anchors away... The Stalking Post: anchors away...
By Capt. Pink on Friday, July 16, 1999 - 06:01 am:

    I'm off for the annual canoe trip!

    I'll be mildy drunk, moderately stoned and excessively wet( rain forecasted all weekend ). At least there will be a smile strung across my face.

    Until Sunday night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

By Antigone on Saturday, July 17, 1999 - 02:34 am:

    Ah, the canoe! What a marvelous way to travel. I think I like it so much because while I was gestating in my mother's womb she and my father spent a summer working up in Gunflint Lake in the Minnesota/Canadian boundary waters. We also spent several summers up there until I turned 7 or so. We visited again this last summer. It's such a blissfull place, and the canoe is an essential part of that bliss. I mean, you can take a motorboat to get from place to place, but in a canoe you're so much closer to the water. And it seems like you've really gone somewhere when you move yourself with your own arms and shoulders. It's quiet, just you, the water, the paddle, and your dad in back bickering at you for paddling wrong. What could be better? :-)

By Jerome on Saturday, July 17, 1999 - 10:44 am:

    salma hayek in back bickering about paddling wrong?

By Antigone on Saturday, July 17, 1999 - 04:09 pm:

    I wish! If she was in the back of my canoe she could bicker about anything she damn well pleased...

By Pink Eye on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 09:54 am:

    Had a great time. Rained the last day, but the beer & weed made all the wetness go away.

    We had 31 people( I was solo ) go this year. The population keeps growing and it's cool to see the "canoe virgins" trying it out. We had an excellant sand bar to set up camp. Fireworks, great food all weekend, booze up the yin-yang, loads of smoke to keep one paddlin' at a snail's pace. How can you go wrong?

    Like Antigone says, "you're so much closer to the water." That's what it's all about, being closer to the water.

    Closer to the water...