Cat sitting The Stalking Post: Cat sitting
Willy Nilly on Sunday, July 30, 2000 - 06:53 pm:

    I know what you all must be thinking...

    "Bet she wouldn't be cat sitting if the cat-owner knew that Willy likes to put tape on cats' feet"

    My friend doesn't know. I've admitted this only to this online community and a few friends "back home."

    I think I'm doing a good job... can't seem to get them to eat the fur-ball remedy. Since I only come around once every day or so, I don't want to find that my friend's favourite siamese has choked on his own fur ball... or that they've had to cope with the smell for days. Anyway - they won't eat it. Any suggestions from other cat owners? My cat loved the stuff. But then again, he's weird... he also likes ear wax. He ate a cotton ear plug more than once.

    Anyway - she's got a computer and I'm using it. Normally I post from work (when, obviously, I don't feel like working) but now I get to post from her home. How nice.

    I'm in a good mood today - don't know why. Normally, I guess, I wake up in a good mood. Doesn't take much human interaction to change that though - that must be the difference... only human interaction today was purchasing the hair-ball remedy and saying hello to my neighbour when we met on the stairs. Nothing too aggravating.

    Have a good day, folks!


By Tired on Sunday, July 30, 2000 - 11:18 pm:

    lately I wake up in a bad mood cos I realize that I cannot possibly sleep any longer no matter how long I lie there with my eyes shut.

    I avoid people, but it still fluctuates hourly.

By Willy Nilly on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 07:40 pm:

    I used to feel that way too sometimes... don't know how I got over it eventually - prescription medicine and laundry I think did it eventually.

    Sometimes I think that more leisure time is a bad thing (for me, anyway) because I have a tendency to thinking too much and too negatively, especially about myself. This may sound stupid, but give yourself a goal - perferably an acheivable one. Then work toward achieving it. It might help. With me, i had to finish a degree. Eventually I did - not brilliantly, but I finished. And I think that put me onto the path where I can get up in the morning, and i have no reason to sleep 18 hours a day.

    And having a pile of laundry to do helps to keep my mind off the bad things in life.

    I hope this helps...