these are not for the puritanical, moral sect of society. If you don't have a sense of humor then fahghettabout..... Dirty Sanchez- inserting a finger into a rectum, then wiping it across your upper lip Boston Steamer-taking a crap on someone's face St. Louis Steamer- Take a crap on some sort of transparent partition, with a the "receipient" underneath The Walrus- a male orgasm into your partners mouth and before he or she can swallow suckerpunching them in the gut to get a volatile regurgitation of the goo out the sides of the mouth. (new meaning to lyrics "I am the walrus Coocoocoochoo") Tea Bagging- Dipping testes into your partners mouth in a similar fashion to making a cup of tea. Anyone else have any to add..........? |
Why are men so gross sometimes? BlindSwine: sounds like a job for frau nate. b00gnsh: shit b00gnsh: fuck you, you ass b00gnsh: go ahead and post that for me BlindSwine: heh. aiight. "fuck you, you ass." that's straight from the warm cockles of nate's ill heart. |
Inquring minds want to know |
Rhi, you have to look at these in an unrealistic context. I think the walrus is my fav just *because* it's so absurd..... |
Main Entry: ac·ro·nym Pronunciation: 'a-kr&-"nim Function: noun Etymology: acr- + -onym Date: 1943 : a word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term |
and... snorkeling - wearing a womans vagina over one's face like an oxygen mask by placing one's nose and mouth in the vaginal cavity. usually done by straddling the face. best if woman is very loose, if you know what i mean. i heard about this on morning radio. |
understood is Laughing My Ass Off Ah, what hanging out in IM chats late at night will teach you. |