I mean the one with Alastair Sim. He rocks on a level most men only Dream of! Can anyone over-act better than the guy who played Marley? That "woe is me" stuff was great! I now find myself laughing like Scrooge at the end of the movie...that sort of "heeheehee" head bobbing thingy he does, you know? Believe me, if I had a clerk, I'd give him a raise and send him out to buy another coal scuttle before I dotted another i! Did I spell "scuttle" right? I find "Dogfight" (River Pheonix, and...um...Lili Taylor? not sure.) to be a pretty neat movie, too...I mention this because it was just on TV, so I saw it again. I don't know why I like this movie...maybe because I think the part where Eddie puts coins in all those little machines so they play music for Rose and then spins on her all of a sudden to do that dancing thing is beautifully romantic, in a nice subtle way. I have an affection for guys who spin and slide... Then again, maybe it's just an empathy with Rose that gets me going. Interesting how I empathise with Rose AND Gia from "Gia", that supermodel movie. Oh well... |
he was talking about how he had escaped inherating his father's bad hand genes. He says his father has really really hairy hands. he said: "Luckily I got my mother's hands." and I said: "Then what's she using?" and laughed like nobody's business. eventually it filtered off into a Scrooge laugh. nobody else laughed, though. I wonder why. |