sometimes, interesting things happen here The Stalking Post: sometimes, interesting things happen here
By Mavis on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 03:28 pm:

    the building i work in was built in 1880.
    my office used to be a large long closet.
    i share a wall and my ceiling with the chapel.
    the viola de gamba society is practicing in the classroom
    behind my west-facing wall and is going to
    be here all week. it sounds so amazing, i feel like i get a 40-hour concert!

    last week, these two typewriter repairmen were in that room mon-thursday.
    i met and talked to one of them for a couple of hours.
    (little-known Mavis FYI: nothing turns me on like someone who knows their vintage non-electric office equipment. )
    we talked about the relativity and tangible correspondence
    and how something like email is often a conversation--choppy--short--
    and something you type can roll on and on as the rhythm pulls you in
    and you tap it out, you get to make more choices about how the person receives your message (paper/ink/envelope/stamp/)
    and we talked about the devil aka: dvorak (inventor of QWERTYUIOP, handicap to typists worldwide.
    and the best part is, he has a huge backstock/collection of keys and buttons that
    were on their way to the dump, but now i am going to intercept them! yay!
    free art parts!

By Jay on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 03:55 pm:

    i don't understand the "handicap to typists worldwide" bit and why the inventor would be considered the devil.
    i'm not an artist myself but i'm always coming across shit i think would be cool in some sort of 3D piece.

By Dougie on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 04:09 pm:

    From what I've heard, back when the typewriter was first invented, it had the normal ABCDEF sequence on the top row of letters, and went normally straight down the alphabet. But people could type faster than the little hammers that struck the paper could retreat, so they'd jam. They scrambled the keys so people couldn't type as fast. However, I don't think it was Dvorak that invented the QWERTY, I think Dvorak later changed QWERTY to something more efficient. You can buy Dvorak keyboards, or get software to program your current keyboard for Dvorak. I never tried it though because I'm so used to QWERTY and it doesn't bother me.

By Mavis on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 06:13 pm:

    oh ,'re right Dougie!
    i had it mixed up. someone named Sholes invented the qwerty board, supposedly NOT to slow people down, but to get the keys arranged so they would stick less often. it ended up slowing people down nonetheless. Dvorak later changed it to be more ergonomic. i tried to use a Dvorak keyboard and found it strange, but i've been typing a long time the regular way.
    ...i was sort of kidding about the devil bit....

By Dougie on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 10:20 am:

    I don't do a lot of straight through typing, just configuring stuff, so my typing is passable the way it is. I guess if you're just learning though, the dvorak has its merits. Anybody ever see that Letterman show where he had the supposed fastest typist in the world, and when he timed her, she had forgotten to put paper in the typewriter. DOH!

    Simpsons rerun last night: Stampy the elephant. Homer drives to the Springfield Tar Pits, and hits a statue of a deer.

    Homer: DOH!
    Lisa: A deer!
    Marge: A female deer!