I made a truly bizzare find the other day... What help's make the final product of Cheez-Whiz cheddar cheese sauce that comes jarred??? ANCHOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked on the label of the next brand. Same fucking thing--anchovies. I don't get, but I don't have to get it. The anchovies were listed under the heading, my fav: "Contains less than 2% of the following:" The 'chovies were listed just before 'gravel' and after 'hog scrotum'...might as well have. So if you are duly scared of what crap is in your food or just curious, read the labels, people. |
1. won't harm 2. taste good other than that, i don't give a fuck. |
i love hotdogs. the FDA sets maximums for insects in foods. For example, to call it flour it can have a maximum of 0.14% spiders, or something. if you don't want to eat a bug, you're fucked. so you might as well enjoy your fig newton. |
that cheese was strange. |
Now Taco Bell can really save some money and just let the meat set out a bit. We eat an average of 8 spireds a year while sleeping. I wnat to know who measured this. What kind of dumbass spider just wanders into a sleeping being's mouth anyway? Sowbugs (roly-polys) are actually crustaceans, it would be like Red Lobster. |
Really, don't joke about this. One of my greatest fears is of insects crawling into my ears while I'm sleeping. I don't want to be cursing you in the middle of the night for making me even more paranoid. |
It crawls into your ear while you sleep and then eats your brain, making you die a prolonged, insane death. The protagonist in the movie was lying in a hospital bed near the end of the film, and the doctor gives him the old good-news/bad-news shpiel. The good news was that the bug passed completely thru and exited the other ear. The bad news was, it laid eggs inside his skull. Sleep tight, Rhiannon. |
You evidently did not see that link I posted, the one about my namesake being the Queen of Hell and Oblivion. We'll see who sleeps tight tonight, won't we? |
It crawls toward your brain You've got an earwhig The fashionable pain! That's a Philly band, btw. |
Why, its corn, of course! Cheese is listed fifth, after enriched corn meal, vegetable oil, whey and salt. Dangerously cheesy my foot. |
the newest horrible food marketing idea has got to be goghurt, in my opinion. even the name makes me shudder. |
not an asshole in the bunch. but i think that eating pig-butt is a crucial part of the whole hot-dog experience. real americans dig ass. strawberries and cool whip used to be a big favorite of my senior year girlfriend in college. i was really into it too until i got stoned one night and started reading the back of the bucket. i think i got to my third 10 syllable ingredient that was filled "x" "y" and "z"'s when i decided that the stuff was one of those by-products of some government experiment that somebody decided has consumer value. kind of like play-doh, only sweeter. "no sir, the cold fusion project failed-- but this shit sure does taste good on strawberries..." anyway. i'm going back to sleep. |
As for the swallowing 8 spider's thing while we're sleeping, my friend Tommy says: "Because what they did, was roughly guesstimate the number of spiders in the world, divide that by the number of people, divide that by three, take that number, divide it by quadrants of the body, times 70. Or something like that..it gets mixed up later on in the calculation, but it's a mathmateical joke. Ha. Funny, ain't it?" me: "but how do you know it's not true? Couldn't a spider crawl into your mouth while you're sleeping and you swallow it?" Tommy: "Because, simply it assumes we sleep with our mouth open. All of us. Now I'm sure you do, which explains that huge snoring, but I don't. Unless I have a stuffed up nose." Tommy: "It's a mathmatical theorem. It's based on the number of spiders, estimated, the number of humans, the amount of time they spend asleep a day (the humans) and how much sleep time they get a year every year of their life. And the odds of a spider being on a certain part of their body." I think that means it's not true. |
Well, if you heard what goes into concentrated orange juice, toothpaste, non-dairy creamer, margarine, etc. you'd never eat processed foods again. Vile stuff. VILE. |
Earwigs are a different story, though. The defense against them is to sleep on your side with one pillow over your head and one under. If you toss a lot in your sleep, you need to secure them in place using a belt or a bungee cord. |
I've never seen a lightning bug... |
I guess a ladybug is a type of beetle. |
majikal. |
mushrooms can contain up to four maggots and up to 99 insect fragments are allowed in one 35g packet of curry powder. There is no health harm though. Why are the allowed amounts so high? This really falls into the category of unexpected consequences. Because people started to blame pesticides for every evil that befalls one's health, the FDA, responding to the pressure from these groups to do away with pesticide use, will not permit growers to use much pesticide to get rid of the insects. Insects, spiders and maggots cannot be removed through any other known method. So the unexpected result of stopping the use of pesticides, has been insects, maggots and spiders in the food supply. Bon Appetite!" |
As for bugs, Leviticus 11:22 sets out that only insects that have "knees above their feet" or some such wording....that would be crickets, grasshoppers, katydids and locusts....are allowed by commandment of G-D to be eaten, under the kashrut, or kosher laws. |
or: www.ent.iastate.edu/misc/insectsasfood.html if the "worthless server" can't get you there |
http://www.angelfire.com/or/SumthinElse/index.html |