Rant: Gas Prices and Crybabies

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: Rant: Gas Prices and Crybabies
By patrick on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 02:50 pm:

    So prices are up to about $1.90 here in SoCal.
    Lately people have been bitching and moaning.

    "Demand more from OPEC!!!!!"

    "Lets pull out the national reserve!!!!"

    You selfish little crybabies!

    Chances are most of you whiny fuckers are sporting a SUV. Chances are, you are a part of the problem. Chances are, you are a fucking asshole.

    So what if it's costs $75 to fill up. Serves you right and i want to persoanlly thank you for taking my $12 weekly gas bill to $15. I want to personally thank you for being such a dick for sucking up gas at twice the rate and polluting at twice the rate of your average compact sedan or economic car.

    The national reserve is for emergencies and shortages, NOT for high prices and pressure from little crybabies like you and you and you.

    You arrogant fuck, you hAVe the nerve to demand other countries increase output to meet OUR demands???

    You should be slapped with an iron glove repeatedly for your stupidity.

    GOD DAMN!!!

    Somethings get me really irritated, this matter being key.

    "Let's have a gas out!!!!!!"

    Oh yeah, thats brilliant. Lets just not spend money today, only to bombard the pumps tomorrow, right? Are you really gonna leave your car in the garage and walk, bike or train it to work for a few days, muchless weeks? I doubt it. So whats your point? What will that accomplish? Unless you are willing to change your ways entirely, this silly idea of a gas out only makes the corporate wigs laugh because they KNOW you will be back the following week. You still need gas. Your car doesn't run on civil disobedience, if you could even call this notion such.


    thank you for letting me vent Mark

By Nate on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 04:22 pm:

    the republicans are cynching down on gas output to help make the economic accomplishments of the incumbant party not look so shiny.

    even at $2 a gallon gas is cheap when compared to the $4 or so a gallon most other countries pay.

    no opinions here, just pointing things out.

    i could give a fuck.

By Markus on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 04:45 pm:

    I'm pretty pissed about the increase myself, but Patrick's dead on.

    Nate, you're smoking ditch weed on the Republican thing. The Repubs don't have the slightest control over oil output; hell, they don't even have control over their own party. Witness the rise of McCain, when every single party hack was sucking Bush's dick and trying to jam a stick in McCain's spokes. Besides, if they wanted to wreck the economy, they'd just have to slip the word to their boy Greenspan. And I don't care what other countries pay for gas; that, like in the US, is mostly government-imposed taxes, not market-rationalized costs.

    I belive that's cinching.

By Nate on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 04:49 pm:

    hey! i don't smoke ditch weed.

    you don't need to smoke -ditch- weed to have paranoid conspiracy episodes.

    it's just... it's just that the bushs control so much oil.

By Markus on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 05:04 pm:

    Nah, they're out of the business, more or less. And the US itself controls an insignificant amount of worldwide production.

By Nate on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 05:39 pm:

    but you know old man bush has some ties in the middle east.


    conspiracies, man.

By patrick on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 - 05:54 pm:

    yeah his pop solidified those ties with patriot missles.

    now ties to ....southeast asia and south (sniff sniff) america are more plausable.

By Se on Monday, March 27, 2000 - 01:46 pm:

    I personally am happy about high gas in so cal. I ride scooters, and drive a 4 cylinder car. I despise seeing 200 SUX megaexplore4wdgashogshit morons with the cell phone driving handicap, weaving and cutting off small cars. I hate hate hate to go to the co-op or healthfood store and see these snivelling housewives, so hippy earth mother in dress and diet, so very politically correct and save the environment fuckstanks buy their vegan pose foods and drive an Gia killing tank. hate hate hate seeing miles of traffic with single passengers in big cars. I hate the pretension of so many californians, that feel recycling their milk jugs is "doing thier part."
    I lived in europe for years, and learned to use the juice sparingly, wisely, thoughtfully, just cause it was pricey. It has been artificially low for years. What burned my grass the worst tho was seeing asshole hippy kids drive big vehicles to lamely protest, "No blood for oil" during the gulf war. Bullshit, bullshit bullshit. They could have WALKED, they could give up AC once in a while, they could actually THINK of how to conserve the earth mother. But no it was just a feel good thing to do, then drive off to shop or whatever, while my brothers in my tank division payed in blood on foreign soil. Instead of gas outs, people should just carpool once in a blue moon. Ride the bike to the dry cleaner. Something.

    green party member/combat veteran

By patrick on Monday, March 27, 2000 - 02:02 pm:

    we drive the same streets and I hear everyword you say LOUD and CLEAR!

By Jina on Monday, March 27, 2000 - 08:13 pm:

    Oh God. The news is great in telling people "Hey, you don't have it so bad. Think about the people who drive the SUVs." Or at the gas station, a little info sheet that says, "Hey, you don't have it so bad. Think about the price for a gallon of CHANEL #5!" Gee wiz. Or the car dealer sign on the way to college that says, "Hey, you really don't have it so bad. Think about the price of snapple for a gallon!" Now THAT is something to think about. I'm taking the bus next quarter.

By patrick on Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 12:02 pm:

    come to california, pay $2.....we have it the worst. In June, the subway station opens across the street. I am set to park the honda at home....WAHOO!

By Se on Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 01:37 pm:

    I am jealous. I used to take the train to work every day in Atlanta for 4 years. I kept a truck in a garage, and put 4200 miles on it in three years. Mostly driving to Florida to see the folks.
    Until the train heads into the west valley, I am stuck. I used to study japanese, read the paper, relax, now I sit in irritating traffic, watching my life go by.

By patrick on Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 01:43 pm:

    whoa, so did I ....."Take Marta...ITS sMARTA!" i loved it, no traffic, could get ample reading done. Since I live in Silverlake, i pick up the SantaMonica/Vermont station and then get off at the new Hollywood/Highland stop.......just pray no quakes while down below.........

By R.C. on Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 10:20 pm:

    I'm definitely w/Patrick on this one. I smirk enviously as I pull up to the pump behind some behemoth truck or jeep or SUV & watch the rollers scroll past $30... past $35.. past $40 -- & they're not even fulling up! The extra $3 or 4 it's costing me to tank up my Sentra isn't hurting too bad. Esp. if it will motivate the auto execs to finally dust off those plans for electric cars & fast-&-efficient sub-compants that have been gathering dust since the Bigger-is-Badder craze kicked in 7 or 8 yrs.

    I am currently shopping around for a new car. Old Betsy still runs like a charm/but I just know my hoopdee is gonna give out on me one day when I least expect it/so I'm saving for a downpymt. NOW. And I am determined to find an electric car next time around. I saw a Honda commercial for a gas-electric hybrid called the Insight/but it was bullshit. The electric motor only "assists' to add power to the gas engine.

    If they release an electric VW Beetle/I'll be over the moon!

By semillama on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 08:24 am:

    Full electrics won't get here until they solve the problem of weight - the batteries are just too damn heavy and bulky now. I think you're better off waiting for hydrogen fuel cells.

    I am personally waitin gfor tubes, like on Futurama.

By patrick on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 11:36 am:

    they have electric cars here in LA like
    this one

    I see lots and parking garages that offer recharging spaces.

    It's available, and feasable. However the root of the problem is American mentality. We can cut the taxes (which will cut money from some public source be it education, parks, healthcare etc), whine to OPEC, as if they have ANY obligation to meet our needs, or bug the prez to dip into the national reserve (personally i'd like to have this in the event of a war or national disaster). But these measures don't solve the problem at hand and that is our rampant consumption.

By Se on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 06:30 pm:

    Please feel free to use my alternative fuels/mopeds/scooters bbs's at the following:


By J on Friday, March 31, 2000 - 02:41 pm:

    Phoenix has absolutely one of the worst transit systems in the U.S.A.,we just finally voted for a transit tax but that will take forever,yet the voters who have always voted it down for years had no problem voting for our taxes paying for Bank One Ballpark.You can go anywhere in the country in Coasta Rica for $12.00,and I,d never seen so many taxis in my life.

By V on Saturday, November 11, 2006 - 09:43 pm:

    GAS? well ours is up by a 90 % price hike in 3 years,you know?the stuff you run cookers on.Our underwater oil and gas fields died a year back,we import gas from Russia right now.

By V on Saturday, November 11, 2006 - 09:56 pm:

    ....Gasoline in London,England is 10$ a gallon right now.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, November 12, 2006 - 01:57 pm:

    Moped? to drive out of town like 20 miles to work? in the wintertime? forget it about it!I prefer a small car.

By V on Sunday, November 12, 2006 - 05:38 pm:


By Dr Pepper on Sunday, November 12, 2006 - 06:48 pm:

    I am talking about riding the moped in the wintertime? forget about it, just a small car because, it will shield you from being cold ,and other things about small car is, economy viable. it saves alot of gas! of course heater is fine.

By Dr Pepper on Monday, November 13, 2006 - 03:39 am:

    V, I thought the British is using litres ,not gallon of gas. Right?

By V on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 05:04 pm:

    Yes,correct,v posts gallons to co-ordinate with American Sorabjis,v also converts £ to $ as best I can,according to the present exchange rate...D.P.,fuck the rest,how you keeping Sir?..Look,mate,lost track of your State,can you post that again?