Ask Jerky The Stalking Post: Ask Jerky
By Jerky or Not on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 12:56 pm:

    "YOU WANT LIES WITH THAT?" - Yer old pal Jerky has recently become aware of a phenomenon known as Rush Rooms . Mostly found in the Midwest (one of the biggest ones is in Salt Lake City), Rush Rooms are places where like-minded dildoheads can get together on their lunch-breaks and listen to everybody's favorite quasi-fascist pig-faced hypocrite: Rush Limbaugh.
    Apparently they need to get together to listen to Rush because most normal people who listen to Rush often feel the need to correct his outrageous lies, and dildoheads don't like to have their narrow little worldviews challenged as they listen to the words of their master. While I happen to disagree with pretty much every word that dribbles through that fatuous asshole's blow-hole, and while Rush manages to bellow out lies and misinformation at such a rate that it would impress Goebbles , I'm happy that these miserable mutants have finally found a place to congregate... cuz it'll sure make things easier for the United Nations elite black-helicopter death squads, what with the enemy being all clustered together in rooms like that (just like Waco!)...

By Warhead on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 01:19 pm:

    Now I don't like this any more than you
    We do live in a democratic society and therefore Rush is entitled to his opionion and his followers to theirs.
    As for your UN helicopters, I think that you have your alignments a bit awry.
    The attack on Waco and Ruby Ridge and others are perpetrated by the US government which is denying the same freedoms that Rush and his followers have, and that you and I have, by perpetrating auditions for martial law in which all us peons lose.
    Next time a helicopter flies near a Freemen compound, I hope someome takes it out with a shoulder fired.
    As a matter of fact, I wish that some illiterate raghead that should be dead anyway, drives a truck full of dynamite into the UN, and takes out that hall of lies, deceit and hypocracy.
    There is a lot of things going on here Oh Jerky, so don't be so quick to step on Americans that are speaking their mind, right or wrong, because without them it just gets easier for those rich pig fucks in Washington to screw with all of us.

    If you want an example of an assembly of idiots to shoot, why didn't you pick Kaleed's Muhameds 800 youth march in NY.
    Would have been a gas!

By Warhead on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 01:20 pm:

    Now I don't like this any more than you
    We do live in a democratic society and therefore Rush is entitled to his opionion and his followers to theirs.
    As for your UN helicopters, I think that you have your alignments a bit awry.
    The attack on Waco and Ruby Ridge and others are perpetrated by the US government which is denying the same freedoms that Rush and his followers have, and that you and I have, by perpetrating auditions for martial law in which all us peons lose.
    Next time a helicopter flies near a Freemen compound, I hope someome takes it out with a shoulder fired.
    As a matter of fact, I wish that some illiterate raghead that should be dead anyway, drives a truck full of dynamite into the UN, and takes out that hall of lies, deceit and hypocracy.
    There is a lot of things going on here Oh Jerky, so don't be so quick to step on Americans that are speaking their mind, right or wrong, because without them it just gets easier for those rich pig fucks in Washington to screw with all of us.

    If you want an example of an assembly of idiots to shoot, why didn't you pick Kaleed's Muhameds 800 youth march in NY.
    Would have been a gas!

By Miss Massachusetts on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 01:33 pm:

    I'm glad I live in the east in a liberal state. I thought Rush was off the air. My ignorance was bliss.

By Holden on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 10:23 pm:

    Liberals, like those knee jerk commie loving atheists at the ACLU, are the ones who defend Rush's right to free speech. Yes, and your right to free speech.

    Advocating the shoot down of law enforcement helicopters and the bombing of the UN is unamerican. Criticize those institutions all you want, but expect to be hunted down like the dog you are if you actually do either. And expect to be locked up for the remainder of your sorry life.

By Gee on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 12:36 am:

    What's wrong with communists?

By Hal on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 10:28 am:

    Nothing, in theory Communism is the perfect form of goverment...

    Of course thats in theory, its a utopia, not possible as long as humans are concerned.

    NOW, if you want to see true Communism?

    ANTS try looking at ANTS, now there are some commie bastards for ya.

By J on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 10:42 am:

    Yea ,cause they are programed.

By Jinafishes on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 05:40 pm:

    Was that society in Brave New World commie?

By Lucy on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 - 04:58 pm:

    No, the purpose of Communism is to eliminate class systems.