sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: HOME, HONEY --- I'M HIII-GGH!
R.C. on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 02:24 pm:

    So what'd I miss?

    Is Margret married yet?

    Did Sem get all buff & turn into a babe magnet & forget all abt me?

    Is Blindswine still god?

    Is Nate still hunkalicious?

    How's Mark?

    And Sheila & the critters?
    So anyway... I took the day off becuz I wanted a long weekend & to get high in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday. Right now/I'm floating on a lovely cloud of Vicodin & a sublime concoction I call Red Shit (Absolute, Chambord, Grand Marnier, pineapple juice, a splash of leftover champagne from Sat. nite -- yuuum!). The Parental Units are out of town/so I'm at their hse. using Mom's computer. Did I tell you abt the (extremely younger) guy I fell madly in like w/who came to my hse. repeatedly to the fix the Content Advisor problem w/my computer (thanks again, Kymical) & add a second hardrive to it & TOTALLY WRECKED IT? It won't even boot up now! I've been computerless for weeks/which is why I haven't been hanging round these parts.

    I just spent a chunk of $$ buying stemware online --martini glasses & champagne flutes to be exact -- that I've been meaning to get for months. My house has sort of become the local after-work watering hole becuz I live so close to the job. And becuz folks know I usually have booze around. I've been barhopping way too much lately/& one day I figured what the fuck -- I can drink w/the same crowd at my house & not have to worry abt DWI's & all that other dumb shit. So now/everybody comes to R.C's place.

    I'm thinking of putting a discreet neon martini glass in the front window.

    I guess when you start entertaining at home/it means you've finally become a grown-up.

    Plus Six is always highly amusing when people fall by the crib. She's a shy little thing at first/but once she has a chance to smell everyone's shoes & get comfortable/she can be fucking hilarious.

    Now I'm waiting for the Goodwill tow truck to arrive to pick up my old car. Did I tell you I got a new ride? My hoopdee died on me twice in past 6 wks./once while the Parental Units were out of town. Cost me $250 to get it running again/& it's roadworthiness was still questionable. So they decided to give me their car & buy themselves a new one. So now I've got a light blue 1996 Bonneville SE. Its the 1st time I've owned an American car. It's a 4-door/which feels enormous to me. But it's incredibly comfy/velour interior/power everything. It's like driving yr living room.

    Driving it makes me feel kinda old, tho'. But I can't wait to take it on a road trip!

    Well, the tow truck guy is out front now/abt to drive away w/my 1988 Sentra. 121,000+ miles of my life & history are in that car. It served me well for a lotta years. But now/the ac's shot & the brakes need replacing & I'm *very* happy I won't have to drive it again. I hope Goodwill sells it cheap to someone who really needs a ride.

    Plus I get a $1725 tax deduction for it. Whoo-hooo!

    So those are pretty much the highlights of my so-called life-of-late. The Chef hasn't called or emailed me in months. (So glad I didn't sleep w/him...) Last I heard/he was still in Miami. For a hot minute/I had a pretty intense crush on this marred guy at my job/but I got over it & we're pretty good friends now. (Actually/he's my Vicodin connection. His wife's doctor hands them out to her like vitamin C tabs!)

    So, whazzup up w/all of you?

By Rhiannon on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 04:03 pm:

    I was just informed today that the apartment I and my friend Lorraine thought we were getting won't even process our application till I get a job in the DC Metro area.

    I'm thinking of that job with NIMH writing research grants, but I don't know if I have enough experience.

    Maybe there's a record store near the hopefully-mine apartment that desperately needs me.

    I'm listening to A Perfect Circle's "Mer de Noms" and it is totally kicking my ass, like, so hard.

    I had a dream last night that Lorraine's little sister was trying to put lipstick on me, despite my protests that I don't wear lipstick.

    We have lawyers staying with us while they attend the protests in Philly, making sure no one's rights are infringed upon by the police. The stuff they told us about the DC cops/feds/national guards/deputized MD and VA police during the April 16th protests was truly frightening.

    Yesterday was my brother's 20th birthday. I got him Diablo II and we played it all last night (well, he played...I watched). I'm really tired.

    I really don't want to work right now, but that's life.

    We missed you, R.C. Stick around for awhile!

By Nate on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 05:34 pm:

    i became engaged and sober.

By patrick on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 06:26 pm:

    way to go fucker!
    the two dont have to go hand in hand

    perhaps thats because i married a lush like me.

    i am upset i will be in NYC duyring the LA Democratic convention.....angry sam will do enough protesting for me! shit si gonna hit the fan, locally the cops are gearing up. did you know they issued a memo stating even the Coronors Office couldnt take holiday during theose 4 days.

By Rhiannon on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 06:45 pm:

    Today's protests went without violence. Newt Gingrich was caught coming out of a burger joint (my mom was there) and swarmed upon, but nobody hurt him. The people who protested today were people like the Kensington Workers Union and the "interest groups" themselves -- there was no civil disobedience, and everybody (other activists) made every attempt to keep today's protestors out of danger. Tomorrow is the day when the "professional activists" who have come from all over the country march, so that may be another story.

    Our lawyer houseguests have filed a class action suit against all the law enforcement agencies who were at the scene in DC a few months ago. They (law enforcement) arrested whole blocks of people (protestors, tourists, business people, passersby) with no provocation, raided protestors' headquarters and seized all their literature, and beat people who were restrained and who offered no resistance -- very scary stuff.

By Nate on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 11:06 pm:

    it worries me when my visions of the world becomes the world's visions.

    the engaged and the sober have nothing to do with each other.

    i'm on call 24/7.

By Gee on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 12:45 am:

    on call for what?

    RC, I have pink hair now. Bright pink. almost magenta. just the front section of my hair. Everyone keeps saying I should do the whole head, but I don't want too. I like looking normal from behind.

    all of my friends are leaving the country this week, for different reasons. they're not going together, they're just leaving around the same time. Who am I going to laugh with for the next month?

    I'm still trying to pick my courses for school. I wiggled into One of the course I want, and the rest of them seem beyond my reach. I'm trying to find out who's teaching the courses I want so I can kiss some teacher butt.

    summer is almost over. how can I adjust?

By NZA on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 12:57 am:

    I hate being on call. Last night someone paged me because they had a generator test and couldn't figure out how to turn the UPS back on when it was all over. It was 10:30, and we don't normally take calls after 10pm. All they had to do was hold the button in 5 seconds!

    I have been travelling, and now i'm home and thinking about what to do next. We need to replace our shower, and I think I might as well remodel the whole bathroom while we're at it.

    I really want laser eye surgery, but my insurance doesn't cover it, and $4000 is too much to spend on something that is essentially frivolous (sdc), or so my husband keeps telling me.

    I have to post the rest from home!

By Nate on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 09:55 am:

    i supervise the 24/7 support specialists.

By patrick on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 12:15 pm:

    are you good to your people?

By patrick on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 12:16 pm:


By moonit on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 03:47 pm:

    NZA my old hairdresser had that done and I was so jealous! She had bad headaches for a couple of weeks tho.

By Nate on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 04:39 pm:

    i'm good to my people.

By Zephyr on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 04:46 pm:

    My history teacher got laser eye surgery too.

    He needed it. And appearantly, his insurance covered it.

    His eyes were bloodshot for days after it.

    He was an asshole, though.

By Tired on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 04:47 pm:

    the laser places I've seen charge $1,000 per eye. So are you a mutant, or do you just have no nose for bargains?

By Isolde on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 07:43 pm:

    I'm kind of afraid of laser surgery, you know. The thought frightens me. Although it might be rather cool to not have contacts. Ever. Hm. I just wonder what happens if they slip or something...

By semillama on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 07:46 pm:

    Not as buff as I wanted - had to stop hitting the gym after work, since excavating and supervising a crew of inexperienced but enthusiastic volunteers really saps your energy. I think i still have a good chest, though. Ask Mavis, she's seen me most recently.

    Too bad about the "marred guy" - but you have to love that Freudian slip!

    Rhiannon - Check out The Damage Manual - it kicks more ass than A Perfect Circle.

    I have developed recently a taste for hard lemonade. I have sampled Mike's, Rick's, Doc Otis's and Sublime raspberry lemonade. I think Mike's is probably the best. It's just so refreshing tasting, especially after a long hot filthy day in the dirt and flies.

    I was in the local news, R.C. - have to scope out the web and see if it's online anywhere. It was all bout my dig.

By R.C. on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 09:36 pm:

    HOLD UP!

    NATE IS ENGAGED????!!!?!?


    Swine -- izzit true?

    PICTURES! We demand pictures!

    Is it that girl you've been off-&-on w/for like the last 2 years?

    Did you give her a ring & the whole 9?

    Have you set a date? Am I invited?

    Damn, Nate... I dunno whether to laugh or cry or stand on the roof & scream. But I promise to be happy for you/as soon as I get over myself.

    (See -- i knew it wdn't be log once you bought a crib.)

    .....lucky bitch!

    So Gee has pink hair. A bit of an accent is okay/but puleeze don't dye it ALL pink. That's just too 80's.

    NZA wants laser surgery? I keep thinking abt it too but I've only known 1 person whose had it. He says his vision is much better but he still wears glasses. (Can't remember if they're for driving or reading.) I've read a bit abt it & there are LOTS of people whose vision doesn't improve enuf for them to go w/out glasses after the surgery/which IMO isthe entire point in having the operation. And lots who end up w/halos - esp. when looking at bright lights at nite. Personally I wdn't take the risk until maybe 2 yrs. from now/when they've perfected the glitches. But in fairness to the surgeons/not everyone's a good candidate. I have pretty large eyeballs -- I know if yr eyeball is bigger than a certain size you're not a good candidate for laser surgery.

    Patrick's in NY? Make sure you hook up w/Swine & give him a smack in the head for me! Where is his blackass anyway?

    Sem -- show me yr picutres online! And whazzup w/YOU in the girlfriend dept?

By NZA on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 12:53 am:

    NZ$1=US$0.45. So It's about the same here as there. There are two places in Chch that do laser eye surgery, and they both charge about the same.

    One offers to do it again for free if they don't get it right. I asked my optometrist, she said I'd be a good candidate as I'm only moderately shortsighted. I just don't have the cash.

    Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket!

By Jay on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 08:50 am:

    Thank christ I have good eyesight. I've always felt for people who needed glasses. especially in like second grade and shit.
    I agree with R.C, wait a couple years. not only will they have all the glitches fixed but between now and then they might find out about some sort of side effects or something. Plus, I don't know what it's like where you are but here in FLa. the competition in the laser eye surgery field is getting to the point where the price drops about everyday. soon you'll be able to get that shit done at 7-11 for twenty bucks.

By Nate on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 10:18 am:

    yup, ring and everything. it will happen next july.

    on and off for the last 6 years.

    i'm not inviting anyone. i have too much family and they're all inviting themselves.

By patrick on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 12:21 pm:

    i dont think i'll see swine in NYC he doesnt like me too much abnd doesnt come around here no more, it seems.

By agatha on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 02:29 pm:

    he's around. he just doesn't currently have anything to say.

By Jay on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 03:46 pm:

    I just found a toenail in my hair. gotta watch where i flick those things. big gnarly one to.

By Dougie on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 04:15 pm:

    Ewwehh. A toenail in your hair was enough Jay. You didn't have to flesh it out with "big gnarly one."

By R.C. on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 11:03 pm:



    Okay/but won't you at least tell me abt The Big Moment When You Popped The Question? I know it had to be splendid.... (sigh)

    Well, can we at least send gifts?

By semillama on Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 05:54 pm:

By spider on Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 06:04 pm:

    Why, is that a deltoid muscle I see? ;)

By semillama on Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 07:19 pm:

    eehhhhhhnnnnn...could be.

By sarah on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 01:16 pm:

    i'm having laser surgery today.

    in the name of pure vanity, i'm having sun spots removed.

    they bug me!

    it's going to hurt and i might even get scabs. but i don't care.

    i don't have a problem with wrinkles. i can live with those. wouldn't bother with botox and all that crap, too much hassle, and besides, i don't mind looking my age.

    but sun spots are just kinda gross.

By sarah on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 04:17 pm:

    oooh, laser surgery is c00l. but now i look like an AIDS patient!