Kennedy Jokes The Stalking Post: Kennedy Jokes
By FETIDBEAVER on Monday, July 26, 1999 - 05:10 pm:

    Anybody have Kennedy jokes (sicker the better) if so please post them.

By J on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 - 03:06 pm:

    What did Micheal Kennedy say when he say JFK Jr. arrive in the afterlife?The Curse strikes again,but this time it,s a tree-o.Some thought JFK Jr. was going to enter politics...But then his world came CRASHING down.JFK Jr.once worked for the district attorney,s office.Though he never became D.A.himself,he has become DOA.Madonna:Hello Daryle Hannah:Hey Madonna,it,s Daryle Hannah.Madona:Yes?Daryle Hannah:Aren,t you glad you dumped him now?I am.Madanna:Yea,looks like he dumped himself too.Ted Kennedy is reported to have washed up on the shore....he said he did his best to rescue his nephew.Jackie,when meeting JFK heaven:"Dammit Boy!Which part of straighten up and fly right didn,t you understand!!??!"What was the temperature off Martha,s Vinyard after JFK Jr.,s plane went down?Three below.Last year JFK Jr.bought the Piper airplane...this year he bought the farm. Kyle & Stan of South Park:"OH MY GOD!THEY KILLED KENNEDY!YOU BASTARD!"

By Waffleboy on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 - 03:21 pm:


By FETIDBEAVER on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 - 03:41 pm:

    HEHEHEHEHE!!! Keep up the good work.

By FETIDBEAVER on Wednesday, July 28, 1999 - 06:22 am:

    Q. Why was JFK jr. flying to the Vineyard?

    A. He wanted to crash his cousins wedding.

    Q. What do penguins and JFK jr. have in common?

    A. The're both cute but can't fly.

    Remember the good old days when the Kennedy's killed their women one at a time.

    Kennedy movie to be released soon...Eyes Wide Shut, or Three Funerals and a Wedding.

By J on Wednesday, July 28, 1999 - 03:30 pm:

    Did yo hear John John did impressions?Just before he hit the water,he did Mr.Bill.."OOOOOOOH NOOOOOO!" A frustrated St.Peter to the Grimm Reaper..."For the last time!I said TED KENNEDY!Not Joe,not John,not Robert,not Micheal,not Jackie,not John Jr!I saidTED!"Too bad uncle Ted wasn,t on board...They could have used him for a flotation device.What do the Kennedy,s fear the most?Old age.People Magazine voted JFK Jr.the sexiest man dead.How are the Kennedy,s like oil?They don,t mix well with water.Why was JFK Jr. flying that night?Ted offered him a lift.

By Dr.Cash on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 08:04 am:

    Q: What was the last thing to go through JFK jr's head before he crashed. A: His sister in law.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 02:51 pm:


By Better late than never on Monday, April 2, 2001 - 01:52 am:

    Why didn't JFK Jr. take a shower before his flight?

    He decided to wash up on shore.