if you are using a power trimmer, don't be wearing your Birkies. if you want to dig up and save your gladiolus bulbs, don't store them in old pantyhose. when pulling fence, start in the middle of the run, not at the gate. |
Why not vacuum your toaster, whatdoyahave to lose? |
"why not" questions. will it never stop. the incessant mockery. if you have a long run of fence and you start at the gate, you have to pull it perfectly tightly and evenly the entire length. you get one chance, and as you move toward the other end, each incomplete tweak that is off just a bit is multiplied until the error at the end is x times the first little mistake, and you have to go all the way back.. if you start in the middle, you have two chances to get it right, and it's easier to correct because if you find a mistake it's closer to the source. if you use the shop vac, as i did, you will suck the little filament thingies right up out of the toast slot. back to back belly to belly zombies do the work while i watch the telly. |
this thread is haunted too!!! |
Hah, that's rich. |
hmm. that all sounds familiar....like some supposed fat bored drunk drugged lithuanian witch dude who's obsessed with jack. who could that be? |