Man, we have it good here. |
Which puts me in mind of a Martha Washington comic issue, where the global UN military unit is fighting the global Burger Corporations in Brazil, to save the last rainforests from being cut over for pasture. |
We got enough problems right here. Let's take care of our own. |
But, actually, I am moved by neither. I'm sitting in front of my computer with a full stomach, fat, contented, adn in my element. I'd be the ultimate of self absorbed if I thought it was possible to absorb so much. |
we can be starving, beaten, stalked, miserable, depressed, insane, and enslaved, and we're always looking to add more people to the soup. |
as for people procreating. ever think that the more kids you have the more money you might be able to bring in? ever think about the prospect of not being able to access birth control? and of course they should stop having sex... well when everything else in your life sucks you might as well get rid of one of the only pleasures that you have. why? because the americans told us to do it. as for the armed forces in all of their glory. let us go out and promote our american ideals. let us tell these people the "american way" which will undoubtedly solve all of their problems. oh wait... and then it's no longer convenient to spread the word of the great americans here, so we'll run over to some other needy place and spread our good fortune there. fuck us all!! we're no more deserving of our help than anyone else... in fact we may be less deserving. |
i don't care how idealistic that sounds and you can toss your ayn rand in my face but it goes beyond charity... i wish i was shooting blanks |
Shooting Blanks, that is. If you are willing to suffer a little. |
"as for people procreating. ever think that the more kids you have the more money you might be able to bring in? ever think about the prospect of not being able to access birth control? and of course they should stop having sex... well when everything else in your life sucks you might as well get rid of one of the only pleasures that you have. why? because the americans told us to do it. " yea. making more money is always a good reason to have children. fuck you. this has absolutely nothing to do with telling people to get rid of their only pleasure. oh, so fucked up. and i was talking about humans. not 'other' people, 'foreign' people or whatever vs. americans. i mean everyone. myself included. |
god bless you. |
i can elaborate if you'd like... so as to demonstrate what the hell i am talking about. in the context of the conversation that was going on a assummed that you were insulting the third world countries for having children. speaking generally the reason third world countries have such a problem with people having children is because the more children they have the more work and money can be made. many, many, many people assume that these people are ignorant because they are having children when they are so poor, to the extent of starvation. again generally speaking the availability of birth control is not extremely high in third world countries. and there are religious rationalities that prohibit its use in some cases too. and again we americans stand by in our superiority and proclaim to all the third world countries that they are only making it worse by having children. "don't you see... if you stop having children they won't be taking away from your resources... you won't starve." Just trying to make a point. I was judging your judgments. I'm so much better you see. |
in my defensive nature of being attacked i would like to respond to this statement. we don't know these people's situations. i am going to guess that neither you nor anyone else here has been a starving child in Africa or Asia or even the U.S. we may have gone hungry, but we don't know the truth about starving without options. we don't know what it is like to have to put our children to work when they are only two or three years old in order to feed them or me or my dying mother. so fuck you for your condescending nature. |
my apologies for thinking you had testicles and peni.....the way you were waving your (now) metaphorical dick around led me to assume you were a dude. alright i'll shut up |
she may have her randomness. i can't deny it to her. as for the penis thing. i think your comment was oh... so... sexist. women can have strong opinions too. i know that it isn't something men want to hear...but... |
but i would argue that my comment was not completely random, although at the moment i randomly don't feel like backing that up. "in my defensive nature of being attacked i would like to respond to this statement. we don't know these people's situations. i am going to guess that neither you nor anyone else here has been a starving child in Africa or Asia or even the U.S. we may have gone hungry, but we don't know the truth about starving without options. we don't know what it is like to have to put our children to work when they are only two or three years old in order to feed them or me or my dying mother. so fuck you for your condescending nature." i am wondering if you do not see the twisted logic in this. |
the assology of assumptions Ass- the nether regions, buttus fartus stinkus You- creator and facilitator of buttus stinkus. Me- general, non specifiying...anyone could be the possible recipient of stinkus from your buttus... is that the squeek squeek of the cage i hear being rolled out of the barn......YES!!!!!!!!!!!! |
agatha, you said it so much better than i could or would have. |
my original words were a question. why. i don't understand. i know that. that's what i was saying. my life is pretty amazing. i really, really want to have children but i question it every time i think about it. and, yes, i also realize that somehow it is a luxury to have this space to question things. i ask why do WE. not, why do 'those bad people'...etc. |
1: are you moved? 2: yes i am moved by this horrible picture 3: me too! it is awful. why is the world so terrible? 4: not me, i am a bastard. 5: blah blah about the armed forces. 6: i am moved to ask why we humans procreate no matter what our situation. 7: we are selfish bad people for not being moved. 8: yes we are. and yet you meant that you were just asking why it is that you wanted to have a child. mrs. out-of-context. |
jab! jab! fuck the self-righteous indignation! take her down with the uppercut! |
i need to stop replying now |
float like a sting and butterfly like a bee. er....? |
raisin bran i replyed to the original question patrick asked. "are you moved?" 'i am moved to ask.. blah blah blah' fenestration and this- "and yet you meant that you were just asking why it is that you wanted to have a child." -nope eraser i like rain |
Sheep! |
I can't wait to see the reaction to this: Everyone should stop having kids. Let's skip a generation. Let's declare a moratorium on baby-making for 20 years. It's probably the most painless way to avoid having to chow down on soylent green. I would also like to point out that Bell_jar states that none of us assume to know what it's like to be starving, but then doesn't get that she assumes that bad ol' American Imperialism is solely to blame. (I have to stick up for Heather because she is the only Sorabjiite I have ever communicated with besides email and here.) |
anyway, i thank you. i think the whole thing just got silly |