free, free, free at last! The Stalking Post: free, free, free at last!
By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 12:36 am:

    I am now free of my girlfriend of the last year and a half. Thank god!!!!!!! I thought it would never end.

    I'm okay with it, only because I have been waiting a year for it to happen. Yessssss.

By MoonUnit on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 12:38 am:

    okay. so you procrastinate a lot then hmmmm?

    *G* congrats. And have a drink on me.

    Oh go on then have a couple

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 12:51 am:

    I'm already there...just one step ahead:)

By Fetidbeaver on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 01:25 am:

    What did you do with the body?

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 01:50 am:

    sssshhh, dammit!

    Dammit, Beave, I was coming clean on this. All of this work and I get body jokes.

By Fetidbeaver on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 01:52 am:


By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 01:54 am:

    is kinda funny...


By Gee on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 02:51 am: memory is all screwy sometimes, so if this isn't you then just say so, but...weren't you the same guy who was all upset cuz his girlfriend was going away to school?

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 07:20 am:

    No, I wasn't upset that she was going to school. I was pissed off that she was still seeing her exfiance and living with him again for 3 months before school( to save $$$ for school, she said ). She saw nothing wrong with what she did to me, yet admits she would have dumped me long if the roles were reversed. Imagine that!

    Whatta cunt.

By Cyst on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 09:03 am:

    she lived with him?

    that's great that you were able to see that that wasn't right.

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 09:13 am:

    She's just sooo lost in denial. She's pissed that I was pointing fingers at her all the time. Uh, if you're screwin' me I can blame all I want. She'll never get it, what it takes to commit to someone. Fuck it, I've said too much.

By Simon on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 09:37 am:

    You should give Antigone her phone number.

By J on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 12:44 pm:

    I,ll call her and thank her,I,ll tell her your the best I ever had,Pink,think about it.

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 01:24 pm:

    Aw shit, J, you're so sweet!

By Gee on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 02:49 pm:

    You leave Antigone alone, Simon. He's just doing what he thinks is best.

    Pink - you seemed so broken up about it in the other you're all "what a cunt!" releaved and happy and you've been waiting for it for ever and ever. What a switch.

By J on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 06:30 pm:

    Pink,post it I,ll call her tomorrow,s/o has been home all day,he just ran to the store.It,s 3:30p.m.,right now in AZ,tell me when is a good time to call her.

By Semillama on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 06:50 pm:

    j you are nucking futs.

    thank the gods you're on our side.

    now go out there and kick some ass.

By Pink on Monday, September 20, 1999 - 10:58 pm:

    Well, Gee, I could only take so much over a year and a half. I always fought with myself on the issue of her letting go of him. Banging my head repeatedly. Always thought she come around. But the finality of it told me she'd never see what she did to me was wrong. That's where I draw my comfort, knowing she couldn't ever change at this point. Yes, I'm relieved it's over...that doesn't mean I have quit hurting.

By MoonIt on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 12:49 am:

    I've got a bandaid...

    hehe sorry couldnt resist.

    Hey J, have you got any sweet revenge ideas that Jules and I can use on an ex-friend?

By Pink on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 03:25 am:

    hehe sorry fuck off!

By J on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 10:35 am:

By J on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 12:54 pm:

    Shit,let me try this again,this is my favorite.
    ,plus you could visit that sex site on
    the payphone project home page an post something
    really vile using you "friends" e-mail address,and
    make a certain person that wants a new piano some
    money too.

By The Dinner Lady on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 - 01:38 pm:

    Congratulations Pink. She sounds stinky and you will be a million billion times better off without her. Still, revenge is sweet.... As I often say about my ex 'His life without me in it is punishment enough'.

By Semillama on Thursday, September 23, 1999 - 06:08 pm:

    or as the Muldoons sing: I'm Happy I'll never hear your voice again, and sad that you'll never hear mine again." and: "And when we meet again, I'll wish that we had never met again"

    or: "I wish that I was surrounded by my friends so that I could wish I was alone."

By Iceman on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 11:17 am:

    Alguem quer tc?????????(*_*

By V on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 - 06:05 pm:

    ...well... v dont have a problem with his ex,fact is I dont have a problem with anyone,just wish we we could all meet up in a big party.