It seems like Oprah has Gary Zukav on her show at least once a month. She plugs his book "The Seat of the Soul" incessantly. Like he's paying her under the table or something. And the message he promotes is banal to the point of stupidity. Am I the only one who's sick & tired of people who have everything they cd want in life telling the rest of us that we are not being "our authentic selves" or "living on purpose" if we worry abt $$/or get depressed becuz we are sick of being alone in life/or strive to achieve success in our chosen profession? Why is it 'manipulative' or 'inauthentic' to want to have enough $$ so that you don't have to think abt $$ anymore? Why is it wrong to long to love someone & be loved in return? Why is it bad to say "Those diamond earrings are killer & I'm gonna buy them for myself!" when Oprah has at least 3 different prs. of the biggest rocks I've ever seen -- yet she/of course/claims her 'things' don't define her. If she didn't really care abt diamonds/she wdn't have bought those rocks. But no one *needs* diamonds to live. And damn right/they most certainly *do* 'define' her/as as very wealthy woman! She cd've created the same impression w/a pr. of zircons. But she chose to fork over big $$ for the genuine article. But no one is really defined by what they own or wear or drive. We all get that. And yes/some people value that stuff becuz they are caught up in prestige & wanting to be admired by others. But to a certain degree doesn't everyone want to be admired? At the very least by those they know & care abt? Some people love beautiful/sleek/fast cars. So they buy a Ferrari becuz it's one of the hottest cars on the planet. As long as they can afford it/why does that make them 'inauthentic'? And what is all this crap abt 'external power' vs. 'internal power' that Zukav keeps harping abt? Power isn't power if it doesn't manifest itself in the material here-&-now. If you can be like Nate & walk into an interview & yr skills & history mean you can ask for a starting salary 40+% more than what you're making at yr current gig/& they hire you/that's power. If you *think* you're worth 40+% more than you're making now/but no one's will you hire you at that rate/then all the 'internal power' you *think* you have is a bunch of bull. Power that you can't use in the real world isn't real power. And we all have the power to set our own priorities & decide what matters most to us in life. So why do people spend $20 to buy a book telling them that? |
The best advice I ever heard on this topic was from 'Wishcraft' author Barbara Sher who says 'You look at these people who have big $$ or deeply fulfilling jobs and they say "if only you were confident like me you'd be where I am." But people who haven't got there have got great reasons to be lacking in confidence - you're not there! These people are confident because they are there!' Like the confidence you exude compared to a grade school kid in things like 'I can tie my shoes, I can ride a bike'.. Self confidence, focusing, and goal setting are good ways to 'harness your personal power' - if not only because the things that you give all your energy to are often the arenas you do better in. Doy! As for Oprah talking about how she doesn't let her earrings define her HA HA HA AHA HA HA HA. Any woman who doesn't feel like an idiot making such a spectacle out of her weight is far too obsessed with the 'material world'. Maybe these shows make her feel better as she pats her self on the back with a 'see, it's not happening!' |
if it bugs ya that much, stop watching it. |
At this point/I think the best way to get what one wants in life is prolly to write a dumb New Age double-speak book & get Oprah to plug it so it makes it to the NY Times Bestseller list. EVERY BOOK she has featured on her Book CLub has made it to the Bestseller list. Now *that's* power. And DL/I think being fat is a large part of her popularity & she knows it. She's lost & gained so much wt. so many times/& ultimately failed to keep it off. And millions of fat people identify w/her so strongly becuz of that vs. being jealous if she'd lost the wt. & actually kept it off. |
But when she wanted to promote 'Beloved' last year by getting on the cover of Vogue & scoring a spread for her & the 2 other actresses/she called up that toothpick bitch Anna Wintour. And Wintour told her she cdn't do the cover unless she lost 20 lbs. When Hilary Clinton wanted to cover of Vogue/no one told her she had to lose 20 lbs. first. And instead of telling Anna Wintour to kiss her big brown ass/Oprah did it. Like a slave taking orders. She went out to her crib in Colorado or wherever & proceeded to go hiking every day/went on a diet (not too hard/when yr personal chef travels w/you)& lost 25 lbs. And she did look fabulous on the cover of Vogue. I stopped reading Vogue ages ago/ but I went out a bought a copy just to have those gorgeous pics of Oprah. Even tho' I was pissed off later when I found out the backstory. And then she gained it all back & then some. THAT'S the part I don't get. Then again/if I were Oprah's size/I'd prolly be worried abt my health. So maybe I wd keep working out. |
Look at Barbara Streisand. She has a guy arrested and jailed (he's later released without charges) because she felt "threatened" that he wanted to take her picture. In public. And Rosie O'Donnell, who dares presume to tell me how to raise my children. I suppose if I could afford a bevy of male au pairs that would make me an authority too. And countless professional athletes who are showered with money and praise before they have time to grow up. Oh, shit, there goes my new year's resolution, I'm ranting again. |
Is Oprah big right now? I haven't watched lately. |