When RC pops in, she needs to start here!!!!!

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: When RC pops in, she needs to start here!!!!!
By Patrick formerly known as waffles on Tuesday, October 26, 1999 - 05:14 pm:

    I figured everyone missed RC as I do, so I thought we could keep a running thread of messages to her, for her or about her or anything else you wanna say,

    i'll start by saying..........

    loose the aol........!!!!!! we miss you ! stop letting those fuckers sensor what you see!!!!

By Semillama on Wednesday, October 27, 1999 - 06:55 pm:

    Yeah, R.C., support your local ISP! Minw kicks MSN's candy ass!

    what are you doing? How many times? and then what?

By Patrick on Wednesday, October 27, 1999 - 07:19 pm:

    thanks sem, no one else gave a shit, you see whats going on around here RC, we need your tough love

By Pamela on Friday, October 29, 1999 - 02:15 am:

    I miss RC too...

    RC, get NETZERO! It is a free ISP. I have AOL too, and when I couldn't get on the boards anymore, I downloaded NetZero. It (obviously) works with sorabji.com

    You can get if from www.netzero.net

    Patrick, have you lost the Waffles name for good? If you have RC's email address, tell her about NetZero. She will definately be able to post on the boards with it.

    Did you miss me? Notice I was gone? (sulking)

    Okay, I feel better now.

By Pamela on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - 01:02 am:



By Lucy Fucking Phurre on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - 11:35 am:

    You're fucking here.
    And I, for one, am fucking happy to see you back.
    It is damned good to hear from you.

By Fucking patrick on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - 11:42 am:

    the god damn waffles is gone mutha fucka! SHIYAT!


    what is netzero, i have been hearing about that. A new ISP?

By Agatha on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - 01:16 pm:

By Lozz on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 09:27 am:

    I am really concerned about all u ppl in here, call me thick but what the fuck r u all talking about? is it b/c i'm in england that i don't have a clue what the 'dead person and logs' notice board is about?
    can some1 leave a message for me that i will actually understand-preferably a male!

By semillama on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 11:53 pm:

    We can't tell you if you don't already know. English people (ie BAgpuss) have not had previous problems understanding these boards, so ut nhe wev't cola watusi, it's your own dawn faludi.

By Pamela on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 01:46 am:


    It is good to hear from you too.

    I hope all is going well down in Mnt. View... I was born there, just thought I'd share that with you. I must go to sleep now. My brain is almost fried, and I have to go to work early early in the morning.

By RC on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 03:34 am:

    RC will download NetZero forthwith (providing her hardrive has enuf memory to hold it. SHe's overdue for an upgrade.) She is pleased to know that she's been missed.:)

    But r u sure this NertZero is FREE? How can an ISP be free? In America? AIR is barely still free in Amerikkka. And if you want clean air/you have to be able to afford to live in the pristine, pricey undeveloped hinterlands... puleeze -- don't get me started!

    I dunno whazzup w/this place -- even using MSIE I can't always access the boards. I've emailed Himself a bunch of times/but Mark just igs me. Just now/when I checked the New Messages server, it said a msg. was posted at 2:38 or something -- less than an hour ago. But when I clicked on New Msgs. From the Last 3 hrs./the screen came up saying Zero New Msgs. Posted??? Then I clicked New Msgs. in the Last 24 Hrs. & it took me here. (We'll see if I actually manage to post this...)

    Where the hell is Margret? I know she moved back w/her Ma/but she never answered my emails.

    And how's Natorious? I still have the occasional
    erotic dream abt him. Some itches you just can't scratch...)

    Agatha, how are ya!? And Chloe & Dave? Didja find yr dream job yet?

    What's PJ up to? And you too, Waffles?

    Who's Pamela? Did you become a regular in my absence?

    And Sem -- WHERE'S MY DAMN CD, MAN? Are you waiting til the video breaks before you send me my copy!? The whole point was for me to be oh-so-hip to yr band BEFORE MTV gets a hold of you guys!

    [Speaking of which/I am mad abt some new band called Trane. That "Meet Virginia" cut makes my nite every time I hear it. Every so often/a band comes along w/musicians than really understand how to tell a story w/a song & they manage to redeem pop music for me...

    "Her father wrestles alligators,
    & her mother workds on carburators (sp?)..."

    How can you not love lyrics like that?
    How come nobody ever wrote a song abt ME when I was waiting tables...?]

    Anyway -- y'all behave/or you gets nothing but coal in yr stockings for Xmas! Speaking of which/check out what yours truly is treating herself to:

    Oh wait -- AOL is fucking up again/can't get any pages to load. I'll try to post a link to it later.

    Tell Swine I still adore him & hope is nephew is getting fat & sassy. Did he ever make good on his expatration threat?

    And RC's correct email address is:

    radical.consequences@coolmail.net (they offer free mail forwarding, too)

    If this post goes thru/I'll be back...

By RC on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 03:35 am:

    Whoops -- coolmail is a .com -- not a .net

By R.C. on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 04:46 am:

    So Pamela... I downloaded NetZero & tried to install it. But it told me I have to install Dial Up Networking 1st??? What IS that???!!!

    See -- THIS is why I stick w/AOL! Yeah/they're expensive & Sorabjiland's server doesn't like AOL's broswer. Or MSIE's/most of the time. (I'm on MSIE now. And just now/I got a screen saying I needed a password in order to start a new thread... Accckk!) But AOL is easy enuf for even web cretins like me to use. My Mom recently switched from AOL to MCI WorldNet -- I think it uses Netscape. And it SUCKS! (And Mom's a total computer newbie/poor thing...) You have to open up MS Outlook in order to access email. And the mail doesn't load automatically -- AFTER I'd checked & seen that all her mail was old stuff/ when I went to close Outlook/it then proceeded to download all her new incoming email!

    Who needs such hassles?

    Pamela -- Pls. email me as to whatthefuck one must do to get this NetZero software up & running.

    I am out of smokes/so I must go to bed now.

By R.C. on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 05:12 am:

    Yeaaaah! I found a forgotten pk. of smokes in the frige! So now I can stay up! (I so looovvvveeee working nites again!)

    Anyway/I am now downloading the Help file for this NetZero thing. But I fear I will not have enuf memory/or enuf know-how/do pull off this Dial Up Networking business. (Is that what the geeks mean by 'Bring yr own access?' So this NetZone thing means I can get online w/out using AOL atall?) If they even have an explaination of it in their seemingly-endless Help file download.

    Oh, here's a picture of what yours truly is byuing herself for Xmas (if I can remember how to do links):

    Orion Bench

    (And that's not the correct price. The actual price inc. shipping was only $379. Which is a bargain/considering the workmanship & what I've seen similar pieces go for. But delivery takes 6-10 wks/so I won't have it til prolly Februrary.
    :( But still -- isn't it a great piece?

By Jim aka Pajama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 07:27 am:

    Welcome back R.C.! Nothing new with the ol' PajamaBoy, cept I'm not known as just plain ol, Jim aka Pajama^. I've made that change in other venues, so I thought for clarity purposes, I would do the same here.

    I did meet a most interesting little fella at the leather bar in D.C. called the Eagle, Sunday night. Chatted with him oh so briefly, before he had to go. So, I have placed a "glances" ad in the local gay paper for this Friday which says something like this:

    "Eagle, Sunday, 11/28 - you: kinda short, thin, short hair, wearing shorts. me: a tad taller, beefy, black sweatshirt, beige khaki's, short hair, annoyed with the "friends" that were with me. I said goodbye just before you got in your cab around 1am. How about a movie sometime?"

    So that in a nutshell, is what's up with me. Work is MAD BUSY right now, and will be til 12/17. I am, however, taking this Friday off for a sanity check. :-) That being said, though, I did recently get an award of achievment at work, which included a very nice placque and a "Pinky and the Brain" wrist watch I've been dying to have for ages, and which costs $70. So, I can't really complain.

    How's Six? Sandra says hello, rather, "raaaay-UHL" I know. My cat doesn't say "meow." She says, "raaaayUHL."

    Cool bench, btw.

By Cyst on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 07:42 am:

    hey pj if you're ever hanging out at the eagle and meet a tall, cute national gay and lesbian task force guy from portland/seattle and want to get to know him better, tell him you know me. that discussion should last most of a pint.

By Jim aka Pajama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 07:52 am:

    well now, Cyst... LOL... I'm quite the shy type, so the fact I even placed that ad, is quite staggering.

    I would need to see a picture of your friend, so I can walk up to him and know it's him, and not go around asking every tall cute handsome guy if he knows a Cyst in portland/seattle. LOL But thanks for the tip. ;-)

By J on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 11:35 am:

    Christmas has come early,glad to see you are back,how are you doing,what have you been doing,who you been doing?:) Jimbo,my friend Barry has been getting all kinds of action on the internet,it scares me cause somewhere I saw that 3 men had been murdered this way,but it seems to work for Barry(I,m not supposed to know about this)but Bruce told me.

By Patrick on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 12:23 pm:


    its RC


    well, i am now known as patrick, i gave up the waffles handle, it wore thin..........

    still the sam schmuck, just using my real name.............somebody help her out .......get her up and running....

By R.C on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 05:25 pm:

    TRULY -- becuz once again today/I cdn't access the boards at home (I'm at work now -- sshhhh!)

By Jim aka Pajama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 07:54 pm:

    hey J... thx for the concern. I are very careful. And it's not like I'm meeting this guy on the internet (not that I haven't before)... but anyway... thx :)

By semillama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 08:19 pm:

    RC -We missed you fierce! Send me an address so I can send you a disc! There are a few left. I would've sent one to everyone, but I have a thng against shameless self-promotion. I have no qulams about promoting my friends' bands, but mine -no way! Not that I am in one any more. Fear not - Once I figure out my car situation, I am going to see if I can't wrangle up a few reggae musicians in this corner of the world - I have an open invite to play a reggae festival next labor Day.

    Ps, Wisconsin Still sucks.

    pps, My cat says, wau-oooo, wi-ow wi-ow!

By R.C. on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 09:08 pm:

    TOLD YA Wisconsin wd suck! You're prolly snowed in there already. And you can't dig for fossils when the ground's frozen. So what will you do from now til May?

    I'm at work, so I don't think I can e-mail ya from here (I'm not in the office email system yet.) But e-mail me/in case I don't still have yr email address & I can't get back into the boards tonite.

    You can look for me on the Drunken Ramblings board later/after 2 a.m. or so. IF I can get in to post.

    Oh, the joy of working nites & bar hopping again!

By Me... on Saturday, December 4, 1999 - 04:58 pm:

    hi, R.C. !!! i wondered where you were......i do that too-the sneaking onto sarabji at work........ sometimes they detach my computer from the internet and make me really work.........anyway, welcome back........merry christmas !!

By Pamela on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:05 am:

    Sorry R.C. I have not been online lately. My husband and I are in the process of buying a house and I have not had any time to do anything. I will email you about NetZero if you still need some info about it. Sorry it took so long.

    Also, Trane isn't really a new band. I also LOVE that "Meet Virginia" song. It rocks. But Trane has been around for a while. I have been following them for several years. One of the local radio stations in the Bay Area, CA pushed them onto the radio waves and gave them lots of air time. Good thing they did b/c Trane has a great sound. It grooves... = )

By RC on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 02:31 am:

    Damn it's funny to look back & read those posts! From 1999, no less. Man, I've been haunting this asylum for a longass time...

    And I did finally drop AOL. Got a little ISP called GBRonline. $9.95/month. Available nationwide.

    I am still a dial-up girl though. I may look into getting a cable connection when I move at the end of the month. At least I can keep the same ISP.

    And I have a 2nd cat now -- Sebastian. I felt Six should have a cat of her own. And of course, her little brother pesters her no end!

    - RC

By dave. on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 02:48 am:

    we got five years, stuck on my eyes
    five years, what a surprise
    we got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    five years, that's all we got