2. Those receipts. Psychological or any other explanation, please. I've looked at every one, which probably says something about my state of mind. 3. Thanks. |
2. you're falling for his trap. 3. fuck you, you ass. |
(teeheehee) I will not laugh...again. |
we go with this?Anybody. |
The only rule here is that in any given thread, we are to automatically change the subject. NotReally-opens subject Nate-standard welcome to sorabji NotReally-addresses subject Gee-comment, but not really changing subject J-makes the bold move into changing the subject, atta girl! Antigone-comment on non-subject item. J-new subject Lawanda-downhill (or uphill depending on your mood) from here. |
RIGHT!!! |
It's really... Hm... I, uh... Yah. |
Jerry knows I like David Lee. He tells me David Lee poems are best heard live, because of the tone and body movement David Lee puts into his readings. We both know it's a long shot David Lee will ever come to Toronto, but Jerry gets to see him a lot since he lives in Utah. So Jerry went and bought me a David Lee book, and had it signed (my name and Everything!) and taped some readings off of his David Lee CD, and sent it all to me without telling me and I got it today, on a Saturday, when mail isn't supposed to be delivered. I never would have even noticed it, if we hadn't ordered a pizza. A surprise on top of a surprise. I think this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I wish he were here right now so I could hug him and gush. Happy Lawanda? Subject change. =o) |
I went to a page the other day that is suppose to show every thing about you, anyway it gave me these addresses: all from my fetidbeaver address at different times of the day. What gives? Doesn't (shouldn't) it stay the same???? |
http://priv acy.net/anonymizer/ |
My second favorite one is about a young girl who's always crying. A friend of mine loaned me the David Lee CD too, but he was reading other peoples' poetry on it, so I gave it back. Jerry Lee... he married his 14 year-old cousin and then drowned her, right? |
> http://privacy.net/anonymizer/ Nothing unexpected, really. What I'd like to know is how much of that information is actually available to the server. A good bit of it is embedded in the web page so that it only displays if a particular feature is active; thus, you see the answer, but for some of this, their server doesn't. Of cours, the source machine and HTTP handshaking information is always available to the remote server. The anonymizer.com address is nice, especially if you're from China and certain sites are banned... |
Nobody writes poems about pigs like David Lee. |
"This is home, this is mean street. This is home, the only one I know." Wow. |
as difficult as it could be, for someone of my "persuation," I would like to raise a little one. |
I fractured/dislocated my wrist a few saturdays back. I have two screws sticking out of my wrist now. I will post pictures/x-rays as soon as they're available. anyone interested? |
did I say that ok, Simon? |
More like, "Too many stupid people are having babies that they have no business bringing into the world." |
of course, some form of eugenics (and it won't be called that) is going to have to start happening sooner or later, unless we get off the planet in a realistic manner. In one of David Brin's books (the one i just finished), one of the rules of galactic civilization is no overbreeding because it plays hell with ecosystem and can wipe out valuable presentient species. So, any sapient race that practices unrestrained breeding is wiped out, made extinct. Pretty tough penalty. |
seriously, she told me that as well when i was 18 and walking out the door to college... |
whats that word? full of themselves? I can never understand that. It just disgusts me. God, I feel sick. Blah blah fucking blah. That's all I hear when I hear them you know? LOL. Oh well. She is so fucking lame. Complain, complain... complain Gotta go now I guess. She is complaining But now she is trying to read over my shoulder so I will explain all later. Ciao |
The car was found a few miles away at a construction site. The children both shot in the chest. The 2 year old boy was dead on the scene. The 3 year old girl died the next day. The father then confessed to the murder. His lawyers now say authorities coaxed the confession out of him. When the fuck will this shit end? |
if anyone here ever tries to write cute little notes to someone in french, please remember that "tu me manques" means "you miss me" instead of "I miss you," which is what you probably mean. please remember not to make this mistake 40 email messages in a row, because the recipient might stop thinking your dyslexia or whatever is endearing, especially if that person does not especially miss you and wishes you would stop all that merde altogether. merci. |
I have a friend who's a god person. I mean dog person. she likes all that unconditional, unmeaning love. except she never took the goddamn dog for a walk. she was afraid to clip its nails because they were black and she couldn't see the quick. I told her that if you walk a dog as much as you are supposed to, then the pavement wears away the excess nail. that wretched half-wolf had the longest nails ever. he would jump up on you and get you dirty and tear your clothes. I babysat for her husband's kids and the dog once, and the mailman came and the stupid fucking dog jumped through the fucking screen door and threatened the mailman. I ran out there, afraid of the growling shitty beast, but I grabbed its collar, hoping it wouldn't kill me. I weigh like 170 pounds, and it dragged me across the fucking lawn. the mailman yelled at me -- "you otta be glad I had my hands full or I woulda maced that dog!" like I fucking care. she's one of those people who wanted a man who didn't love her to stay with her anyway. of course, she wanted him to love her, but she thought she could change him to make that happen. or something. two years and one food-stamp baby and one alcoholic wal-mart stripper later, she finally realized she couldn't. and she took the dog to the pound where he bit someone so she knew he'd get the gas instead of a new loving family. |
he told me how he was going to drink his troubles away, but apparently that didn't work, because he wrote to me again, saying that he decided to lay low for a month, throw out all his porno mags so he could properly obsess on her alone, and then resume the chase in a month or so. he only likes perfectly beautiful teenage girls. occasionally he'll find one who'll fuck him because he's rich, but apparently she ain't one of them. give up! find a new one! that's what I think. if you want to be miserable, that's fine. but why try to make others miserable too? why did that poor young girl ever do that she needs to continually fend off some lecherous guy 15 years older than she is? note to everyone: give up. this isn't the fucking movies. you don't deserve the starlet. he's clearly not your happy ending. and please keep me out of it beacuse this is what I will say. |
keep me out of it, too. |
trade in kind and we have a deal. |
thanks for playing. |
topic for swine: dalmatians |
cunnilingus. i'll get around to typing up the story that vaguely has to do with dalmations sometime in the next couple days. it's pretty long and pointless. |
well, unless it's about you performing it on some other woman. that could be interesting. if that's not in your realm of experience, let's hear a story about guns. and drugs. and randy lesbian chicks with guns and drugs. yeah. anyway. it's either that or "bugs". |
a friend of mine has a dalmatian. it's hyperactive and neurotic. anybody who can write an interesting story about dalamtians is a better man than i am. |
and I'm going to try to take my pathological self-obsession off the boards for a little while just for you, buddy, so post it soon. lesbians and guns and drugs and cunnilingus. or bugs. I've been away and this is hard and my computer isn't set up yet -- give me a bit more time. |
i'm sure folks get all sorts of vacuous, vicarious, and/or vital fulfillment from your pathological self-obsession. i was about to sit down and bang out the little dalmation story, but i'm far beer-frazzled and apathetic to give a shit. i'm not a big fan of long and pointless stories. the ninth month of the triple-nine has hit me with way too many 10-year anniversary "what are you up to" voicemails. bachelor-party invites following-up wedding invitations i've already thrown out, childhood friends wanting to talk about our delinquent glory days, alumni organizers looking for blip info and new photos to stick next to old yearbook pictures. i think i'm gonna blow off the thing with the transvestite hanging out near the savoy who had the puppy dalmation in favor of one of the old delinquency stories. they're on my mind anyway. and besides, the most interesting thing about the dalmation story was how the transvestite chased me down the street screaming "FAGGOT! FAGGOT!". he nearly strangled that poor little puppy on the leash. and all for bullshit. all i did was ask him if those tits were real and if he was one of those mid-op freaks. times square transvestites are scary. and way too sensitive. sometimes its better to just mind your own damn business and go the fuck home. anyway, it's late. i'm gonna go crash out. |
Although I can only imagine it as a half page panel in a black and white comic book for some reason. |
there's way too much of that going on these days. |
But now that you mention it, I did see this darling little 3/4 length peasant skirt at Penney's that would really accentuate my long legs... |
I think I've come to the point where everything I say is something I've already said. I hate when that happens. And still I'm compelled to speak... |
I'm drunk now but I don't thnk I could think of any armed lesbian stories anyway. you know what the northwest is like. the lesbians here are into gardening and hummous. and I've never stuck my face in another woman's crotch. today I went to the beach with a bisexual pregnant woman who took all her clothes off, but I didn't even ask to touch her belly. we ate feta cheese spread and overpriced bread, and I told her she had the ass I'd always wanted, but that's it. |
shit. and i thought there weren't any normal people here. god knows i'm tragically fucked-up. and quickly becoming tragically sober. i'm all out of beer and have had to settle for sprite. i can't drink the water cuz floyd has tainted the resevoir with whatever biohazards that flood waters bring. no way in hell i'm bothering to boil the crap out of the tap for 3 minutes just to rehydrate myself. there used to be a couple lesbians that hung outside of that bar on... shit... i think it was the corner that's one block up off of capital hill's broadway on pike... i know there was a gas station on the broadway side with a recently opened QFC cata-corner from it. i think dave or agatha said it was the "rose bar" or something like that, but my memory tells me that the "rose bar" was a hangout for a much more mellow lesbian crowd... hell, i dunno. anyway. they'd yell all sorts of shit my way and threaten to beat the shit out of me whenever i walked by. "I'LL KICK YOUR ASS YOU BIG LIMP-DICKED SHIT-EATER!" i'm probably exagerrating. it probably only happenned four or five times, but i remember taking john and tracy over there to prove the point. they thought it had to do with my "new york swagger", but i don't think i walk much differently than anyone else. and i usually have a pretty strict policy of minding my own damn business... for whatever reason, i seem to induce fear and loathing in certain people on the lunatic fringe of the sexual minority group. those chicks were always brawny white wymyn with attitude (BWWWA. get in touch with ice cube and cut a record deal. bet they'd blow up bigger than melissa ethridge on steroids) and i'm pretty certain i never even asked them if their tits were real. go figure. anyway, fuck it. i gotta crash out before the sun rises and burns my vampire ass into slithering dust. |
oh yeah, I forgot that the lesbians up there are a little more aggressive than here in portland. a friend told me about how some mean-spirited old lesbians he used to know would go to the wild rose and pick up nubile naive "bicurious" girls and take them home and fist them. or so he said. I got really fucked up last night on two pints. I was taken to this tavern where "ladies" could buy any beer for a buck. so I got two pints of some fancy microbrew. apparently this is the normal saturday night special. I'll have to take some wymmyn friends there sometime. |
next time i'm back there i'm going to make a point of stopping by that place and asking her if she has implants. |
For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words. This means both of you. |
that's a crock of shit. |
"Attention, Meddling Capitalist Running-Dog Embassy Bombers: Stop worrying about what we may do to Taiwan and start worrying about what we may do to LA." |
cuts out all those annoying trips to the pisser when he's trying to kick back and guzzle a case of longnecks in peace. i saw this comedian the other night that cracked me the hell up. "so you're planning yo go to L.A.? i'll tell ya what: 1. go get yourself a pencil. 2. take that pencil and sharpen it up. sharpen it up real good. 3. now take that sharpened pencil and JAM IT IN YOUR FUCKING EYE. why? because the time you spend sitting in the emergency room with a pencil skewered in your eyeball, writhing in pain and wondering what it's gonna be like to go through the rest of your life blind and disfigured WILL BEAT THE HELL OUT OF ANY TIME YOU'LL SPEND *ANYWHERE* IN FUCKING LOS ANGELES." |
if you're reading this and you remember, tell your roommate not to try to pump his own gas in oregon. the stations are all "mini-serve" here. that's why prices are so high. he may want to fill his tank in yreka. oregon is weird. there's no sales tax, either. |
blah blah friendly blah blah blah date blah blah big guy blah blah blah blah. . .blah blah blah butt stretching blah blah blah my house. nah, you're not my type. |
Hot glazed!! <<snif>> |
The best donuts in the world are "Tim Horton's" which are primarily in Canada. Pity |
Kirspy kreme is da bomb. we had a 24 hour joint by our house in raleigh. around 4 am, you could smell them 2 blocks away. although they have gotten smaller over the years. What up with that? and la ironically does have alot of donut places.... |
Tim Horton's headquarters is in Oakville, Ontario. Neighbouring city Burlington (pop. 275,000) has 26 Tim Horton's franchises at last count. When a gasoline service station closes business....a donut shop moves in..... they are virtually on every corner. Cinnamon covered sour cream donut ..and a cup of piping hot coffee (black) on an early morning commute....makes the time fly by. |
this could be pure crap. but what the fuck. |
my favorite place was the 24-hour westernco a block from my house in seattle. my favorite poster was "french cruellers - so delicate and festive!" I also liked the teen dream vietnamese beauty queen calendar. and the regular who always smelled like a public restroom. |
fetidbeaver, lay off friendly or i will ram my fist up another hole. i mean it. |
But Tim Horton's itself is not just a "donut shop". They're a Canadian institution. Every Canadian at some point in their lives will spend an afternoon hanging out by the window of a Tim's drinking coffee and fighting over who gets the last TimBit. Personally, though, I prefer their cake. MmmMmmMmm!! |
"SOME people prefer cupcakes. I myself care less for them." |
by the way , i noticed yesterday while walking during lunch, that tthey have opened up a waffle stand 2 blocks from work. called Wowie Waffles. I think i'm gonna like it there. |
So anyway now I really want to go to a Tim Horton's. They had a meeting in the room next to mine on Mon. and there were leftover donuts from Dunkin's (a brit owned chain - surprising, no?) and I tried to just eat a lil' bite but had most of a chocolate glazed. I am much more for the solid donuts myself, not the jelly or creme filled - they just seem too sweet. Maybe if I drank my coffee black it would help. Dunkin does have great coffee tho, better than Starbucks and at half the price. BTW I'm sure no one else heard about this but about a year ago a woman in Southern NH brought suit against Dunkin saying that she had recieved a batch of munchkins which were glazed together to appear like a penis and balls. Regardless of whether this was the case, the best part was she went on and on about how it was such an unbelievably personally embarassing moment for her (she brought them to work and everyone saw! ew!) yet was bringing suit (talk about public) AND she didn't just break up the donut-phallus, she saved it, brought it home, and called her beau (both in their early 50's) to come over and see it (kinky?) and they called the COPS to deal with it. I mean, how old are these people? Grow up! Never seen a donut penis before? If not you simply haven't lived! |
pf any ideas, or just hit the electronic shops or pawn shops. yellow pages. Check out these high priced New Items. http://www.tascam.com ? |
tomorrow!!check this out http://www.sp innwebe.com/dfc |
off to check the DFC, j has intrigued me. |
you could always try http://www.ebay.com i haven't seen one of those machines since the early 80's. pawnshops are a good place to look, too. i'll let you know i see any in the city. |
Not sure about the hosers's favourite kind of donut but I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't from Tim's. You will notice the quality first attitude in the shop.....a pot of coffee, if not used up within 20 minutes of being brewed, is dumped and a fresh pot brewed. Donuts not sold within 4 hours of being cooked get bundled and are sent off to Food banks and the Salvation Army. Sem...you are about to visit one of the most beautiful cities of Canada.....ENJOY!!!!!!! |
If Gee or I went there we would be charged about $200 Canadian...you must of got a conference rate. btw...Quebec City in January is not ideal for walking...outdoors anyways. |
Not the donut. |
I would love to go to Quebec. I have some friends there and they were begging me to come not so long ago. They said I could stay with them, and a train ticket would be chicken feed. I don't know why I don't just say yes. Maybe if I go to the hilton with a huge crowd of people they'll let me stay for 60 bucks a night too. |
i don't snore. Of course, I will be running around the hotel all day, and around Quebec all night. Of course, I haven't gotten around to registering, since the society hasen't sent me any info yet and the webpage hasn't been updated in a while. I think I will just make the reservations and get the plane tickets this week and worry about conference registration a bit later. |
I guess it did. |
are you going to Quebec City, or another city in the province of Quebec? |
Cause I don't anymore. |
little monkey things with blowyou mouths. what will they think of next? |
What happened to the BBS link from SORABJI.COM? I had to come in a very round about way to get here. |
what's up v.v. with your obsession with money AND witchcraft? |
the guy cracks me up. and scares me shitless. |
Ain't we all a little scary, in our own way? |
I'm just a small cog in the wheels of government. However, I can be scary. After all I really can say the scariest phrase in the english language: "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you." |
"are you into WITCHCRAFT?like ME?" *giggle* cute. n creepy. |
he must have been in Skull & Bones |
i love these old, revived threads where i get to re-read old battles. i spanked me some fetidbeaver up there. i know he's supposedly dead and shit but that guy is/was an asshole. |
Here's why I love J: She was a fucking beaution for the love of God. ? |
cross your fingers for me and my dream of a job which pays less than $8 an hour! |
What's indigo? |
indigo.ca |
I think Indigo would be a nice place to work. Whenever i need a joe job i always apply at Chapters. The seem pretty laid back. It's not always pay that's important. I only make $8/h now. It's the benefits, yo. |
I start tomorow. yay for 14 hour days! |