I had a suck weekend - my birthday was crapola yet again - I think I try to hard to make other people happy instead of myself - and I'm not gonna do that anymore. I kept getting asked for ID. I'm twentyfreakinfivedammit, Do you ever wish you could just run away? Cause thats what I feel like doing now. I need to sleep. I dont want to go to work tomorrow and have people ask me how my weekend was, should I lie? Should I say 'crap!'? Do you think that when its your birthday all attention should be focused on you? Cause I do and that didnt happen from the people that it should of. Fuck. There was no eye candy on Friday night when I went clubbing. None. My eyes went home starving. I bought some fake white leopard fur to cuff the bottom of my bootleg pants with for next weekends trip to the capital city - wellington - can't wait YAY. vent ramble vent ramble vent. |
I like cake - might have to go find something evilly chocolatey at lunchtime. |
that's funny, did you guys hear something? must've been an ill wind |
made into a frappe, digesting in the sun |
Is it the same on each posting? |
is that it? I'm finding satans posts so interesting. He always seems to say the most amazing things. In fact I am thinking of worshiping satan, due to his rampant homophobia, and his calling of us evil. i'm such a liar. |
you detective? |
a) typing the IP into the browser address window and seeing what pops up b) running a tracert on the IP and checking the names on the last few hops I'm sure there's another way - that's just how I'd do it. How did they get Satan's IP anyway? |
You can do a check on IP's at www.swhois.net |
sassy when you're sleuthing! |
and he must've shit himself when trace revealed he worked for the smae company that provides Satan with service. |
I don't mean to sound like "all that" or something, but I am an IT manager here, and kind of have an abuse responsibility. But, if you all are not too greatly offended, then we can just warn him. |
Now just chill and let him slip through the cracks of the internet. |
I just feel (as an admin, I have to) that we must protect Birch from risk. And posting hateful, spitefilled messages on a bbs using company equipment on company time is something worth paying attention to. |
i have to work for two more hours! |
And i think that Trace's company would be well within it's rights to yank the guy's internet access. Posting in his spare time my ass, for a while it was like ever other post. It's one thng if you do it from home, but another if you do it from where you work. His actions are pretty devious sounding. wonder what else he's been up to? |
Oh well. (a sorabji historical note for those who weren't here then - Racist remarks will get your ass kicked off here in a hurry. Re: oatmeal boy) |
Trace, from the Election Time Political Statement thread: "However, in a public forum, we should not choose what constitutes speech, and what constitutes just trying to piss someone off, that is a matter of opinion and judgement." However, now, in the name of his corporation, Trace is "watching" a poster to Sorabji. Sure, I make it sound sinister, but it's not unlike Trace making any opposition to hateful speech dangerous. So, now Trace is spying on an employee because they engaged in hateful speech. Why? To protect a corporation from risk. Why can't he do it to protect a homosexual person from a worse risk? |
Point 2: He attacked Pilate. Point 3: If I have to use company rules and politics to stop him from doing this at work, I will. I am not stopping him from doing it at home or anywhere else. Just company time & property. I beleive in free speech, but while you have a point and I do also see "hipocracy" and contridiction, the work place is not the place to make any kind of statement, period. He is being paid to work, not pull that shit. Plus, again, he attacked Pilate. And if I have to use company policy to punish him for it, I will. And maybe this is a good lesson for everybody. Your actions, on either side, have consequences. This man posing as satan may possibly loose access to the internet while at work. Those who tracked down his IP and ISP helped contribute to the possibility to him loosing internet priveledges. Oh, by the way, I do intend to forget the entire thing if he does not post either here or at Agatha's site again, or I do not catch any other "indescresions". Maybe this will stop his behavior |
Sorry, just had to say that |
that was random. Oh well. |
that was random. Oh well. |
Are you not posting some of your statements from work, Trace? You gotta get off that high horse sometimes or you're gonna get saddle sore. |
Over to the big kids... |
That's probably the coffee talking, but I don't care. Trace, I think you've got the right idea. I applaud you for giving him a chance to stop. Many companies wouldn't, I'm sure. Antigone, you've got some great points too. Cat, I'm glad you're here to remind us not to form a mob and lynch him for being irritating. Boy, there are some things that one just shouldn't be doing from work. I'm just glad he stopped. As far as "scanning your harddrive" from the internet... It's really not so simple. There is a lot of paranoia going around about that sort of thing, and I admit some of it is warranted, but certainly not all... For the most part, the big danger lies in the programs you run. Simply connecting to the internet doesn't give people full run of your computer. Now, if you're on a network or broadband internet, then people can watch all your internet traffic with ease. When I first moved into the dorms, I watched people type their email when I was bored. (I don't do that anymore.) There are some trojan programs that WILL allow people to read whatever they want on your drive and more... Back orifice, netbus, and I imagine there are more. I haven't looked at that stuff in some time. If I'm wrong, and windows DOES send that kind of private stored information over the internet, then things have changed since I went to Linux. ...but I think that would still be illegal, and Microsoft would be in more trouble than they are. Woah. Tangent. More Coffee. |
I have a new-found fondness for puter geeks..my newly beloved is one..I'm trying to learn your language. |