Give it a rest already The Stalking Post: Give it a rest already
By Tiredwaffles on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 03:11 pm:

    when will the politically-obsurd-correct in this country quit?

    I could claim offense when they sing the fucking national anthem at sporting events or the fact that "god" is printed on our currency.

    pick and choose your battles wisely muthafuckers

By Gee on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 04:57 am:

    Sometimes I wonder. I like to sing the song's an easy song to remember the words to and sing, and I have a strong memory of seeing a movie once (forget what movie) with some chick who sang it to this audience and the audience was all mad cuz they were northern folks and she sang anyway and was crying cuz her beloved (a southerner) had just been killed, and when the audience saw how emotional she was getting they started listening more and stopped booing so much. It was nice.

    Anyway, I can see that a song is nothing to get upset about. But then I wonder. I like to point out that people can be "too sensative" or "too PC" sometimes too, but right this second I'm wondering where the line is drawn. Why is it so obsurd? Because YOU think it is? If it's offensive and hurtful to someone else, then don't they have the right to speak up?

    Of course, I don't remember any blatently (or even subtly) racist lyrics in the song I wrong? So I understand that there are extreams in everything, but I'm wondering where they are, and why it's so fashionable to attack someone who's trying to speak up against an injustice? (even if it's just an injustice They perceve and no one else)

    Just thinking aloud.

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 10:49 am:

    I think people are being over reactive, I find it hard to believe so many of these people REALLY give a rats ass about some old man and an ole battle hymn he sings. Too fucking sensative indeed.........I would think the organization of black lawyers protesting the singing of that song by Judge Rhenquest (spell?)have better things to do with their energies, but thren again, ALL lawyers are scumbags, no exception.

By Lucy Phurre on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 12:48 pm:

    Fuck, I'm with them. I wouldn't sing "Dixie" either.
    It's not that he was singing it, it was that he was doing this at a singalong, a situation in which everyone was expected to sing as well.

    If they were fucking with him for singing in the shower or something, I would say they were wrong, but expecting everyone to sing it was a little insensitive.

    I would have just spoken to him, but resolutions are how lawyers handle shit.

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:01 pm:

    I don't think there is an EXPECTATION to sing at this particular conference they have every year. Do you sing at the ballpark in the bottom of the 7th? It's nice when people do, but you are certainly NOT expected to. Same with the national anthem. Actually one IS expected to sing that shit, I am not patriotic, I have no loyalty to my govt, and i sit on myu skinny ass and eat my fuckin peanuts with my ten gallon hat still on. AM I expected to sing, YES? Do I get looks from others? YES! Do i care? NO! Am I protesting the national anthem at ball games, with my personal actions yes, but am I crying out, poassing out literature and getting press for it. NO. I have better things to do with my energies, as do these people.

By Swine on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:14 pm:

    like endlessly bitch about how black lawyers are sick of some old fuck trying to get them to join in a redneck sing-a-long at their annual professional conference?

    gimme a fucking break.

    why do you care, anyway?

    better yet, what do you know?

    you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of black folks in this country that would sit back and put up with that shit year after year.
    god knows i wouldn't.

    i'd tell the old glory windbag to just shut the fuck up.
    pretty much the same way i'm telling you to just shut the fuck up.


By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:36 pm:

    What do I know? I know where the fucking door is. Just like I know where my seat is in a ball game, or if it pisses me off, i won't go. Personal protest. Somthing like this is not worthy of national attention. If it is such a detestable act, then the old fuck will be singing to an empty room.
    note the article said....
    "other songs, including the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," which is similarly associated with the North during the war."

    A lawsuit in California in the last year or so was brought about because a particular white couple had their initials put on their license plate. The women in particular, her initials? JAP. The local Japanese anit-defamation league sued the DMV successfully. Someone WHO so fucking offended at a license plate wasted all this energy because of ONE car that they will probably never see again and because the couple happened to have those initials. Why don't they sue Nabisco for putting out a product called Nips, or better yet what about Johnson & Johnson's "Spic & Span".

    Another example, a video store in a Vietnamese neighborhood put a poster of Ho Chi Minh. The local Vietnamese community protested for weeks, disrupting business, telling him to go back to Vietnam. He even got assaulted and lost business. The protest I see is a total violation of his rights and the the rights of the private property owners in that shopping center. But the pussy shopping center owner caved as well and tried to get him evicted unsuccesfully. The fucked up thing is, despite Ho Chi Mihn's communist, and repressive ways , these people were exemplifying EXACTLY what they left behind. They wanted to silence him, the wanted him to go away because of his beliefs. They couldn't simply ignore his store and poster. I mean shit, I walk by an army navy store and see a Third Reich Flag or a better yet a Confederate Flag, do I portest, hell no. Do I have negative personal opinions of what each of those symbols represent, YES! Liberalism outta fuckin control

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:37 pm:

    oh and fuck you

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:40 pm:


    you said

    "yeah, i was that only black kid and i grew up fighting most of the way through. can't say i really regret it, because it made me strong as hell. also made me kind of an asshole, but i may have been an asshole by birth anyway, so who knows."

    so don't sweat it, I understand you reaction

By Swine on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:48 pm:

    "The Washington Post reported last month that some lawyers had avoided the event this yeah because they objected to singing "Dixie."

    it's not a video store, it's not a license plate, it's the national bar association.

    get the difference?


    why do i even bother?

By Wisper on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 01:52 pm:

    Spic & Span
    i never noticed that before
    that's fucking funny

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 02:14 pm:


    I DO understand the difference. I don't regard the national bar association any more than I do the any other organization, be it political, social or governmental.

    I just believe actions speak louder than a memorandum. And furthermore, did anyone ask WHY this fuck felt the need for THAT particular tune? Does he harbor racist sentiments? If so, lets look at who put this FUCK in the seat to begin with. I think we have Mr. Bush to thank for that, or was it Regan? We can't change what the people who run this gov't think, but we can change the people in the gov't to begin with, but then again, I have little faith in our system altogether.

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 02:42 pm:

    besides, ima bitch, i like to bitch, i like to moan and groan..i like to point out idiotic nature of our society as a rubs me daily,

    turn your speakers WAAAAYYYYY up!

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 02:55 pm:

By Cyst on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 03:07 pm:

    I think if you can't say what you want on your personalized license plate, there shouldn't be personalized license plates.

    oh yeah, I don't think there should be personalized license plates.

By Lucy Phurre on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 03:38 pm:

    Ok, Waffleboy, the point that you are claiming is individual freedom of expression.

    Let's examine these things in terms of individual freedom of expression.

    Judge Rehnquist:
    As far as I can tell, you are claiming that the American Bar Association was infringing on Judge Rehnquist's individual freedom of expression.
    The problem is that that behavior was not private, nor was the resolution a private reproof, because, when Rehnquist used an American Bar Association event to get people to sing this song with him, he exceeded the bounds of private behavior.
    Essentially, what the resolution said was, "The American Bar Association does not endorse "Dixie" or what it stands for."
    Had he sung the song at a private party which *he* organized, then it would be private behavior.
    He was not told "you can't sing this in the shower." He was not even told "You can't sing this in front of your house when you're mowing your lawn"
    He was told "You can't use our forum to sing this"

    As for posters in store windows:
    A store owner has the inalienable first-amendment right to put anything he/she damnwell pleases (so long as it conforms to local standards of decency) in his/her window.
    And people have the inalienable first-amendment right to protest.
    And, if enough people protest, the store is going to lose customers.

    What you are essentially advocating is freedom of expression for bigots only.

    License plates:
    I really don't know what to make of this...chalk it up to bizarre, unfortunate coincidence.

    And please allow me to address your "poor martyred white boy" complex.

    White males hold all the money, all the power, all the privilege.
    It's such an injustice the way you're forced to own everything, and hold all those difficult high government offices, and how you're denied your God-given right to be targeted for hate crimes.

    In short, I have no sympathy.

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 04:12 pm:

    uh.........."As far as I can tell, you are claiming that the American Bar Association was infringing on Judge Rehnquist's individual freedom of expression." NO!!!! I just found the whole matter SILLy from beginning to end.

    What I am acvocating it the personal expression of every member of THAT organization.

    "And, if enough people protest, the store is going to lose customers."

    Yes you are right, but what happened in this scenario was 300-500 people congregated in a PRIVATE shopping mall parking lot and impeded, not only the business of the shop owner, but other shops in that shopping center. That parking lot IS private property for customers, NOT protesters. People who tried to patronize the video store had eggs thrown at them and a few were even assaulted. THATS BULLSHIT. Protest all you want, but you have no right to interfere with anyone's business in that partcular manner.

    uh......"What you are essentially advocating is freedom of expression for bigots only." wrong again!

    I am advocating the freedom of expression of ALL!

    "'poor martyred white boy' complex.'"

    i won't even acknowledge that shit!

    "White males hold all the money, all the power, all the privilege."

    i will not deny this historical statement, nor will I deny the relavence this has today. As far as I can see, I am not RICH, I do not have any more POWER than you, you and you and whatever privaleges that may or may not be extended to me, I have no knowledge of. Tell me what ARE my privaledges and power since you seem to have me pegged.

    "It's such an injustice the way you're forced to own everything, and hold all those difficult high government offices, and how you're denied your God-given right to be targeted for hate crimes."

    what he hell are you taling about? better yet, WHO are you talking to? NOT ME!

    I don't own shit, except books, records, camera's, a drum kit and kitchen utensils. I don't own my house and I don't own my car.

    Bottom line, people are RESPONSIBLE for their actions, and THEIR's alone. Like I said, if this "sing along" was such a detestable act, then the convention hall would be empty.

    I certainly don't condone or support this behavior, much less the damn song but I just feel there are more important things to be putting one's energy to.

    thats all, bottom line

By Margret on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 04:32 pm:

    Legally speaking, for purposes of precedent, mall parking lots are in fact public.
    Sorry Waffles.

By Semillama on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 06:31 pm:

    If the French ever get litigous, this website's in a hlluva pile o'shit.

    Fuck the French.

    I think the next song they sing at the NBA should be: "Say it loud, I'm Black and i'm proud..."

    Like to see that old fart rehnquist shake his bootie to that.

    as for skewering white males, the only target left in a P.C. world: Waffles is right. the majority of white males are not rich, powerful or priviledged. it just so happens that through a quirk of history dating back to mercantilism and European seapower in the 15th century, that the upper classes in European-settled countries are white males. Believe you me, it's not because Bill Gates was born with a dick and a need to absorb Vitamin D through his skin that he's become so powerful. He took advantage of some fucked up rules in our culture that say white guys get a better shake than anyone else. Actually, we do seem to be moving towards more equality, but it appears that the cultural momentum from the old ways (white male dominated) is still going, and probably will take anther generation or two to settle down and fade away. By then, hopefully, our oppressors will be nice and multi-cultural.

By Lucy Phurre on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 07:44 pm:

    Good point.
    However, what I was pointing out was that the "poor little white boy" trip has recently been discussed far to speak...exhaustively.

    And anyone online has a computer, or at least access to one, and the training to use one, so Waffleboy is better off than most, economically.

By Fredrick Urbane Cole-Kramer on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 08:18 pm:

    I can't have my own licence plate either...

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 08:24 pm:

    So, if Rhenquist had a sing along about raping Ronald Reagan with a big red fire extinguisher, would we be having this discussion right now?

By Lawanda on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 08:29 pm:

    I thought about this for awhile. Reinquist singing "Dixie" at an American Bar Association meeting is like the lead speaker at an AA conference singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." As I've seen here before "It just ain't right."

    What in God's name are lawyers doing singing anyway? That is so silly. At a national conference no less! Get down to business you fools, save the singing for the hotel parties later. It goes better with the hookers and lamp shades anyway.

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 09:17 pm:

    This is what happens when conservatives brandish _their_ version of political correctness.

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 01:34 am:

    um Margret, unfortuantely it's late and I can't think of a place to search on the web, but during this whole ordeal here, there was much dicussion about the fact that a shopping mall is in fact private much like an apartment coimplex is. Businesses are in deed open to the public, buy they have the right refuse service and have people removed. Hence mall security.

    Anyway, the property owners of the strip mall in question were too pussy to do anything about it. They sympathized with the protesters. If they didn't, the peeps may have withdrawn business for the whole shopping center, which would hurt he property owners directly. One store being protested is better than a whole shopping center, from their view anyway. If they wanted to at any time, they could have the protest moved to the street,or sidewalk. which is indeed public. It may vary from city to city. But this instance, I am 99% percent positive.

    Actually Lucy, I was able to afford my computer in one shibang cause I used to do sales for a hardware distributor. I payed about 1/3 or what the general public would. Plus, I have access to a computer 8 hours a day.

    In otherwords, it ain't THAT big of an indicator of my social staus.

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 01:36 am:

    Antigone I agree. With all the violence and tension, especially hate related violence, and then I see shit like that article. I makes me wonder what he fuck is going on. The exremist right, either christian, racist, homophobe or all of the above appears to be gaining steam, yet the fuckers are now armed. Reason #175 guns shoulkd not be for sale to general public.

By Gee on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 05:51 am:

    How did "christian" get to be up there with "racist" and "homophobe"?

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 10:50 am:

    it's called the EXTREME CHRISTAIN RIGHT, 700 CLub, American FAmily Assoc.Pat Bauer, Fred Phelps.... need i go on?

By Furthermore on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 10:52 am:

    some groups of this nature can be racist and christian such as the Klan. They are also homophobes, some groups in this vein can be just homophobes and closet racists adn others can just down right hateful to all........

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 02:54 pm:

    imho, when Christianity is synonymous with rabid bigotry (which, with the exception of a very, very few, it is), there is something very, very wrong with Christianity (which there most definitely is).

    Christianity was a radical doctrine about acceptance of difference and social struggle, until about the end of the first century, when it became accepted by the Roman Empire.

    Read, *Adam, Eve, and the Serpent*, byt Elaine Pagels, for an excellent analysis of this.

    But, well, success destroys every movement.

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 03:25 pm:

    Oh, yeah, and Waffleboy, even here in the heart of Silicon Valley, the poor do not have computer skills.

    Why don't you put aside your nice new car for one day, take the bus, and find out how many people there know how to use a computer (I have no illusions that you will actually do this)
    Why don't you just find out how many of them you can even communicate with (I doubt you would feel that you have any reason to learn Spanish).
    Then check the local community listings, find out what kind of computer training is available to the poor.
    Find out what kind of computer education is available in the public school system.
    You might want to look into ESOL classes, too.
    You will find that there are enough resources to serve only a tiny token proportion of the population, if there are any services at all, and that those services will be damned near impossible to access without a car, or money, or free time during the day shift.

    Computer skills are pretty much indispensible if one wishes to make much over the shamefully low minimum wage that this country allows (if one can find a job at all).

    The fact that computer education is available only to those already wealthy, or at least middle class keeps the poor poor.

    If you will just venture out of your little upper-middle-class white-anglo-saxon-protestant world, you'll find that, not everybody in LA has access to a computer, or even knows how to use one, or even speaks English.

    Not to mention the world at large.
    The US has the largest class gap of any industrialized nations, but some of the US puppet governments are worse.

    Read Noam Chomsky's *The Common Good* for more info on that.

    End round one of Lucy's speil on computer skills as class indicator.

By Lawanda on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 03:34 pm:

    People from all spectrums; left, right, whatever have made all kinds of inroads telling us what to do and when. We can't mention God or pray in school. Conservative Senators trying to control/change what is shown on PBS. Why? Because there are always going to be people that want to CONTROL YOU. All sides are guilty.

    We should be afraid of the Far Christian Right. (as in Aryan Nations, not just your mild mannered conservative folk). We have every right to be afraid of them, they are scary individuals. They want to kill people they don't agree with, bomb abortion clinics, get laws passed or pressure communications to not let you see what they don't want you to see.

    Well, I am afraid of zealots that tell me what I can and cannot say by enacting laws or encouraging civil lawsuits, who curb animal testing by blowing up labs, who stop logging by spiking trees. I am afraid for a populace that will gladly hand over constitutional rights (the right to bear arms, the right to free assembly, the right to free speech, the right from illegal search and siezure) in order to absolve the populace from the responsibility that freedom brings. Freedom is a responsibility to each other, to take care of each other without having to be told how. Our society is squandering it by murder, intolerance, and greed.

By Irritated waffles on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 05:36 pm:

    Lucy, what the fuck are you talking about?

    "Why don't you put aside your nice new car for one day, take the bus, and find out how many people there know how to use a computer I have no illusions that you will actually do this"

    You don't know me. As a matter of FACT, I do take the bus to work about 2-3 times a week. Sometimes I ride my bike. My wife rides the subway.

    Upper middle class???? Again you don't know me so don't act like you do. Our income would put me and my wife into lower middle class, maybe middle, but only barely.

    "I doubt you would feel that you have any reason to learn Spanish"

    and by saying this, you some how interpret I am not in touch with the lower class?? I don't learn Spanish because it's not on my agenda. I don't learn it anymore than I need to learn fucking French. My other interest occupy my time. If I had the time, I would learn all kinds of language. Just because spanish speaking folk occupy a lagre portion of the populus here doesn't mean I somehow NEED it. I have never had a communication problem in that sense.

    "If you will just venture out of your little upper-middle-class white-anglo-saxon-protestant world, you'll find that, not everybody in LA has access to a computer, or even knows how to use one, or even speaks English."

    Please Lucy, you seem to have this conclusion that I am rich boy from the hills with no knowledge of the lower class or that i am completely out of touch. My neighborhood profile: mostly latino, middle to lower working class families. I grew up on food stamps only I didn't find this out until i got older. I paid/pay my own way through school. Mommy did not buy my car. I didn't finish college. I learned computers through the jobs I have been fortunate to attain. I have never had any formal training with computers. I am self taught.

    Seriously, I am finding that similarities in your jump to conclusions here much like you did in the small pecker/antigone/violence thread. Leave me out of it if you are going to continue to jump to conclusions.

    Next time, ASK me how I get to work. ASK me what my neighborhood is like, ASK me what income bracket I would fall into.

    And as far as speaking english goes, well I have little sympathy for those who come here and don't speak english. I admire those that make every attempt to melt in this big pot. Do I feel any kind responsibility for that? Hell no. Do the french/chinese/japanese or whatever give a rats ass that the poor little american in their country speaks Japanese? I doubt it.

    And before you go off on a Chomsky tip, I know who he is and I have read several of his essays in regards to the Desert Storm "War".

    Really stop preaching to me like you know me. You don't.

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 06:12 pm:

    as a matter of fact, MOST of my computer skills were learned when I worked for $5.25 an hour at a record store in the N.Carolina. I would often just dick around with programs and see what happened. I happen to be that way. I learn by doing. My knowledge of computers it not out of some white, male monetary privaledge. I do not deny that the lower class has as much of an access to computers as upper classes do.

    Ironically, I think I heard report recently that stated that black lower and upper middle class families didn't have or use computers as much as their white counterparts. I am searching for more on this information

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 06:47 pm:

By Waffleboy on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 07:47 pm:

    If you will just venture out of your little upper-middle-class white-anglo-saxon-protestant world,"

    furthermore ..........fuck you! I don't identify with this and I am not sure what gave you the impression I do. The only thing in that phrase I can identify with is WHITE.

    talk about white-anglo-saxon-upper-middle-class, let's talk about the demographics of silicon valley. You have more of chance to fall into this category than I do. Do the liquor stores in your neighborhood have signs saying they will accept food stamps. Does the bus service your neighborhood? Do you have bums sleeping on your street or rummaging through YOUR trash or recycling bins?

    I live in a very eceltic neighborhood. Just next weekend we have our annual street fair. It brings everyone if the hood together for two days. The types of folks you'll see, mostly latino lower middle class families. You will also see a lot of younger artists-types, there is also a large gay population in my neighborhood. You see next to echo park, silverlake is close to downtown. This scares most of the people in the rest of LA, which is fine, let them keep their suburban values and SUV's on their side of the city.

By Status Quacity on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 09:28 pm:

    I have to admit I stopped reading halfway down the page because nothing was being said. In two days all of you have said more than I care to read... That's saying a lot.
    You seem to be attacking each other a lot. It went from criticism of these people's actions to a lot of argument about each other's racial backgrounds and positions.

    It seems to have become a thinly veiled racial/wealth/religion slam. Is it still Bigotry if you're prejudiced against the majority?

    Come on, people. You've stopped making sense.

    And Waffles...


By Waffles on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 10:16 pm:






By Simon on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 11:34 pm:

    That's just another reason why I married her.

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 11:44 pm:

    Sorry about the long wait. I work full time and, if I were to spend as much time posting as you do, I would lose my job, get no severance, and probably lose my apartment, after which, there really would not be any chance of recovering my life, as the Bay Area is rather unforgiving. (Yes, the Bay Area is mostly programmers, which makes it that much harder on those of us who are not programmers)

    Taking the bus 2-3 days a week means either you only have to work 2-3 days a week or you have a car.
    Either way, it doesn't mean you're poor ( and please give me a plausible explanation for your decision to voluntarily take the bus in LA, which has a terrible public transit system)

    I take the bus every fucking day.

    Oh, right, "mommy didn't buy [your] car" You have it. Or do you mean "mommy didn't by this car".

    I don't have a car. I have never owned a car. I don't have depth perception and I have never had that kind of money. I don't have a computer (I did once, but it's in Baltimore, and I can't afford to have it shipped out). I don't currently even have a fucking phone?

    Fuck you, have you ever starved? Have you ever been homeless?
    I have a roof over my head and three squares a day, largely because I did have some advantages in my childhood. I got a scholarship to a good high school (and got beat up by the rich kids while the administration looked the other way) exposed to computers... took out student loans...ran out of money midway through college, but I know how to use Excel and Word, and I learned the rest through jobs.

    So, your parents used food stamps once, and didn't tell you, and you think that's proof of your blue-collar roots?
    You're worse than a fucking politician.
    Did the cops ever come to your house when you were five? (my parents still won't tell me why)

    As for the jobs that you were "fortunate to attain"

    Firstly, the only way you can get a computer job with no experienc is that you knew the right people. That is a major part of white/upper class privelege. People tend to socialize within their class/ethnic groups and give jobs to their friends.

    And, as for the easy availability of computer classes:
    A. Those are all net references, for which you need net access and the knowledge of how to use the net. NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD HAS THESE THINGS.

    B. $70 can be a lot of money. You would not know that, never having experienced it, but it can. There was an entire summer when I ate because the neighbors gave us tomatoes.
    I still have periodontal damage from the malnutrition.

    I have some of the same advantages in this country (at least in terms of the way that most people perceive me)...whether I like it or not, but I am conscious of it and try to use it in constructive ways (like being seen in protest marches), rather than counterproductive ways (like bitching because I'm stereotyped as someone who has money just because I have a car and a computer, friends in the Industry, and a coke habit)

    Oh, and the whole "I have never had a communication problem in that area" line. Of course you haven't. You have never in your life felt a desire to speak to someone who does not speak English. Otherwise, you would have experienced a communication problem (I have a communication problem because my accent is funny after years of disuse, living in Baltimore, which has a very small Latino community)

    And, in answer to your question, yes, I am emphatically trying to say that you are not in touch with the lower classes because, as I predicted, you felt that you had no need to learn Spanish.

    Do you know even one person who does not know how to use a computer? Answer that honestly. Not, "I know this waitress" not,"my maid" not, "the janitor at my work"

    Anyway, this is beside the point, which is that, never having been a minority (even if your mother used food stamps once and couldn't buy you a car like all your friends had), neither you nor I has any business whatsoever judging people for being offended by something that neither one of us can begin to understand.

By Agatha on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 12:53 am:

    lucy, you have judged in every single post i can recall for quite awhile now. you seem very angry. you also appear to enjoy the "i understand things more than you because i have experienced more" game. you seem to need to place blame constantly. life is not a competition. you are most definitely a smart woman who could go far with the essential communication skills that you seem to lack, or view as inessential. i suggest that you try to focus your energies in a productive direction, and move on from the bad things that have happened to you in the past. i know you will probably respond to this with a big "fuck you", but it seems unproductive to flame total strangers on a website.

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 01:38 am:

    I am done with this Lucy, one thing I have tried to do on this board is not judge or make concrete conclusions about people, and you have made conclusions about me that you have no way of verifying or know as fact. I WILL NOT respond to the claims you have made about me or the life i lead.

    Status Quacity as right, whoever it may be. Probably Mark or someone who doesn't have thier head up there ass to get caught up in this bullshit, including myself. This thread started as bitch that was really over something insignificant. I can admit that.

    As I said before, you don't know me, you don't my life experiences. Your seem to be caught in something else that has you making these imflammtory and judgemental remarks.

    I am done with this thread.

By J on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 01:38 pm:

    Lucy get out of the Bay area and get your ass over here.The cost of living is alot less,and there are computer jobs up the wazoo.I don,t know how to use a computer,but I,d sure like to get one.I just have webtv,I actually got a reply for a free computer that I sent in for on the internet months ago,and some asshole around here erased it,I hope they hook up with me again.

By Semillama on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 02:25 pm:

    Thank goodness for Agatha.

    If this were a sauna, Lucy'd be the one who kept throwing the water on the rocks.

    Chill out, friend, if you spent half the time you do being politically active into actually trying to understand the other person's perspective instead of trumpeting that yours is superior, you might learn soemthing as well.

By Lucy Phurre on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:05 pm:

    Ok, so I am being universally flamed for trying to tell Waffleboy (albeit tactlessly) that, never having experienced what the lawyers were experiencing, he had no place bitching.
    Perhaps I shouldn't have brought class into it, however, I was similarly flamed by R.C. for a discussion not even related to race. (the thread was called "rants" and it appers to have disappeared.
    And I didn't say anything R.C. didn't.
    And R.C. didn't get flamed.

    And may I remind you that our aggrieved poor little white boy is not the first breakfast food to complain about the accommodation of minorities.

    The only difference between R.C. going off on me and me going out on Waffleboy, and the only difference between Waffleboy and Oatmeal boy is level of tact.

By J on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:17 pm:

    I,m not flaming you Lucy,just thought I had an idea,sorry if you thought I was.

By Rhiannon on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:37 pm:

    Hello. Let's not exaggerate. Oatmeal boy was a
    raving lunatic who called everyone who disagreed
    with him a "nigger" and made every possible
    attempt to deliberately incur the ill-will of
    everyone present. Waffleboy defends his opinions,
    and does so without calling anyone any names.
    Hardly comparable.

By Lucy Phurre on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 04:04 pm:

    Waffleboy is more tactful, as I said before.

By Margret on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 06:51 pm:

    My cat's breath smells like cat food.

By Semillama on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 06:54 pm:

    My cat barfed today.

By Friendly on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 07:35 pm:

    margret, it's "butt". my cat's "butt" smells like cat food. or if it isn't, it should be. my cat's about to barf up a lung. mister would you please help my kitty? i think it's the lung.

By Agatha on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 11:57 pm:

    lucy, i have flamed rc many times. i'm an equal opportunity shit-talker. just ask dave.

By Semillama on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 01:29 am:

    That's the rock where I saw the leprechaun. He told me to burn things.

By Lucy Phurre on Sunday, August 15, 1999 - 04:47 pm:

    Waffleboy has been hounding me all over the damned boards.
    And I'm the one making it personal?

    And R.C. never got flamed for that particular thread. Nor should she have. She was right (albeit off topic, but that can hardly be held against her here).

    It seems to be a sympathy for white boys fan club. What I am trying to say is that, all of a sudden there is a white male joke for every thousand jokes about minorities, which is, I hope, the beginning of the end of white privelege and white males are (predictably) complaining about it like it's the greatest injustice ever.

    Wilson even compared it to the Holocaust.
    I usually like Wilson, but I don't agree with him on this.

By Swine on Sunday, August 15, 1999 - 06:14 pm:

    you're gonna drive yourself crazy if you get involved in prolongued arguments with every fucknut who expresses baseless and uninformed opinions on the internet. and you do compromise your position by making too many assumptions.

    i rarely even bother with any of that shit anymore. it's not worth the energy expenditure. especially not this thread.
    the comparisons he tries to draw are totally incongruous, and the whole "freedom of expression" argument is just amusing. i don't even get the logic. rhenquist should be free to sing redneck battle tunes but black lawyers shouldn't be free to express the fact that it pisses them off?
    because the whiteboy thinks it's insignificant and "silly".

    pfffft. that shit just irritates me.

    maybe somday waffleboy will understand that he has no fucking place trying to tell any black man (or anyone else for that matter) what he should or should not find offensive because waffleboy has no idea what it's like to grow up black in america and he'll never have to deal with the psychological impact that constantly fighting (both literally and figuratively) taxes you with.

    and the black lawyer's association sure as hell doesn't need his help coming up with their agenda.

    waffleboy, if you're reading this, let me give you a little heads-up. you've often written about how much you enjoy coming to NYC, especially brooklyn. i don't know where in brooklyn you hang out, but i sincerely suggest you leave that psuedo "enlightened whiteboy" attitude at home.

    you step to certain brothers with that "pick and choose your battles wisely, motherfucker" shit and you could easily end up on the wrong side of natural selection.

    anyway. i'm done.

    at least the kid has half-way decent musical taste.

By Lucy Phurre on Sunday, August 15, 1999 - 06:21 pm:

    Thank you, Swine, that is what I was trying to say.

    I didn't really have time to refine my point, though, as I was posting from the library, which was closing.

    Yeah, did kind of go off on him, but nobody who can afford a coke habit like his is really broke (it's one thing to do coke, it's another to host coke parties for your friends in the Industry).
    Call it the straw that broke the camel's back.
    Call it Mercury being in retrograde.
    Call it me being my usual tactless self.

    Well, anyway, Swine's right.

By Gee on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 03:22 am:

    I wish someone would invent chocolate pepsi.

By Lawanda on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 10:33 am:

    Didn't they? I remember some hideous concoction on the lines of chocolate soda at some point in my life. That's it. It was chocolate soda by some generic brand. Gack.

    This is not to be confused with a real chocolate soda, the kind at a soda shop. It's been so long since I've had one, I can't even remember the ingredients.

    Two times in one morning talking about chocolate. This is not a good sign, I...must...have...chocolate.

By Tiredwaffles on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 12:14 pm:

    Lucy, I will say this once and I hope you'll have the decency to shut up about it. I have never had a coke habit. The few times I have done it in the last 3 months, I have spoke of it on the boards. Maybe somehow that indicates habit to you. I haven't touched the shit in weeks. I have probably spent a little over $100 since the new year on that shit. "Hosting coke parties""????????? What are talking about? Where do you get your information from???? The only habits I have are my wife and cigarettes. Enuff with that shit.

    Swine, my people live in Greenpoint/Williamsburg. Believe me I don't walk around with an air, preaching to people about how they should act or what they should find offensive. It may surprise you but I don't really care that much despite what I might say on this board.

    There is a scene in a movie that is relative to the point I was UNSUCCESFULLY to make. Movie: Do the Right Thing. The scene in which the girl who plays Spike's sister is talking to the guy who wants to boycot the pizza joint. She tells him how pointless that it is to protest something that will have little impact, that he should be putting all that energy of his to something more effective.

    I will admit that this situation with the old wig and his sing alongs was not the most founded. In fact, it wasn't an issue. Niether side of the case made an issue of the matter. It was simply an article in passing. I never speculated how his actions might effect black lawyers involved. I spoke for myself. If I were a black lawyer, I wouldn't take part in the situation. I don't deny that the judge was inappropriate.

    Another example, gays in the much as I beleive they certainly should have that freedom, I have to wonder why a gay man or women would WANT to be part of that institution. If I were black, the last thing you would find me doing is serving this country when THIS country hasn't done shit for me. But thats my feeling, and that has to do with my lack of patriotism.

    And Lucy, please, I haven't flamed you across the boards, I made mention of your tongue lashing, which you did do, and I commented on your comparison to me and Oatmeal. I didn't attack you personally and I don't plan on doing so. Thats not my style. However, YOU DID attack me personally, and that shit ain't right, you showed you ass on that.

    And finally, I DON'T Have all these big connections in the industry. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. FYI, everyone in this town has something to do with the industry in one way or another. Just because they are my friends doesn't mean I GOTS THE HOOK UP. My friends lead a modest life, they aren't rich by any means. I only know one or two rich dudes, and they are people I know enuff to shoot the shit with in a social setting. So PLEASE GET OFF THAT tip as well.

By J on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 12:37 pm:

    Well dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians,if I was gay,the showers at boot camp would be enough for me to enlist,but I,m a dog.

By Gee on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 01:11 pm:

    I'd do you, J. (winkawinka)

By Lucy Phurre on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 01:33 pm:

    Hee hee... "dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians" I used to have a button that said that.

    You mean you're not going to sacrifice your husband and children to Satan with us?
    Well, me and Hillary and our band of degenerate high school teachers will bring you over yet.

    10% is not enough!
    Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!

By MoonIt on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 04:50 am:

    mmm chocolate.

By MoonIt on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 04:52 am:

    mmm chocolate.

By YooHoo or is it YahHooo on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 02:04 pm:

    I'd like a Chocolate Soldier over ice, please!

By Waffles on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 02:10 pm:

    in Atlanta, they have this place called the Varsity, an old old greasy spoon burger/dog joint near GA Tech downtown. They have what they call a PC........Chocolate milk over that crunchy shaved ice..........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

By J on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 02:22 pm:

    The Refreshments throw out little boxes of Yahoo at all there shows,I have the same pin Lucy,thats where I got the expression,given to me by the same guy that gave me a roach clip that looks like a penis.

By J on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 02:23 pm:

    The Refreshments throw out little boxes of Yahoo
    at all there shows,I have the same pin Lucy,thats
    where I got the expression,given to me by the same
    guy that gave me a roach clip that looks like a

By Lucy Phurre on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 02:49 pm:

    Well, all I'm saying is that somebody ought to, that's all.

By Better not on Tuesday, August 17, 1999 - 06:48 pm:

    id' settle for a chocolate soldier over shaved ice. break out the straws. belly up to the soda fountain. it's on me.
    anyone here remember those weird "flavor straws" . . ? you would use them to slurp up milk but the straws had a flat center in them of strawberry or chocolate flavour. really weird. just ate a (butter) plastic cup of raspberry jam.

By Moonit on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 - 03:23 am:

    I made alcholic chocolate cocktails two weeks ago for my birthday. mmmm.

By Semillama on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 - 07:11 pm:

    I have often wondered about the gays in th emilitary issue as well. It seems to me that if you had no reason to doubt some one's effectiveness as soldier before you knew their sexual orientation, it wouldn't matter after. It's also ridiculous if you kno wanything about soldiers in antiquity.

    dip me in honey and throw me to Drain sth. Then have someone scrap my grinning corpse off the pavement later and made into chocolates.

By MoonIt on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 05:52 am:

    Semillama and honey flavoured chocolate...?

By Waffles on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 11:40 am:

    Hey Lucy, I finally found some information I had been searching for regarding internet as a "income indicator"....see the statistics halfway through......they challenge your idea that having internet is an indicator of income

    NAACP to try to narrow the 'digital divide'

    Associated Press Writer

    NEW YORK (AP) _ To help bridge the ``digital divide'' _ the gap between white people
    and blacks and Hispanics in access to the Internet _ the NAACP and AT&T will partner to
    create technology centers in 20 cities that will provide computer training and Internet

    ``The technological segregation known as the digital divide must be narrowed,'' NAACP
    President Kweisi Mfume said Monday.

    Toward that end, Mfume announced that through the program AT&T will provide hardware,
    software and on-site support for technology in the centers.

    ``The centers will be open after the school doors close so parents and children can learn
    computer usage together,'' Mfume said. ``The old and the young learning together will help
    reduce that divide.' '

    NAACP spokesperson Sheila Douglas said that outside of Baltimore, where the NAACP is
    headquartered, locations of the other 19 sites are yet to be determined. The project will cost
    approximately $300, 000, she said.

    Ameritech Corp. and the National Urban League announced last week they will spend
    $350,000 to build five new Internet community centers in Aurora, Ill., Cleveland, Detroit,
    Indianapolis and Milwaukee. And 3Com Corp. said it will spend $1 million in donated
    equipment and training in 10 cities to help teach students to be computer network engineers.

    Last week, a Commerce Department report, ``Falling Through the Net,'' said the disparity on
    the Internet between whites and black and Hispanic Americans is growing.

    The report found about 47 percent of all whites own computers, but fewer than half as many
    blacks do. About 25.5 percent of Hispanics own computers, but 55 percent of
    Asian-Americans do. Asian families also are most likely to have Internet access, with 36
    percent online.

    The report also found a child in a low-income white family is three times more likely to have
    Internet access as a child in a comparable black family, and four times more likely than a
    Hispanic child.

    Most troubling for government experts were indications these disparities can't be blamed
    solely on differences in income. Among families earning $15,000 to $35,000, for example,
    more than 33 percent of whites owned computers, but only 19 percent of blacks did. That gap
    has widened nearly 62 percent since 1994 despite plunging computer prices.

    Mfume also announced a new national campaign that could involve lawsuits against
    entertainment industry giants to end the scarcity of black characters on television shows.

    The newly formed NAACP Television & Film Industry Diversity Initiative will monitor how
    well the entertainment industry reflects America' s multi-cultural base.

    Aside from calling for congressional and Federal Communications Commission hearings on
    licensing and ownership of networks, the campaign could initiate lawsuits and boycotts of
    advertisers, Mfume said.

    Using the dearth of minorities in upcoming fall shows as a touchstone, Mfume said the
    NAACP is studying whether or not to file suit against the four major networks for violating
    the Communications Act of 1934.

    The act says the airwaves belong to the public, and Mfume argued there is a ``virtual
    whitewash'' in new programming since none of the 26 new shows slated for the upcoming fall
    season have minorities in featured roles.

    ``This glaring omission is an outrage and a shameful display by network executives who are
    either clueless, careless or both,'' Mfume said.

    CBS President Leslie Moonves called the NAACP's concerns ``relevant and extremely
    important.'' Moonves said in a statement that 11 of the network's 19 entertainment series
    broadcast this fall would have minority characters ``in a primary role.'' Network spokesman
    Chris Ender said one new show this fall, ``Now and Again,'' a drama, would feature a black
    actor, Dennis Haysbert.


By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 12:22 pm:

    Tell me again how this indicates equality of representation on the net?
    Oh, you're still defending your blue-collar roots.
    And it looks like you're willing to sacrifice your argument to do it.
    Ok, Waffleboy. You're living from hand to mouth and deserve our sympathy. I have already conceded this point, as it seems so important to you.

    You still have a computer. Per the above article, your access to a computer has a lot to do with your race.
    And racism still exists in the distribution of the media of the day.
    Which was a large part of my point.

By Waffles on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 12:31 pm:

    Lucy, I didn't say anything about how this represents me, you are the one who assumed I am upper middle class b/c I have internet access, you are the one who made the claim that having a computer and/or internet is an indicator of income. I don';t thin kther was discussion or "representation". I am merely providing you with information that I mentioned when defending my argument having a computer is not necessarily an indicator or income, forget it Lucy.....

By Waffles on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 12:34 pm:

    "Among families earning $15,000 to $35,000, for example, more than 33 percent of whites owned computers, but only 19 percent of blacks did." -NAACP

    So Lucy you think this information here is due to a racist subplot, racist computer resellers? How is this explained?

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 01:19 pm:

    I think that this information here is due to racial inequality in the U.S.
    Inequality of computer education.
    Inequality of loan availability.
    Inequality of opportunity for computer-related jobs.

    It also has a lot to do with the fact that poor white people know middle-class white people. Segregation and connections provide an inequality of availability of below-market hardware and the sort of entry-level computer industry jobs which you credit with providing you with your computer skills. (and a computer is not much use without the skills to use it or the likelihood that it will lead to a good job, which makes a person less likely to spend limited resources on one)

    And,if you will recall, this was a discussion of racism and racial inequality before you went off on an offhand remark.

By Rhiannon on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 01:31 pm:

    Oh, just say he's the spawn of Satan and be done
    with it

By Waffles on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 01:43 pm:

    well your offhand comment is so typical of most of your arguments....i wanted to hear you back it make a lot of conclusions with nothing to back them up....

    "Inequality of computer education"-how does this happen?

    "Inequality of loan availability."-I will conceed this may be a possibility, but last time I noticed, credit card companies who solicit by phone or mail have no clue what race you are, nor do they care..but physically walking into a bank and asking for a loan is a diff story..

    "Inequality of opportunity for computer-related jobs."- How is this?

    speculating that white people have more "connections" as to why lower mid class whites have computers and their black counterparts
    don't is just silly to think of.........and last i checked in my situation, blacks had the same opportunity to obtain that compter sales job that I got as anyone else. I actually got the job by faxing my resume over for a warehouse position and they called me about a sales race was not defined on my resume so obtaining that job had nothing to do with race........Compter sales jobs ar all over the place here in SoCal....anyone with a passing interest can get a job selling hardware to retailers. I got the job b/c I knew what a mouse, keyboard and monitor was and I showed extreme drive to learn....thats it! I think if anyone who demonstrated similar qualitites could get a job, companies are desperate for sales people......on all levels....Race, sexuality or hair color have nothing to do with it. It just blows me away on how you scapegoat everything by race, sex or income......i just don't think it's black and white (no pun intended) seem to have the typical american "us vs.them" mentality that dates back to the "Manifest Destiny" concept in American history and has managed to proliferate for 200 years in the minds of Americans. I don't deny the variables you mention may have a part in the grand scheme of things....I dunno, i wasn't intending to get back into this with you, I just finally got the email back from a friend who had a copy of this press release.....I was hoping you would see having computers/internet is not necessarily due to income......whatever

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 02:01 pm:

    Okay, so how do you explain the racial inequality in computer ownership?

    Oh, and I loved the comment on the "us vs. them attitude"
    Your committment to absurdity is a tremendous benefit to the cause of racial equality.

    Rhiannon, I didn't say he was evil. I just said he was overreacting.

By Waffles on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 02:09 pm:

    I can't explain it, I think it may be more cultural

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 02:50 pm:

    Social Darwinism by any other name still stinks.

By Myra Blipworthy on Thursday, August 19, 1999 - 07:00 pm:

    Let's all go to the party.
    Let's all go to the fair.
    Let's all go the the party.
    I'll be the one with green hair.

    See ya tonite!

By agatha on Sunday, July 4, 2010 - 03:18 pm:

    This thread is awesome. I kinda miss angry Lucy.

By Antigone on Monday, July 5, 2010 - 12:29 pm:

    Yeah, too bad she didn't give me a visit...with a gun...

By Dr Pepper on Monday, July 5, 2010 - 02:48 pm:


By heather on Monday, July 5, 2010 - 05:07 pm:

    since this is drudged up, i am pointlessly going to say that i don't agree with patrick at all up there.

By Daniel on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - 11:46 am:

    Heather, how can you say that? I'm not sure what at all patrick said up there except to vehemently deny cocaine addiction based on only three uses in a couple weeks...I am not sure what Lucy said either, and frankly, i am more interested in what you said, or, er, are saying. then again,no one really gives a shit what i say either.

    1999 is a whole lifetime ago. Sarah, are you on the beach yet? tell me how it goes with two toddlers on the beach??

By patrick on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - 12:58 pm:

    holy shit. I don't either heather. and to think he was smoking
    tons of pot daily and taking pictures of his naked ex-wife and
    girlfriends every weekend he sure was uptight.

    2010 waffles response to that 1999 CNN report of then Supreme
    Court Justice William Rehnquist leading a group sing along to
    Dixie at a Bar dinner is would be something along the lines of
    'who gives a shit."

    In so many ways I was just like trace and lucy which is pretty
    fucking creepy.

By heather on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - 02:40 pm:

    1999 *is* a whole lifetime ago.

    i spent this weekend with the anorexic, substance abusing, possibly bordeline, little sister of my first boyfriend (spend is loose because she was in the hospital.) she says she drank rubbing alcohol, dr. said she had kidney damage.

    yesterday she took a train back to the boyfriend who dumped her on me when she was broken (non-responsive.)

    i told her that if she went to him before getting treatment that i would no longer be available to her (her family was waiting in michigan.)

    my thoughts afterward: the person isn't borderline, the situation is (in other words, the pathology is not in the individual but in the group.)

    but what do i know, other than i am glad i didn't marry him.

By Daniel on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - 05:19 pm:

    See, now THAT's what we mean. I am heroic too. I not sure how I convinced myself that another marriage would be a good thing, after twenty years without a marriage.

    Sorry about spending the holiday weekend the way you did, and I am glad that Patrick is back. Has anyone heard from Droopy? His absence is the longest I can recall.

    I spent the past week or so on the beach in AMI...except for three days chained to the bathroom for penance in food stuffs or something. I had not been this sick since my last (and first) bout with dysentary some 39 years ago. Avoided the beach, but voided everything else for three days.

    I'm glad you didn't marry him too. Family drama is not a good thing. I didn't marry her family, but maybe sometimes it feels like it.

By agatha on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 11:52 am:

    I don't actually agree with old Patrick either, I just didn't like the way she was talking to him. Heather, you are so interesting.

By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 12:12 pm:

    Daniel, No, haven't heard anything from, but "concerned" about his where about and his health?

By patrick on Thursday, July 8, 2010 - 02:55 pm:

    i think its pretty awesome that on flickr agatha's kid is obviously
    sporting a newly colored doo and that even more apparent (at least
    from the pics ive seen) is that she is just like mom and dad (or so it
    seems anyway) and that gives me a mixed bag of hope and
    reservation about my own girls.

By Semillama on Thursday, July 8, 2010 - 06:10 pm:

    I see that my prediction about our oppressors becoming multi-cultural seems to be coming true.

By agatha on Friday, July 9, 2010 - 01:35 am:

    Yeah, she's turning out pretty rad. She had a show the other night at our local all ages club- her and her friend Lucinda, band name: "The Old Ladies."

By platypus on Friday, July 9, 2010 - 10:12 am:

    I wish I could rock a 'do like that. Looks like you
    turned out a good 'un, Agatha!

By agatha on Friday, July 9, 2010 - 03:52 pm:

    She's been obscenely inactive for the past week plus of summer vacation, watching hours upon hours of Doctor Who and making huge messes in the house, but I suppose that's normal teen behavior. All in all, she's pretty great.