THAT literate)
    Platoon was a little far fetched at times but Apocolypse Now was MY LIFE unfolding in front of me on the screen....How did Francis know?....God, the nights I spent tossing and turning after seeing that movie are countless....
    Realism???....forget Private Ryan.....Apocolypse Now is the most real movie I've ever seen
    Oh, by the way, there really was a colonol Kurtz
    email me if you need to talk after seeing the

By Knucklescraper on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 01:48 pm:

    The best war movie ever? That's easy.
    It's "The Thin Red Line". No war picture ever made has touched on as many relevant subjects as well. It perfectly captures fear and disenfranchisement of the common soldier.

By Rhiannon on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 01:57 pm:

    Forget Nate and his customary greeting. You're in the club, my friend.

By Dougie on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:02 pm:

    I felt the same about Goldie Hawn in Private Benjamin, knucklescraper.

By semillama on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:16 pm:

    the original All Quiet on the Western Front blows 'em all away.

By Isolde on Monday, October 23, 2000 - 02:47 pm:

    It does indeed. I like Before the Rain also. However, I've already gone off about that, so I won't trouble you all again. Thin Red Line is good, though. I watched it with geek boy and some other people the other night.