2. Ever been drunk? (2 points) 3. Ever play drinking games? (2 points) 4. Ever fall down from drinking too much? (3 points) 5. Ever drink enough to throw up? (4 points) (bonus 1 point for throwing up on someone else) 6. Ever wake up and not remember the night before? (5 points) 7. Ever been forcibly removed from a bar? (8 points) 8. Ever participated in/finished a pub crawl? (5 points) 9. Do you drink regularly? (at least 3 times weekly) (3 points) (bonus: 1 point for each additional day...max 7 points) 10.Ever pass out in a bar? (4 points) 11.Ever laughed at a handicapped person? (2 points) 12.Ever laughed at someone's misfortune? (1 point) 13.Ever try pot, hash, or magic mushrooms? (4 points for each one tried) 14.Do you do drugs regularly? (4 points) (bonus: more than 4 times weekly = additional 4 points) 15.Ever bought soft drugs? (4 points) 16.Ever sell drugs? (8 points) 17.Ever sell drugs to support a drug habit? (12 points) 18.Ever use barbiturates? (8 points) 19.Ever use hallucinogens? (8 points) 20.Ever use narcotics? (10 points) 21.Ever been stoned or drunk for more than 48 hours? (8 points) 22.Ever been on a date? (2 points) 23.Ever been felt up? (2 points) 24.Ever had sexual intercourse? (6 points) (bonus 2 points if it was on the first date) 25.Ever bathed with the opposite sex? (5 points) 26.Ever paid for sex? (8 points) 27.Ever taken advantage of someone stoned or drunk? (4 points) 28.Ever get someone stoned or drunk for the purpose of obtaining sexual favors? (8 points) 29.Ever engage in oral sex? (4 points) (bonus: to orgasm--2 points) 30.Ever engage in anal sex? (6 points) (bonus: to orgasm--2 points) 31.Ever engage in the 69 position? (4 points) 32.Ever contract an STD? (12 points) 33.Ever had sex without a contraceptive? (4 points) 34.Ever had, or knowingly been responsible for an abortion? (12 points) 35.Ever had sex with 2 or more people in 1 week? (4 points) 36.Ever had sex with more than 1 person at a time? (9 points) 37.Ever had sex in public? (6 points) 38.Ever had carpet burns from sex? (4 points) 39.Ever had sex with a member of the same sex? (10 points) 40.Ever practiced bondage, masochism or sadism? (8 points) 41.Ever used sex toys? (6 points) 42.Ever pass out during sex? (5 points) 43.Ever been responsible for losing someone else's virginity? (4 points) 44.Ever masturbated while talking on the phone? (3 points) 45.Ever purchased something in a sex shop? (3 points) 46.Ever licked or had someone lick your.... eyeball (2 points) toes (1 point) ears (1 point) anus (5 points) add 5 points if you licked your own anus. 47.Ever had sex with a relative? (5 points) 48.Ever made someone else sleep on the wet spot? (6 points) 49.Does necrophilia, pedophila or beastiality turn you on? (20 points) 50.Ever been arrested? (8 points) Convicted? (bonus 7 points) SCORING: 0-20 A life with the church is too corrupt for you. 21-40 You barely make our scale. 41-60 Approaching normal. You're not much fun on a date. 61-100 Normal. 101-130 Above average. 131-160 You're a social menace. 161-200 You're a danger to society. Who let you out on a day pass? 200+ You're going straight to HELL! |
no i'm not |
I'm going to have to go out today and catch up :o) |
-#50arrested/convicted -#49 necrophilia/beatiality -never licked my own bum -#47 sex w/rel -never had an abortion or taken someone's viginity -nerver paid for sex -never done a pubcrawl, although some nites i might as well |
i'll go again to see if i made an error. |
sorry folks. maybe i am the devil. and no. i won't reveal my answers. |
barbituate is anything from a muscle relaxer to a anti-depressant to a pain killer. Sedatives..valium, demoral...opposite of stimulants |
Demoral, Seconal, and Nembutal are barbiturates, to name a few. |
you only scored 7 points spider? you need to come visit me. |
i, on the other hand, scored over 200. i'm feeling sleazier by the minute. |
apparently long relationships make you sleazy |
If I wasn't such a loser at dating, I would've made it to Menace to Society by now. |
pfffffft. i was hellbound before i did any of that shit, anyway. |
regardlss, I fall in the danger-to-society category, which is wholly inappropriate. I feel that I'm pretty pure. but maybe just compared to my friends, that bunch of filthy miscreants. |
Rhiannon isn't going anywhere near you people. She's our last hope. |
i'm "normal." that's pretty funny. |
I was mocked by all my coworkers, when we all took this test last week, except for the LDS guy, whom we sheltered from knowlede of the existence of the test. |
i'm the LSAT workshop equiv. for corruption. |
"What Pot, Black Sabbath and Cheap Beer have in common" Day 2 lecture "Shame: What THEY want you to feel" Day 3 lecture and lab "The Ins and Outs of Group Sex" Day 4 lecture and lab (for guys only) "Coke and your failing member" Day 5 lecture and lab (for girls only) "Coke and his failing member, what you can do to turn it around" .....and so on |
not that i'm going to hell any quicker. i just watched "deconstructing harry" last night. it kind of concerned me. i generally think of myself as a good person, but i'm smack dab inline with a lot of things that that movie identifies as evil. |
184 i think that should be just about average. |
211 |
party. |
What's a pub crawl? Is it supposed to be brawl? Becuz I can proudly say yes to bar-brawling. But I can't imagine any reason to go crawling 'round a pub. Unless someone dropped one of their contacts. Does crawling around the bathroom of a pub count -- i.e. we dropped our hit of mesc & were trying to find it? And I need a clearer definition of #37. Does 'sex in public' mean in a public place? If so/does that cover all outdoor trysts -- i.e. sex on the beach/sex in a forest -- even if only the 2 if you were there? Or does it mean w/other people watching? What if you were in the privacy of someone's bedroom but others were watching you make love (from the closet w/out you knowing)? Does that count as public sex? And what abt having sex w/a realtive before you found out you were related? Wd you have to answer yes to #47? |
jeez. |
when men say "my boys", we're usually referring to our balls. god forbid they'd ever be nine miles from "home". |
1. Ever wake up and not remember the night before (having nothing to do with booze or drug intake? (5 points) 2. Ever been forcibly removed from a department store? (5 points) 3. Ever participated in/finished a church crawl? (10 points) 4.Ever pass out in the middle of the street? (5 points – 15 bonus points if you were hit by a vehicle) 5.Ever had sex with a handicapped person? (20 points) 6.Ever eat animal dung or urine? (20 points for each one tried) 7.Ever eat human dung or urine? (15 points for each one tried) 8. Ever slip a vegetarian meat? (2 points) 9.Ever sell drugs to a minor? (5 points) 10.Ever dispense drugs which you knew were screwed up to try to hurt someone else? (15 points) 11.Ever sell fake drugs? (10 points) 12.Ever had someone threaten to kill you due to unpaid debts? (10 points) 13.Ever read the bible/koran/torah for more than 48 hours? (5 points) 14.Ever defecate on the opposite sex? (5 points) 15.Ever performed an abortion? (50 points) 16.Ever ask for customer assistance before purchasing something in a sex shop ? (5 points) 17.Ever work in a sex shop ? (10 points) 18.Ever have sex in a sex shop ? (15 points) |
#18 Does a cathouse count as a sex shop? I worked in one once, but stricly on the phones, managing the bookings. And I did do the nasty there, but not with a client. He was someone I knew from the outside who showed up on a bet after I told him where I was working & he didn't believe me. You guys come up with the weirdest catagories... Whatever happened to the basic old-fashioned pervisions, like seducing your sister's boyfriend? Or fucking your step-father? That's why this great nation had gone down the toilet... |
Anyway... my score is as follows: 132 wooHOO I'm a social menace. I just wish I was able to accept 5 points for being able to lick my own anus. Then I would never have to go out. Now, I'm going to catch up on everyone else's scores. |
i feel saintly. |
But he wanted that meat and just wouldn't admit it. |
well, it beats the 200+ i got on the first one. |
you are all bad people, except for rhiannon and gee. |
My total was 30. |
(Less than 70) You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society. You are drinking too much. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body |
You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society. You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey... You are drinking too much in public. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body. You are drinking too much. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body Firing emplyees always is a risk in a society where no one takes responsibility for their own actions. You suddenly become the reason (obsession) for the fired employee's bad luck. Be mindful of people following you. |
You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society. Your particular job puts you at risk You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey... You are drinking too much. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body this test seemed sort of paranoid |
if i were 2 years younger, it'd be 86. the folks at nashville.net recommend i bleach my skin and move to the suburbs. |
You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey... You gotta be out-of-your-mind to use drugs and AT OTHER PEOPLES' HOUSES...Whew. Not a good plan...risky Never misuse drugs unless you are ready to go to jail. Marijuana is dangerous to your arrest record and lungs. Appreciate the risk you face if someone wants to use the knowledge of your drug use in a way to damage your reputation. You are drinking too much in public. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body You are drinking too much. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body Never misuse drugs unless you are ready to go to jail. WOW! I got some preachin from that place. Some of those questiosn are hard to answer. I have no idea how long it takes cops to get to my house., muchless the fire department. |
just living anywhere *near* DC should put you up over the top. isn't DC still the murder capital of the world? |
suzy Q neighbor-"ohhhhhh he smokes dope.....LETS HANG EM!!!!!" Rhi, are sure that site isn't a ploy by the American Family Coalition or something....? |
http://WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM/ink/00/13/music-epstein.shtml |
Like I wasnt aware of that. Other test was 20. |
You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society. Your particular job puts you at risk You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey... How would you know how long it takes police to get to your house etc? I used to work in a play theatre and once a man was beating the shit out of this woman outside my window and I kept calling the police (3 blocks away) who didn't come for over 20 min saying 'that's not our area'. I was afraid to open the door and let her in the box office because the guy woulda beat me up too. It was horrible. Of course she didn't press charges because it was her BOYFRIEND. - ah l'amour! |
(Less than 20)The Metropolitan Police Department is hiring. Look at our main page for hiring details if you think you qualify as a police officer Marijuana is dangerous to your arrest record and lungs. Appreciate the risk you face if someone wants to use the knowledge of your drug use in a way to damage your reputation. You are drinking too much. You cannot control ANY situation with less than optimal control of your body Can you imagine me as a Cop!!?? |
The new Rollins is pretty straightforward rock. i have to admit i liked the jazz rock stuff better. |
I hope you will bring law and order to Sorabji. |
gee, we straightedge baptists have all the fun... |
You're grabbing more ass lately than I am, Crawford. |
I think you're the funniest of the sorabji folk. |
or, be facetious. anybody want a cat? he might not want to shit in your house. |
see what I mean? Saying "that was funny" just sounds phoney. I don't care what anyone says, next time I'm LOLing. |
i'm serious about the cat. if you live within a couple hundred miles, i'll deliver. if you live farther, i might consider meeting halfway. i don't care what you do with him afterwards. stuffed, he'd make for a hell of a conversation piece. |
let me check with my friend who's crazy about cats. |
yes he poops way too much. he poops like a dog, a very bad dog. |
Might he have worms? |
Also, if he poops a lot, you might want to check his diet. Most foods you can buy from your vet are much better in terms of reducing poop than supermarket brands. |
And a barbituate is a punchline to a bad joke, as in, "That's a bar-bitch you ate." |
That's what I get for coming in late. Carry on. |
have you tried bribery with catnip at the foot of the litter box. |
That is fucked up. OK. He looks really freaky, btw. He'd make a good screen within a screen shot with Dave. |