"professional" wrestling. What the hell?

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: "professional" wrestling. What the hell?
By The masked on Thursday, June 3, 1999 - 07:13 am:

    So its been over a week and they're still bitching about Owen (Hart) dying. Well i mean what caused his death, I mean who to blame for it.

    I am truly sorry Owen is gone, but there is nothing I could have done to avert the accident so no more on that subject.

    All I hear is people saying that its the owners fault for allowing stunts like this to happen, for ratings, obviously. OR Its Owens fault, implying that he fell, or jumped, or didn't check his rope.......etc.

    Has no-one ever heard of accidents?
    You can't always blame someone, which is what everyone is trying to do I guess. I mean what if it was an equipment failure? Then who do you blame? The machine that made the part? or the person that monitors said machine? Or maybe the company that mined the ore.

    Now I'm just being foolish.
    Sorry, I just don't see why people can't just accept that accidents happen that cannot be blamed on one person/group.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

By MoonUnit on Friday, June 4, 1999 - 03:56 am:

    I know it was an accident.

    He should of checked he was attached before leaping in the ring.

    There should of been some sort of safety in place.

    The one thing that concerns me is that the rest of the matches went on, after he had been pronounced dead and taken away.

    That seems to me like the promotors care more about the money then honouring a wrestler who made a mistake.

By Bagpuss on Friday, June 4, 1999 - 09:54 pm:

    Right, so I was wondering what the "Owen Hart" thing was all about so I did a bit of altavistaing for some news.

    The WWF sites came up and they seemed to all go like this...


    Undertaker defeated Nails with a clothespress bodyslam etc etc etc

    Big Bad Person defeated Obvious Fall Guy with a spinning bird kick etc etc etc

    Owen hart died

    Some Other Roid Boy defeated Human Growth Hormone with a dragon punch etc etc


    WHAT THE FUCK! The guy falls fifty feet to his death in front of thousands and barely gets a mention.

    I thought The Onion was a spoof newspaper.

By Stunner on Sunday, June 6, 1999 - 07:06 pm:

    I agree that accidents do happen, but it is a fault of society to find blame in a person or organization when accidents like these happen. Partially because people want someone to be held accountable for it. Partially for money. Mostly it's because they don't want the blame be placed on them or in this case Owen. The parents will blame the owners, the owners blame the manufacturers, the manufacturers will blame the steel company and the steel company will blame the mining company. Hell, the mining company will probably blame the earth for the ore being defective somehow. Blame gets passed around like a cheap suit. It'll get to the point where they're going to forget the fact that someone died in all of this. Isn't that the problem?? Everyone is caught up in how and why he died. Let's just accept the fact that he did die and go on with our own lives. Finding out that it was Owen's fault or Vince's fault or the harness manufacturer's fault isn't going to bring him back.

By Semillama on Friday, July 9, 1999 - 11:01 pm:

    Damn, never thought I'd see a pro wrasslin' post here that I didn't start! What happened with Owen Hart was that they kept him hanging too long and he started fidgeting, accidently hitting the quick release and you know the rest. Word is that there are going to be some serious negligence lawsuits comin' down the pike...

    I still can't bring myself to buy a pay-per view though, even tho' wrasslin' is a constant source of slack. On egood thing about living down here is that They actually show ECW at 1 am sat. nite, which is almost as ridiculous as what is on before it, a sort of best of the '80s wrestling, and everyone has tremendous mullets. One night I flipped between that, Springer, and the Springer documentary on E! I felt delightfully filthy for days after.

By Lucy Phurre on Sunday, July 11, 1999 - 08:23 am:

    I used to know this guy who was this incredibly good martial artist and martial arts instructor. We are talking, this guy had more floor space in his apartment taken up by martial arts trophies than furniture. I mean, I told him that Cynthia Rothrock was my role model (I want to get a t-shirt made that says "I don't wanna be Barbie, I wanna be Cynthia Rothrock)
    Anyhoo, he totally loves pro wrestling, for some reason.
    He claims to have given Steve Austin his catchphrases. This is actually quite possible, since he's been using them (exact same phrases), much longer than Steve Austin.

By Semillama on Sunday, July 11, 1999 - 03:19 pm:

    There was a really good article on wrasslin' in the last issue of George. Check it out.

By Waffleboy on Monday, July 12, 1999 - 11:51 am:

    long live the mullet, fat boys in tights, and their satellite dish-hair-do, spandex-wearin-women

By MoonStoneColdUnit on Monday, July 12, 1999 - 11:51 pm:

    oh I love Steve Austin. Love him. LOVE LOVE him.

    I am so pathetic.

    Anyway if WWF ever comes to this side of the world, me and my best friends current fling/fuckboy Rene and I are going. He loves Stone Cold too. But probably not to the extent I do.

By Semillama on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 - 06:42 pm:

    WCW is coming to Lacrosse - My desire for slack tells me I must attend...

    Long live guys in dresses hitting each other with chairs...

By Lawanda on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 - 01:37 pm:

    I read an article today that says that in all of cable viewing, pro wrestling takes up, oh, hell, I can't remember how much air time, but it was significant enough for the guy to mention.

By Semillama on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 - 11:01 pm:

    As it should.

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 12:21 am:

    i was in Dallas earlier this week. so it goes.

    i've noticed something about airports. there is always a sorabjiite in every airport. always.

    i have no idea what any of you look like. that's a lie, but you get the point.

    so i'm in pheonix on a lay over, and there is margret.

    not really, mind you.

    but she was tall, and kept looking at me, so in my head she became margret.

    margret trying to figure out if she recognizes me from my picture.

    somewhere, that picture is floating around.

    "excuse me. sir? could i see your penis? i think i might know you, but i want to be sure..."

    that kind of conversation could never occur between two people who had met each other in the physical world. that is the conversation of two people who have talked but never seen. never seen save for maybe a blury costco card photo or some prettyboy autophoto from 4 years ago.

    i saw tbone, too. there in pheonix. he was wearing an odd hat and ticktacking a laptop.

    no one asked to see my penis. again.

    that shit just doesn't happen anymore.

    ah, good.

    it's time for me to get my laugh on.

    tonight it's mgd and dope.


By J on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 12:36 am:

    You could have at least called me Nate,even if I couldn't hook up with you,you should have called me,I think my feelings should be hurt.Oh,and that's Phoenix sweetcheecks...hahaha! And you know what I mean! Love

By Simon on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 02:23 am:

    I saw Allah at an Arby's.

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 02:45 am:

    i was in phoenix for half an hour. connection to dallas.

    i waved as i went over, though.

    you didn't wave back.

    i think you were bowling.

By patrick on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 11:58 am:

    simon! wow.


    and you busted my balls for Tecate!

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 01:52 pm:

    and i'll continue to bust your balls for tecate.

    it was in the fridge, what can i say.

By sarah on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 02:26 pm:

    how did it get there?

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 03:52 pm:

    my future brother-in-law comes over for monday nitro every week. he brings 18 bottles of MGD and we make him dinner. it's a ritual.

By patrick on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 04:19 pm:


By Antigone on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 04:21 pm:

    Nate, you should have e-mailed me. I could have met you for lunch or something. Or, I could have told you to fuck off. Woulda been fun either way.

By patrick on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 04:28 pm:

    nate sounds dangerous on the phone

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 06:17 pm:

    Yeah, I would have if I was going to have any free time. I got in Monday at about noon, was in meetings until 11, slept, got up at 7 and was in meetings until we left for the airport at 6pm.

    Another time, perhaps. I'm sure I'll have to go back.

    and i don't sound dangerous on the phone. i sound like a stoner californian whiteboy.

    ask swine.

By Cat on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 06:22 pm:

    I don't trust Swine's taste in men's voices. Gimme your number and I'll decide.

By patrick on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 06:34 pm:

    actually thats a swell idea.....i'll give my number to any who wish to verify the inherent sexpot nature of my voice....toll free even for those of you in the states.

    then we can report back

By patrick on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 06:34 pm:

    uhhh right email addy

By Nate on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 07:54 pm:

    send me an email and i will.

By Tom on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 02:36 am:

    fuck. CAT gets to decide? whatever. Cat.
    Record, record, record. Then Copy, Copy, Copy. I want to hear these conversations.

    I think we're all alot tamer than the images we present here.

    right. that's probably just because I am.

    I once heard Patrick's voice, but only barely. I was standing behind Isolde as she spoke with him. He sounded sorta nasal. But then, I have a very shitty phone, so it may've been that.

    Bell_Jar sounds like the personification of Delerium, ideally as shown in the Sandman "comics." That is to say, the way her speech is typically drawn in the comics... pink and purple and wavery and then strong, randomly/alternately.

    Pez sounds like a whole wheat dinner roll, if dinner rolls could talk. Pez sounds like a freshly printed manuscript of top-rate fiction, just popped out of some unknown authors HP Laserjet printer. If dinner rolls could talk, what would they say?


    Where do you live? Can I come over for Christmas? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?

    I sound like any talking (friendly) cartoon gorilla. Or like the Rocky Horror Soundtrack, if the original tape it were recorded on (or whatever medium) could talk.

    Isolde. Anyone who's heard can attest to the "neat-o"ness of her voice. She sounds like Michaelangelo's block of marble, pre-David, or rough jade, perhaps. Alternately, her voice makes me think of very strong breakfast tea.

By Cat on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 05:51 am:

    Oh eat what's left of my dog's dick, Tom.


    After all, I have to have some joy in my miserable lonely life. Do you know what I did for entertainment today? No? Well, I took my dog to sit on Santa Paws knee to have his photo taken. Is that a twisted sad spinster act or what? Celibacy sucks.

By Daniel ssss on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 10:46 am:

    So Ms Cat you've got a life now? Yeah. I'm still WAITING for the East Timor story dear.

By Nate on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 01:48 pm:

    search audiogalaxy.com for "studio (i'm high)"

    that's not really my speaking voice, but i do sound like a stoner californian whiteboy.

By patrick on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:24 pm:

    Tom I have never spoken to isolde, I dont know what you are talking about.

By semillama on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:43 pm:

    My voice sounds like the layer of dark earth just below the point where the grass roots stop.

By Isolde on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:43 pm:

    Yeah, I've never talked to you, Patrick. I'm sure one of us, at least, would have remembered such an event.

By Tom on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:44 am:

    Right. We were preparing to go to Los Angeles to protest the Democratic National Convention in... when? August? You considered crashing at Patrick's place. You spoke to him on the phone.

    I won't always be here, you know. Eventually, the two of you will have to start remembering these things for yourself.

By heather on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 02:14 am:

    my voice sounds like warm leather and a river bed and jingle bells and pterodactyls

    well, i'm tired. ask sem. or maybe you didn't want to know. he probably doesn't remember anyway.

By semillama on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 08:39 am:

    Heather has a nice voice, although she sounded tenative and a little weirded out at the time.

    I'm sure she's not like that all the time.

    Rhiannon talks fast, and is very engaging, but I''ve said that before.

    Skooter has, like, the Midwest version of the West Coast "dude" accent going on.

By Skooter on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 10:17 am:

    Duude.....Maybe you think I talk that way because were always stoned when we hang out.

By patrick on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 11:34 am:

    Tom we never spoke on the phone....really, we didnt.

    oh i forgot...i've talked to J....she sounds just like i expected..

    smokey, emphatic, smart-assed, sweet and tireless

By Kalliope on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 11:41 am:

    my voice sounds like i could swallow everyone right up if i wanted to.

    and i will! i swear!

    patricks the only one who knows what my voice sounds like...of course, he's met me....oh wait..zephyr and i have sent little voicey messages back and forth to each other too.

By Skooter on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:29 pm:

    Sem's voice is Mid-west accented, but short on the "Yooper" thing. His voice reminds me of something calm, like a tranquil sea. Or a basket of dead grasshoppers.

By semillama on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:29 pm:

    I have heard zephyr too, on a voice email thing. Sounds like a teenager, I suppose.

    Skooter's accent is hard to figure out, because no one else I've met from where he's grown up talks like that. I think it's related to the anti-yooper accent.

    Actually, hardly any of my freinds from my home town have the stereotypical regional accent.

By Skooter on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:34 pm:

    P.S My accent probably comes from the fact that when I learned to talk it was from People in southern Michigan, and my grandparents are Greman-Scot-and a mix of 51 other flavors. I do have a few things that I say weirdly, like Bafroom instead of Bathroom and a few others. The "dude" probably comes from tooooo much weedsomking.

By Skooter on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 01:04 pm:

    Rather...those words shold be weedsmoking and German...I arrest my case.

By J on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 01:54 pm:

    Thank You Patrick,that's so sweet:) Patrick has a real sexy,serious,movie star kind of voice.

By moonit on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 02:49 am:

    I think I sound like a little kid.

    But apparently when i answer the phone at work I sound grown up and sultry.


By Isolde on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 09:35 am:

    When I hear recordings of my voice, I'm always horrified. But apparently I sound nice--this is what people tell me, at any rate.

By V on Monday, March 28, 2005 - 03:34 pm:

    Isolde,I expect you are dead,but will none the less post,your ears are in fact in the wrong place,to understand what your voice is like,you need to move your ears to the end of your nose,I understand this for a fact,as I went to "Hogwarts School for smart ass kids"

By The original on Monday, June 6, 2005 - 09:10 am:

    thought you neede a new message after 5 years so hello!!!!!!