filipino women are a sketchy crew though. whats that word? Balloos. |
i think someone's jaded. |
but they were always trying to get over on each other, sister, cousin, mom. taking each others jewelry and shit. shady bunch. believe you me. |
crawford - i'm going to tell you the same thing my best friend in high school told me that summer i planned to learn sanskrit... you'll never get laid that way. mazel tov. |
he gets so animated when he's talking in hebrew. I guess that makes sense because it's his first language, but his english is perfect and I usually forget he only learned it a few years ago. the thing I think is really interesting (I noticed this when Frank spoke to his mother in italian once too) is how they've got a whole streak of whatever language going on and then all of a sudden there's one word of english. Like "Blah blah blah potato blah blah." it's adorable! |
but i think (likewise droop and kalli) this is not unique to them.... and gee, this english word sprouting in a language is geeting kind of universal..thanks, bye, hi, hello, shit fuck and damn have almost a universal understanding..(especially the expletives) love foreign languages myself.... maybe we could do translations?? like for thank you in diff. languages: i invite corrections additions (molto)grazie - thank you very much italian arigato goziemashita - very formal japanese thank you, domo is informal merci(beaucoup)- thank you (very much); french (muchas)gracias - spanish to sia dee - cantonese (as spoken) shie shie knee - mandarin (as spoken) salamat - filipino |
my french going below sea level..tres mal! think you have to be in a culture that will force you to speak it ...knowledge and parents/friends speaking it are not enough |
The French guards were much nicer. They couldn't do anything, but at least they sat down and explained that to us, and told us what to do about getting a police report in Paris. The police report was interesting. We had two very nice SNCF policemen, one who officially spoke English, and one who didn't. Funny thing was, the one who didn't speak English understood more than the one who did! My French is appalling, and stress and tiredness (it was about midnight and we'd been travelling all day) only made it worse. To top it off, once we'd made the report and got a taxi, the driver gave me a bloody french test - "Parlez-vous francais" "un peu" then he'd say something else I couldn't understand "je ne comprend pas" He spent about half an hour driving in circles trying to find our hotel, then wouldn't cut the fare. 70 francs for what should have been a ten minute trip. I guess I can't speak anything other than English to save my life. |
And I'm having a really shitty day, so I'm not even going to bother finishing whatever train of thought that was. |
What is the sound of one nut slapping? |