A Y2K Advisory from R.C. for AOLers/and any others who might care (cd I have waited a moment longer?)

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: A Y2K Advisory from R.C. for AOLers/and any others who might care (cd I have waited a moment longer?)
By R.C. on Thursday, December 30, 1999 - 05:38 am:

    [If this post actually goes thru/despite the fact that I am outside of my usual Sorabji Cosmic Confluence Window while also running also Real Audio -- which I am not --then you'll see that what follows is actually worth something.]

    (For those who might care/I am presently grooving to Joni Mitchell's 'Turbulent Indigo' (which is sounding just too sweet right now! If all goes well/I might even post some lyrics for the uninitiated) as I explore these new realms my recent download has opened up.)

    So anyway... I've been putting in 10 hrs. days all this week becuz work is thick & o.t. is plentiful w/all the year end A/R shit & the 500+ communications towers they bought from Motorola. But my favortie bartendress at my only local watering hole only works on Wed. & Sat. And I rarely go out to a bar on Sat. nites unless I've caught a 10:00 movie. But I stopped in tonite & ran into a tech-savvy bar-bud of mine/who advised me that if I hadn't already done so/I shd hightail my ass to


    (with major bandwidth/so there are no download access problems) & get myself updated. Becuz/according to my pal/Mr. Bill hasn't informed the public that the WINSOCK files in Win 95 (which allow yr computer to communicate w/yr ISP so you can get online) all expire on 3/31/00. Are you up on this, PJBoy?

    So I went home & proceeded to download the Win95 Y2K Update file from the Critical Updates section of said site (a mere 20 min. download). And after doing so & rebooting (it loads itself)/I had problems getting AOL 5.0 to load. But I realized it was becuz I have an ancillary AOL program called T-32 (The Terminator) that kills the nag windows & keeps AOL from kicking you off for inactivity. Best $5.00 I ever spent! You can get it here:


    After getting everything synched up & signing on to AOL again/I discovered that I cd ACCESS ALL THE SORABJI BOARDS WITH NO PROBLEMS USING MSIE 5.0 (whcih everybody's computer has/unless you were brave enuf to try & delete it/or hip enuf to be a MAC user.). I cd even create a new thread -- something rarely possible fo me in the past 6 mos.

    So/for PJ & any other Sorabjites who use AOL/you might wanna check out this Microsoft Y2K update thing.

    [For the rest of you who are all-too-computer-savvy & don't need such mundane info/just talk amongst yrselves. However/for all others/I note for the record that I took my computer to the shop to have a new motherboard installed last summer/& asked my tech guy (someone I trusted implicitly) to make sure my baby was Y2K compliant while he was under the hood/so to speak. And he assured me when I picked up my hardrive that that all was well. He never said shit abt going to any Microsoft site to download upgrades. Yet here I am/spending half the nite doing so!]