scientific name: 'behavior modification' Liberals: rear admiral Stansfield Turner, former president Carter's DCI director, injured January of this year, in a small plane accident. His wife died. And, U.S. Senators Sam Ervin, Frank Church and Ted Kennedy, and Congressmen Otis Pike and Don Edwards. Conservatives: long list of government officials and, research scientists Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado of Yale University School of Medicine (NY Times article, 'Matador' with Radio Stops Bull, 05-17-65), and National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) research information of Dr. John Lilly, Ph. d. Also, vice-president John Rockefeller and President Gerald Ford. The Church and Pike Committee Reports were issued after Congressman Don Edwards held hearing on domestic surveillance of dissidents by the National Security Agency (NSA, opening of personal mail, telegrams, and investigating those they associated with--not just wiretapping phone calls). It led to Vice-president John Rockefeller Report to the President: CIA domestic operations. This then led to Sen. Ted Kennedy's subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research hearings on the infamous program of research into 'behavior modification' of the CIA's MK-Ultra Project. Intended as a way to interrogate prisoners, it started in '52, the same year the NSA was formed. Subcommittee's conclusion: no useful results were found, and that, it ended in '63. Officials did not point out in the part of the hearings open to the public that, it did continue, and workable results on humans were found. The implications would have been staggering if the total success had been given to president Nixon or to former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Officials covered-up the death (from LSD experimentation) of Army Chemical Corps Special Operations officer Dr. Frank Olson. After 22 years, the Olson family compared themselves to families in the Third World, where CIA intervention destroyed their hopes for a better life. Animals were first controlled like electronic toys, using implanted electrodes. Behavior was then 'modified' by remote transmission of electrical impulses, like the Navy's communications program, Project Sanguine (Northern Wisconsin, communications with submarines thousands of miles beneath the ocean and across the world). Human mental processes were then directly 'modified' without implanted electrodes (electronic transmission interface with living neurotransmitters in the brains--machine and neuromembranes). Physiological functions were then 'modified,' or memory extracted through thin air. The scientists' quest centered on finding the exact electrical frequencies that were based on brain physiology (neurophysiology). Maping the different regions of the brains, showed those responsible for emotions, thoughts, or simple physiological functions. Human experimentation with psychedelics like LSD, showed how mental processes were mimicked. Technological advances in aerospace and anti-missile or strategic defense initiative (SDI), helped in putting the information to use. Combining military Operations Other Than War (OOTW), intelligence agencies, and domestic law enforcement, into joint sharing of technology in '94 (Presidential Decision Directive 24), took its use a little further. The Big 3 automakers and federal negotiators got a trade agreement with Japan, '98, while susing 'intelligence technology.' Federal negotiators found out in advance, what the Japanese negotiators were going to offer in the negotiating sessions. It was the same technology!! Changing the actions and thoughts of a prisoner or a group of protesting environmentalists, falls within the capabilities of both Big Brother and big Business. The private companies and conservative tink tanks that did the research, kept the information for their own use. The CIA gave away tax payer-funded technolgy; now they cannot effectively defend themselves from it. These large companies form a shadow government that uses the technology on elected officials. It intimidates employees and competitors, and passes profits on to smaller companies through work contracts. Republicans are afraid of their shadow, their shadow government. They made this shadow government by maintaining less regulatory control. Nixon was elected president when the January, '67, Apollo accident gave him the advantage (the moon landing was delayed until after the election--'69). Check the news footage: it was used on President Clinton in the '92 and '96 presidential campaigns. The most popular governor of Texas, Ann Richards was defeated by the use of the technology. Small towns are controlled like Robber Barons at work. Juneau, the Capital city of Alaska (a tourist and fish exporting state) has a no-body-odor-allowed-in-public-transit policy!! It is enforced by arresting and jailing customers of the public transit system. Like a new racial profiling policy being implemented, tourists and fishermen could be told they have body odor according to their race. The NIH and NIMH research scientists' favorite task was inducing repeated wet dreams on animal subjects. Imagine a large group of congressional aides and staffers being given wet dreams, all on the same night. Because animal experimentations were not difficult to extrapolate into humans, once the implanted electrodes were replaced by completely remote electrical stimulation, it evolved into the biggest blackmail technology there is. It is the biggest leverage over consumer privacy, and safety protections ever surrendered to Big Business. Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin was given an obscure and vaguely defined executive position in the new mega merger of Citicorp (NY, NY) and Travelers Insurance Group (Hartford, CT). With a huge Congressional nod of approval (about 431 to 4), the merger (Citigroup, new name) brought down consumer protection Depression Era laws (it joined banking, insurance, and brokerage services into one). Citicorp used its leverage over the average person to deny financial services to the needy. Consider the incentives that were given to the group of approximately 431 Congressmen, in order to reverse those laws designed to avoid a Big Crash. The shadow government also has a dangerous leverage over state and federal occupational safety and health (OSHA) investigations, by maintaining personnel in Ogden, UT and Cinncinati, OH at bay. State and federal EPA agencies also find themselves in check by this shadow government. Allowing such leverage over environmental safety regulations is a dangerous precedent. On an airplane, a specific seat can be assigned to a specific passenger, or the captain be directed into specific flight paths. In '97, an Alaska Airlines captain leveled his jet at 10,000 from 13,000 feet. It then flew through the 4 jet exhaust shock waves of another plane 4 times its size. Republicans push for those mega mergers and lax regulatory food inspections: Sizzler Restaurants (Northwest) and meat packers (Nebraska-Midwest area) closed, when E. coli bacteria infected food and meat. The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA seal of approval) buys canned Alaskan Salmon ('95-'99) for consumption in public schools across the country. Japanese school kids got sick from E. coli infected seafood, '98. Company owners like H. Brindle, Alec Brindle, Nicolas Salopek, and David Forbush at Wards Cove Packing Co. (Seattle, WA), managers at Unisea Corp. (Kyoto, Japan), and Peter Pan, Inc.'s Seven Seas Fishing Company, Inc., use the INS and the technology to intimidate employees, and receive work contracts from other companies in repayment. Local, state, and federal agencies operate within the shadow government. In Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio ('89), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the employer, then it was reversed by the Civil Rights Act of '91. Wards Cove Packing Co. processed, packed, and shipped spoiled and rotten Salmon fish for export. Trendy retailer Eddie Bauer (clothes from sweatshop labor) awards on-location work contracts to smaller companies; like Thunder Mountain Cafe (Juneau, AK), and large companies like Pepsico's Pizza Hut Restaurant (Pepsicola, Atlanta, GA) and United Parcel Service (UPS, Atlanta, GA) intimidate employees with the technology, and the use of private patrols and investigative services. Republicans and Postal Rate Commissioners have called for the privatization of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). That move would benefit UPS, currently the largest package delivery company in the world. Even preachers like Mike Rose and John Petijohn at denominations like the Assemblies of God Churches (St. Louis, MO, and Juneau, AK), use the technology to get financing for church building construction, while threatening and intimidating people. It also allows them to preach with special messages about people, while the technology 'modifies' the 'victims' thoughts and emotions (all in the name of profits). It would be rediculous to say that, there has not been any such 'celestial' special messages from preachers, in the news at all. Other companies like Kroger Co. (Cinncinati, OH) rewarded Fred Meyers, Inc. (Portland, OR), which then rewarded QFC, Inc. (Bellevue, WA) after it squeezed 40% of business from a neighborhood store. The big reward: they merged with each other. And specialty companies like Cosco Co. (Issaquah, WA) use their leverage to discriminate against Hispanics. Congressional PORK money also benefits large corporations (the shadow government) by distributing federal research, construction, and social services spending within their states: the students in the recent 10 mass school shootings did role playing, had 'magical powers,' or were in a dream state, when they shot their fellow students. And, 7 were on behavior-modifying drugs. Considering that the technology incapacitates a 'victim,' the 16-year-old student in the Mississippi state shooting (the state of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, ex-oficio member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence--intelligence oversight) was told before he did the shootings that he would have 'magical powers.' Also, like the best blackmail technolgy in use, 6 of the 10 states in which the shootings occurred (CO, PA, KY, MS, AK, WA) have 7 U.S. Senators on the committee on Appropriations (spending bills), and 4 of the 7 are on the subcommittee on Defense (intelligence oversight, states of Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Alaska). Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska (Republican) is committee and subcommittee chairman. The pro-environmental state of Oregon, which is not included in the 6 states above, had both a mass school shooting and a mysterious oil spill (oil tanker grounding, '98) within the same 4th Congressional district. This shadow government controls freedom of thought and expression, not just through soft money. That is how the needy are kept out of economic opportunities. In '98, downtown Washington, D.C. was made to evacuate because of an Anthrax scare. Several peace and social justice activists have had strange accidents similar to like-minded elected officials: John Denver, singer/writer had a small plane accident (John F. Kennedy, Jr., nephew of Sen.Ted Kennedy, and rear admiral Stansfield Turner, former president Carter's DCI director, also did); John Lennon of the Beattles' Give Peace a Chance writer/singer/peace activist was shot; and, Sonny Bono of duo Sonny and Cher had a skiing accident (Michael Kennedy, also). The preceding information gives credence to George Orwell's introduction to his book Animal Farm. There is more effective censorship (by Big Business) in a free and open society than a dictatorship. It sounds like U.S. Sen. Frank Church at the committee hearings. George Orwell added: "unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient FACTS kept DARK, without the need for an official ban." Big Business and Big Brother can track hackers without the need to follow their electronic footprints. Hackers, phreackers, and crackers, check: like 21st century Robber Barons (fat cats), Big Business and Big Brother have made a banana republic (there is no accountability to or from anyone). A little sunlight is the best disinfectant. |