Help ole Waffles Out The Stalking Post: Help ole Waffles Out
By Waffles on Thursday, July 8, 1999 - 02:25 pm:

    Hey Guys, I need you help, about a month ago there was a post from I believe Cyst, but don't hold me to that, but it was in regards to a new birth control method that involved some small little gel with spermicide thing that woman can insert on to their cervix an hour before sex and it dissolves. I need to find out more about this particular method of BC, it is particularly intersting.

    does anyone remember where this post was or does anyone know what this thing is called????

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, July 8, 1999 - 03:12 pm:

    Raid Ant & Roach Killer for Cervixes.

By Nate on Thursday, July 8, 1999 - 03:42 pm:

    it was a film that was placed on the cervix.

    i think it was black flag, not raid.

By Sorabji on Thursday, July 8, 1999 - 03:48 pm:

By Waffles on Thursday, July 8, 1999 - 03:54 pm:

    yes, thanks man

By R.C. on Friday, July 9, 1999 - 10:47 pm:

    So-rab-jee! On the case/as ususal. (How come the Search engine never works that well for me?)

    Waffles -- not to be all in yr business/but why not tell the person in question to just use condoms? A dissolvable film won't protect against AIDS.

    If AIDS ain't an issue/then the Pill is the most convenient & effective method I know of. She takes it one a day & she's covered 24-7 w/a 98 % accuracy rate. (Most failures happen when women forget to take it for more than 1 day/or when they're on antibiotics. In that case/you have to double up w/another b.c. method.) It's completely reversible/it generally reduces PMS symptoms/& she has the option of getting her period when SHE wants to (you can take it for up to 6 wks. in a row w/no ill effects. I know becuz I did -- more than once).

    Unless she's the type who can't tolerate oc's.

By NZAngel on Sunday, July 11, 1999 - 01:03 am:

    or has a family history of blood clots - I imagine that you have heard that 3rd gen contraceptive pills about double the risk of a fatal or debilitating clot.

    (I just switched to the mini pill a couple of months ago. Have to be a bit stricter about the timeframe for taking your pill, and doesn't control periods, but otherwise seems pretty good so far)

By MoonUNit on Sunday, July 11, 1999 - 04:37 am:

    Yeah i had to change to a second gen pill... stay away from mercilon, marvelon and i forget the other two,,

By Waffleboy on Monday, July 12, 1999 - 12:22 pm:

    well RC, I was intersted in this thing for personal use and I am married so AIDS in not an issue for me, I was just trying to find the name of the product so I could check into it