1) If you mention 'ferrets' ppl normally go 'euuggghhh' 2) Where the hell do you buy them from...in London. 3)Do they make good pets 4)What the hell shall we call it? 5)What do ferrets eat? Any help would be appreciated....greatly...this is not a joke btw....we need to gather as much information as we can before we embark on this life changing adventure. |
because she will come into heat, and never come out of the heat unless bred, and will die an agonizing death from aplastic anemia, essentially bleeding to death.These little pets have a very endearing nature, and love people[ although, I have encountered a few truly vicious ferrets]. They are extremely playful and will keep you entertained for hours as they are tireless. They can become amazingly flat, and slip under a miniscule gap under doorways, also escape through dryer vents, another danger is recliner chairs,they hide in there, and get crushed when someone uses the chair.They are omnivores, and you need a good cat food,[ not the cheaper brands] to meet their high caloric need.. If you are in London, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one, as they use them for rabbit hunting there. The Brits also play a strange game with them------I think its called "legging", I have no idea why they do this, but for some reason, they must find it sporting, They have a competition, and place a live ferret down their pant leg, with the cuff inside a boot or otherwise secured, so the ferret cannot get out, and the one who is able to keep the ferret in longest wins. Ferrets are EXTREMELY quick, and have very sharp teeth, but Very bad vision, and are natural predators to mice , rabbits, birds and such, so I guess the reason they play this game is because uuuh, the male members genatalia might resemble a mouse in the dark.I have never personally seen this game, but would be willing to pay high bucks to see some fool put a ferret down their pants. Good luck. |
I don't think that they hunt rabbits in london...there aren't enough and those that live here are considered an endangered species and have to be left alone....maybe we could start up a rabbit hunt of our own...do you think it could catch on. PEOPLE OF LONDON!!! £10 FOR A FERRET HUNT, YOU MUST SUPPLY YOUR OWN RABBITS. BE PREPARED FOR FUN AND FROLICS ALL DAY LONG WITH THE MOST VICIOUS FERRETS EVER BRED (WE FEED EM ACID) BUT YOU MAY NOT GET TO SEE YOUR RABBIT AGAIN (IN ONE PIECE ANYWAY.) Any takers? email us Cosmo and Tricky |
The way I understand it, ferrets are not casual pets like cats, but need a lot of planning before you get one and need a higher level of attention. Kinda like having a four-year-old. |
Ferrets are not wild animals. They are domesticated animals, and make very good pets if you train them to be. If, however, you don't pay attention, they become bored. Also, I own two ferrets and both are great, great animals. Patches is a sweet, dark-chocolate boy (neutered, of course) and Sharkie is my precious butterscotch. She can be a bit wild but she is a great pet. She always makes me laugh! She even makes my brother laugh and he is a very, um, weird guy (not in the perverted sense). In Nevada they are legal. If they were wild, wouldn't they be outlawed in more states? As of right now, there are only two states that outlaw them. They make good pets and keep you good company, even when you are sad. They climb onto your shoulder and lick the salty tears away from your face if you are crying. Well, they might like the taste, but it's still sweet! Oh, and also many urban legends prevent people from having ferrets. Like one legend said that they escape and eat birds. Ferrets aren't like cats. They don't go feral in twenty minutes. They are domesticated and don't really know all that much about hunting (or at least most don't.) One legend says that ferrets tip over cows and eat them. What the hell is that about?! Or that they give you rabies. Ferrets have a natural semi-immunity to rabies. Anyway I'll end my rant by saying that I've never been seriously hurt by ferrets. It's not like they're gonna eat you . . .or cows. And anyway, we have a neighbor who keeps a PACK of wolves. It's great. They're domesticated by the way. Anyway, I still think that ferrets are great animals and silly urban legends shouldn't prevent you from keeping one . . .if you are right for ferrets, meaning you are a 'ferret person.' Toodles! |