this new low-budget movie 'pi' Best movie you ever saw: this new low-budget movie 'pi'
Yeldarb on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - 02:09 am:

    might still be playing at a theatre near ya, i just saw it 2 weeks ago. real neato. all black n white. not hollywood. saying much about it ll take away from going and seeing it.

By P.m. on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 01:08 am:

    pi is one of the coolest movies i"ve seen, especially the way sound is used...I really hope this is the future of film-making. Is there really anything random in the universe, or just systems which are too big to be understood by us?

By Ca on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 05:51 pm:

    pi was cool man...I was stoned I didnt gheta shit about the movie...but it was cool