Although most of the time, when get a cut/scab, I (gasp) tear off the scab, eat it, and then suck as much blood out as I can. I don't know why, but your genetic explanation probably works out (my sister does this too). I don't get sunburns much. and certainly not peely skin from them. |
i like putting elmers glue on my palm and peeling that off when it drys though |
oh hell. i am pretty gross. but i can fit a ciggarette through my earlobe and i bet you cant. |
thats nothing special. now if you could hide a box of em, i'd be impressed. |
patrick- once when i was in kindergarten they caught my friend and i behind a shelf thing with a bottle of some other kid's glue. we were pouring it on our hands rubbing it together just right and peeling it off. i feel like peeling glue right now... |
dank you come again |
oh. wait. gross. (hahaha) |
What other weird bodily abberations can we preform? I can roll my tounge in all kinds of ways...and wiggle my ears. Yay. |
great at parties. chicks dig it. |
i don't even NEED to tell you what else he can do... |
i have pictures |
"my rooommate freshman year put a condom over her head and blew it up with her nose. i have pictures" Post the damn things! |
a 750ml or 1.5L bottle of wine? or maybe one of those big ass carlo rossi motherfuckers. |
she was kind of a bitch. |
i want documentation. pictures. streaming video. all that shit. i ran a query for "ruben and ed", but google was clueless. so bring on the melon sucking pussy. i demand to be entertained. |
on "thats incredible' one time they had this dude who ate a whole airplane. took him like two years to do it, but the motherfucker broke the thing down into little tiny pieces and ate the whole fucking thing. wings and all. |
c,mon dave stop dicking around. |
OH, and one more thing: SCAB-EATERS ROCK!!! |
Scab eaters, scab eaters, rah rah RAH! |
i bet you eat babies, too. and put cheese on apple pie. ketchup on scrambled eggs. lima beans on pizza. lemonade in beer. nothing is sacred to you godless heathen bastards. it's people like you who'll end up bringing about the downfall of western civlization. i hear you mention anything about putting salt on the rim of margarita glasses and i'll make arrangements to have you "corrected". |
the margarita is a beautiful thing. as far as i'm concerned, defiling it with a ring of rock salt is a crime against god and man. anyway. i feel you on the tequila w/ salt & lime issue. but that canteloupe thing is just downright foul. |
salt on scabs is even better. yummy yummy yummy i got scabs in my tummy! |
hence i'm convinced it's totally a redneck practice. as for the canteloupe---that fruit is just a little bastard on its own. nuff said. my new puppy eats lettuce. i think he's trying to impress clint, who's a vegetarian. bastards. all of em. i'm gonna sneak him beef when clinton's not lookin tho. |
fuckit always out to ruin my schtick karen black is a hottie |
whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. |
My new cat only eats dried cat food. He turns his nose up at any tinned cat food, but loves tuna. Every time I open a can of something he's right there wanting some (unless its cat food of course!). Scabs are fascinating. I like to look for scabs on my cat (he fights a lot) and peel them off when they are ripe. My sisters dog loved to eat grapes - right off the vine! |
gilligan and fluffy. i think i forgot to feed the little guys for a while and fluffy ended up eating most of gilligan's butt. woke up one morning to find half a hamster stuffed in the corner, the cage covered in blood, and fluffy scurrying like mad on the hamsterwheel with what was left of gilligan's ass hanging off his face. tragic. anyway. what south american restaurant was that? bolivar? lots of traditional french cuisine prepared in latin style? i think pretty much all of the high-end restaurants around here are owned by the same 4 guys. |
"jicama" black pepper on cantaloupe is the best. |
http://articles.citysearch.com/New_York/restaurants/000203/ |
just checking |
but it may have something to do with my interest in eating ass. |
ass eating is an aquired taste which i haven't aquired yet. thank christ. thats where the do-do comes out y'know. |
b-ball seasons over though. so i guess if you're a lakers (notice the lower case) fan you can talk all the mess you want. they had it from day 1. big ass monkey lookin' cross eyed wanna be rapper shaq. bastard! |
say la vie. or lovey. or lava. i don't care. my brother and i had siberian hampsters when we were little. his ate mine. then i had another one. it drowned in a bucket of rain water. we had more after that. the dog got one. one ate rat poison. one died behind the fridge. after that we got ferretts. they're still alive. |
i'm sure the place had to be torn down after he moved out. |
lots of people don't take care of them properly. they were sort of a fad pet for a lot of peolpe. |
My dad eats cold macaroni noodles with canned tomatoes in it...ewww... |
granted i can't stand watermelon flavored stuff. like bubblegum and candy. but the real thing rocks. you must not live somewhere hot, where it's really refreshing to munch into a nice, sloppy piece of watermelon on a hot summer day. |
A perfect margarita is the nectar of the goddesses & NOT to be defiled w/a yucky ring of sodium chloride grains that only stick to yr lips & make you look gross. The pros do their shots w/out salt. Maybe a little lime to chase it. But if the tequila's really first-rate/you don't need to chase it w/anything. Last nite I discovered a new tequila. Don Julio. $45 bucks a bottle retail/but so smooth you cd pop a nipple on it & feed it to a baby.... And there is a new restaurant -- RIGHT ACRRSS THE STREET FROM WORK -- that actually serves the stuff! The bartender there was yummy. Way too short/but delicious-looking none-the-less. He said the engravers are coming today to carve my name in the back of my favorite barstool. My car also died last nite. In the middle of making a right turn on red. Quel humiliation! Fortunately/I wasn't alone. She's in surgery as we speak. Hopefully/she'll be back home by this evening. S'definitely time for a new ride... Oh yeah -- does anyone know of a site where I can get English translated into Hungarian? |
i had some of the tobala the other night. no lime no salt. the shit is psychedelic. smooth enough to give to the baby WITHOUT the nipple. |
Riley got one once...there was the drowning albino, uhh the rat poison one. Wasn't there one other one that bit it? |
why? Because I have a nifty set of scabs due to incessant scratching...and theyre always there, and taste nifty, and I can suck the blood out too. This morning when I woke up at 6, I spent like 45 minutes just drinking my own blood...squeeze, suck...rinse, lather, and repeat. Yummy. I had another enchirito today. My dad used to have them all the time in South Cali...he loved them. They were different then, though...not as spicy and all...and they had more veggies. Still. A tasty lunch... |
Scabs make good fish bait. |
A couple of guys were talking about scabs and you said, and I quote "you guys are fucking sick". HELLO?? You're in a forum about SCABS! What the hell did you THINK people were gonna talk about?? If you think that the talk here is "fucking sick", then you need to learn to fucking read what the fucking post is about FIRST! |