Sleepaway Camp Best movie you ever saw: Sleepaway Camp
By Agent D on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 01:14 am:

    I just found a Movie called "Sleepaway Camp" 1983 version. It shook me and bought me a flashback same as 20 years ago, I remember watching this and Funny things is the Camp Director wearing various funny or silly pants, actually that Police Officer's mustache isn't real! and yes I remember that long tubular flashlight, it is Radio Shack flashlight. Look at these people wearing sock that long up to knees, look at these boys wearing pant as if they are gay or geeks. God ! look at that poor girl Angelia!! It is scary at the end of movie. Scary!!!! Poor Him/Her suffering Mental problem.....

By Agent D on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 01:16 am:

    Oh my God !!!! I am suffering a Flashback oh my........ 1983........ I feel upset

By Agent 9783 on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 03:07 am:

    I am perception it of screw butter.

By Agent 9783 on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 04:18 pm:

    I am perception it of screw butter.

By Agent 1969 on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 04:19 pm:

    getfuhhyre hhd kkoipd jeuusteyr hd hdyeks jddkaewnr hrewtskd kdie kke dkl;rrwxo jrisnche ,k.

By OCanada on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 04:20 pm:

    Funny Pant, Eh?

By Agent 9780 on Monday, January 31, 2005 - 02:26 am:


By Sc83x on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:46 pm:

By jack on Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 03:34 pm:

    when it was my last day at sleepaway camp, agent d letted remark out of mouth. i surely would like to hear that moment. that creeps bastard will be sorry. and they know that too!

    funny pant! dog breath! is great

By V on Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 03:42 pm:

    jack,how come you now speak in text?

By Antigone on Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 09:17 pm:

    Because he forgot to sign on as Dr Pepper?

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 09:25 pm:

    Antigone, what the hell are you talking about?

By jack on Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 11:18 pm:

    antigone, what the hell are you talking on about it? shouldn't that be "forgetted"?

By sarah on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 03:52 pm:

    please let that not be the case. please.

By jack on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 08:55 pm:

    it's not.


By V on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 03:18 pm:

    jack,the guy v used to enjoy fuckig over most nights,now you spell worse than v,whats going on? look bro,v has problems speaking English,your problems are far worse.

By V on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 03:36 pm:

    Anti,you know v feels I let you down in London,shit missed you by a mile or two,I did try,but it was a long,hot,humid day,I still feel so guilty about that,v was sleepy,sweaty,and worn out,but tried to contact you.

By jack on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 09:11 pm:

    s-s-s-swing and a miss!

By V on Friday, September 1, 2006 - 06:48 pm: