So I don't annoy anyone by "insinuating myself in every fucking thread" I am starting my own The Stalking Post: So I don't annoy anyone by "insinuating myself in every fucking thread" I am starting my own
By Trace on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 10:38 am:

    I am being serious here. I am seriously hurt and pissed off. What the fuck did I do that was that horrible?
    State my opinion and have it not agree with cat?
    Tough shit and get over yourself cat.

By Trace on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 10:40 am:

    Cause you ain't all that, and I think most of your points are old, and mundane, and trite, and I have heard nothing original out of your mouth.

By Dougie on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 11:53 am:

    Dude, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, get over it, and post to your heart's content.

By Dougie on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 11:54 am:

    Woops, 'til your heart's content.

By J on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 12:32 pm:

    Have I missed something? Is it time for me to get out the whip?Is this going to be a cage thing? And about what?

By moonit on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 03:57 pm:

    ohno *gasp* people have a difference of opinion *shocked*

    deal with it.

    please sorabji not another sheep incident.

By Cat on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 05:27 pm:

    (ignore Trace switch off)

    I don't care that you're a right wing facist bully boy, Trace. I respect everybody's right to have an opinion, even if it's ill-founded and downright stupid. I've even dated a bloody Republican.

    I got annoyed with you because you were single-handedly turning Sorabji into an AOL chat room with your continued posts of sparkling witty things like "OK.."lol".. (Though you seem to be better today). I realise you're probably bored and lonely at work, but surely there are chat programs you can access?

    I get extremely frustrated when I have to wade through 50 posts from you in an 8 hour period. You're drowning out the many interesting and intelligent and downright twisted (you know who you are!!) voices that do post here.

    As for me not being original...I thought my post about you being Satan was unique...or perhaps you often get accused of being a homophobe with an attention-deficit problem...somehow it wouldn't suprise me.

    (ignore Trace switch on)

By Trace on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 05:40 pm:


By Spider on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 07:01 pm:

    In elementary school, I had a friend named Kelly who would respond to anything the slightest bit unconventional with "ooookay, there." It was really annoying.

    Apparently, I need one of those "Fuck yeah, I'm weird!" stickers/buttons.

By Kymical on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 07:43 pm:

    i don't get it.

    i say stuff and 9 times out of 10, my thread dies.

    can we do like a mutiny thing here?

    nevermind, i'll shut up.

By Wavy on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 08:14 pm:

    Mmmm k?

By Zephyr on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 09:13 pm:

    Where is Mavis?

By Cat on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 09:24 pm:

    Mavis has gone to a wedding with Sem, I think. She was last seen dry-retching in the bathroom of some airport somewhere.

By N.b. on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 09:40 pm:

    I'm with Kymical. Just watch this thread die now.

By Antigone on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 09:52 pm:

    Here's a compliment for ya:

    What your posts lack in quality and creativeness, they more than make up for in quantity.

    There. Satisfied?

By Nate on Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 11:12 pm:

    don't worry, trace... they just pick on you because you're a mainstream puppethead bore.

    we like the alternative puppethead bores here.

    actually, i like everyone.

    or hate you all equally.

    take your pick.

    the one thing that pisses me off is when someone's feathers get bent out of shape and they have to start some whiney thread about how they're being maltreated.

    hello, fucking asses of the world, everyone here is maltreated once in awhile.

By J on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 01:24 am:

    It's only nateural.

By Can not spell on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 01:37 am:


By J on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 02:08 am:


By Dougie on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 08:41 am:

    Yes, but I feel he should vary his welcome a bit. "Fuck you, shit-for-brains" or "Fuck you, and the ISP you surfed in on" or even "Fuck you, you complete bloody bastard" for our queen's English-speaking friends.

By Nate on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 09:57 am:

    fuck you, you ass.

    where did anyone get the idea this is open for discussion.

By Dougie on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 10:08 am:

    How'd I know that was coming? Anyways, everything's always open for discussion.

By Trace on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 10:18 am:

    Ass munches, all of you!

By Dougie on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 10:43 am:

    Yes, I do enjoy a good ass munch occasionally. Just last week, I had a lovely rump roast in a port wine and mushroom sauce. That cow had one fine and tasty ass.

By Trace on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 10:47 am:

    I enjoy bovine rumps myself

By Gee on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 11:36 am:

    I love Kymical.

    I think she's swell.

By Pez on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 11:57 am:

    i prefer the rump of a cabbage...if you boil it enough, it really smells like ass! (tastes good, though)

By patrick on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 12:10 pm:

    yeah trace, eveyone gets a bitch slapping here from time to time, in fact, Im about due, i was thinking of provoking she has a history of hating me, and I have a histroy of loving to annoy her, but she just had some surgery so I will let it the meantime trace, enjoy your time spent on the whipping post boy!

By Trace on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 12:18 pm:


By Antithesis on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 03:12 pm:

    *sigh* I don't think he gets it, Cat.

    'sokay. I don't really get it, either. but then, I don't get much of any(thing). All you ass-munchers should move to Bakersfield. The whole town smells of ass and Dell Taco.


By Trace on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 12:00 am:

    I miss dell taco's "limp" fries...wait, let me rephrase that, soggy fries

By HyperPez on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 03:44 am:


By Kymical on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 06:47 pm:

    kymical doesn't love bovine ass.

    kymical loves white boy ass.

    kymical loves that Gee thinks so highly of her.

    (aww shucks.)

By Trace on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 11:11 pm:

By Tired on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 11:14 pm:

    speaking of white boy ass, didja get it on w/ mathboy yet?

By Isolde on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 01:41 am:

    Yeah, really. That discussion kind of petered out...

By Antithesis on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 02:46 am:

    *hereby promises to lay off Trace*

    *hereby asserts his curiousity regarding mathboy*

By Kymical defeated on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 03:23 am:

    oh gosh, i guess i kind of left out the worst part of it all eh?

    i played a show with a really awesome band he liked (Lift to Experience) i opened for them and put him on the guest list cause i could do that. he showed up and bought me a beer. all real nice. and i should have kissed him, cause Lift, was fucking intoxicating and i had had 2 beers already. but i didn. i hugged him tho, and it was a very strong tight hug, that one that should lead to kissing.

    then a few days later i am talking to him on the phone when he says,
    "who was that girl you were sitting with when i came in?" friend of a friend her name is Kelly she has a boyfriend and is 18-19. (mathboy 24)
    i say " that is kelly."
    he says "how old is she?" to get to the bottom of things i say
    "i don't really know, i know she is dating my friend evan and he is like 18 so probably somewhere around there."
    he says "oh, so she isn't single then?"
    i say "no, sorry bout that, better luck next time."
    after this conversation i was confused. i don't think he would be as calculating as me and use this as s ploy to get me to make a mover or else. so i assumed that he really has been oblivious to this whole thing and it has all just been coincidence and i have realized i should just leave the boy alone.

    i think that would pretty much be the end.
    tho i did see him today, and our schedules would never work out. he can't even find the time to answer an email i sent that he solicited me to write. that i can not tolerate.
    he is back in school, back at work. and regretably probably out of my life.
    i gave him an origami lily, he liked it. but i think i have lost the battle. i would like to think i fought the good fight tho.

By Isolde on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 03:36 pm:

    woah. That's harsh.

By Kymical on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 07:53 pm:

    not really.

    i often blow things out of proportion.
    one of the gifts of having an over active imagination.

    that and imaginary friends.

    only down side is knowing what the boogie man looks like.

By Isolde on Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 08:41 pm:

    My imaginary friends are always here for me. I love them dearly.
    And it is sad that things didn't work out between you and the you know who your next object of affection is going to be?

By J on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 01:41 am:

    I had an imaginary friend, along time ago.Thinking a Lemonhead song.

By Gee on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 03:09 am:

    Kymical, for all you know he might have gotten frustrated and fed up waiting for an overtly obvious sign from you. don't forget how Thick some people can be. he might need it tattooed on your face.

    would it spoil everything if you were straightforward?

By moonit on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 03:17 am:

    imaginery friends are sometimes way more healthier for you than real friends

By Tired on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 11:08 am:

    indeed, Kym.

    interest in one girl does not interfere with interest in another girl. hellz, I'll even actively pursue 2 or 3 at the same time cos with my luck, at most one will be interested. OK, 33 minutes to my important test.

By agatha on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 02:35 pm:

    i think he was testing you, kym, to see if you reacted jealously. just throw him on the ground and ravage him, for christ's sake. stupid pasty computer geek boy. damn him. i don't know why your scenario is frustrating me so much, i think i am projecting.

By patrick on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 04:04 pm:

    i don't think he was testing as guys don't play games like that, it's only chicks who do silly shit like that. Kym, I would have to say he's probably not interested if he is asking you about other that math here...

By Kymical on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 04:23 pm:

    speaking of math...i think back to one of my favorite Kids in the Hall sketches.
    it has been heard amongst my band often recently.
    "hey son, how many girls called you today? oh, zero? well, how many called you yesterday? zero?
    well you know son, zero plus zero equals, fag!"

    i did the math, i was hoping it would be him + me = us. but instead it was kym + imaginary affection = kym

    luckily i got out while i still could, he was really cramping my style. now all the fellas will know that i am single and open for bussiness.
    woo yeah.

By Cat on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 04:56 pm: need a stern talking to. Now you never admitted to this bloke that you fancied him, did you? And why not? Because you're a big weenie bum, that's why!

    If you don't let him know how you'll never ever know if he feels the same. And there's every chance he does, but he doesn't think he's got a hope in hell.

    Now go call him and say "I have feelings for you" that so hard? At least then you'll know for sure.

    Seize the boy!

By patrick on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 05:05 pm:

    yeah, id have to second that

By Cat on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 05:10 pm:

    I love it when you second me Patrick!

By patrick on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 05:21 pm:

    now profess your unconditional love for me and forward those "party polaroids"

By Cat on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 06:48 pm:

    Alas my squishy tomato burrito, my love for you is too pure and etheral to be besmirched with carnal desires of the flesh.

By Wavy on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 07:25 pm:

    Hey Cat - my buddy showed me a nifty little program the other day. It lets you track an IP address down to the street address that the server's located at.

    Think of all the mischief you could cause with that.

By Tired on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 07:26 pm:

    Kym, a lot of people are getting on your case for not being forward enough, but in my opinion, you weren't sneaky enough. A hug? A HUG? Hugs are nothing. Even tight hugs. If anything, he probably thinks you've been hanging around hippies or ravers. There were no spiked drinks, no drugs baked into cakes, no spilling something on your dress so you have to wash it at his place, no accidentally picking his name off your address book when you meant to send the e-mail about the math guy you like to your other friend, not even a "whoops! I meant to put that quarter in MY pocket. . . but since I'm down here. . . "

By Isolde on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 08:03 pm:

    Walk into his house stark naked at 3:37 AM (because even numbers are unlucky), and tell him to put it up your ass.
    Or, alternately, just tell him you're interested?

By agatha on Monday, August 21, 2000 - 11:40 pm:

    pardon, patrick, i didn't realize that you spoke for all men. i thought that some men were different than others, but i guess i was mistaken.

By Gee on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 01:31 am:

    ha ha! gotcha good!

    hee. I'm such a dork.

By patrick on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 12:17 pm:

    geeze agatha don't get all ruffled..........

    have you known guys to play games like that? I don't have guy friends that do, nor have I personally. I don't think my personal experience is anymore valid than yours, i just stated my opinion.

    bad day at work?

By agatha on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 03:02 pm:

    i have known guys that hint at things that way instead of coming out with it, yes. i didn't work yesterday. ruffles have ridges.

By Pez on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 06:24 pm:

    hints are so confusing.

    half the time you think someone is hinting, and then they're not. or you confront them, tell them how you feel and then they don't say anything.


    maybe i'll swing by mervyn's on my next day off.

    i read an article in jane about make-out parties. apparently they're the next big thing. maybe i should have a party. and invite some people from work (like a few of my cute co-workers...)

    i did it again, didn't i?

By Antithesis on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 07:51 pm:

    *laugh* As far as I can tell, guys play as many games as girls do. Just different games, that's all. admittedly, we probably aren't as good at it as girls are, but, hey, we try.

    I like monopoly.

    Women are evil. Men are /dumb/.

    how's that for generalizations?

By Isolde on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 08:07 pm:

    Girls play mind games, boys play computer games? (Speaking of generalizations). Actually, I don't really like games. Except for Monopoly. And most card games, I suppose. But head games...that's another story. I'm all over head games.

By Pezily dickinson on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 12:43 am:

    i like head games. tag is good.

    i'm particularly fond of initiating his desire with a simple glance.

    does that sound like something in a romance novel?

    i need a new relationship. with a boy who likes to play mind games (i'm writing a story about a girl who joins a cult...she's bitten by a member and seduced by the leader who may or may not fall to her feminine charms)

By Zephyr on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 12:31 pm:

    Duckfucker and a half!

    I hate all this piddling crap!
    I used to never be able to read signals...from boys OR i can, somewhat...but it's still a pain.

    Oh well.

    It's damn fun, anyway.

By TBone on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 12:35 pm:

    Games are stupid. Just stroll up and say, "You, Me, and a stick of butter." and see where it gets you.

By Trace on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 12:44 pm:

    Tbone, your name may make them want to put that stick of butter on you and throw you in the broiler...

By Pez on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 01:30 pm:

    mmm...i can smell the heart attack already.

By Zephyr on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 02:15 pm:

    Cholesterol is goooooood.....

    I eat enough to kill a horse, and I'm underweight. Go figure.

By Zephyr on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 02:15 pm:

    Although, tbone, I like your method...

By Antithesis on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 06:01 pm:

    (we OPEN on an urban streetcorner. An attractive, 6' tall woman with hips is perusing a newsstand. A thin young man, even taller than the woman, emerges from a small grocery story carrying a stick of shortening.)

    Antithesis (strolling up): hey, Pez. You, Me and a stick of butter.
    *uncomfortable pause*

    Antithesis (aside):ahem. I don't think it's working, Tbone.

    *Anti turns back towards Pez, who's eyes are slowly going wide*

    Anti (faux confidently): Heh, yep. Seriously. (motions with the butter) c'mon.

    Pez: That's margarine. Low-fat. That, and... *eyes go even wider*

    Anti(looks at his margarine, then breaks out in a cold sweat): She's right behind me, isn't she?

    Pez (pale as a sheet): *nods*

    (PAN LEFT to show Isolde standing behind Anti, tapping her feet, holding what may or may not be a cattle prod.)

    Anti: *turns slowly*

    Isolde: *zap*

    (Flash of red. Anti disappears with a urine-curdling scream.)

    Pez (returning to normal): *sighs* Whew. What a creep. Margarine. Somebody should make him a "warning: sleazy" sign or something. So. Um. What'd you do to him, anyhow? *motions at the cattle prod thing*

    Isolde (happily):It's a teleporter. He's in ... a place... think Elephants. Dildos. Lemon Juice. Boy Bands. End-of-life Marlon Brando. Goth Poets. Fingernails on Chalkboards. lots of hot, pointy objects. Itching powder. Jane Austen. That sort of thing.

    Pez: that scream... was he experiencing all those things at once?

    Isolde: Oh, no. It's still a cattleprod, too, y'know.

    Pez: right. You're kinda cute. buy you a drink?

    Isolde: sure.

    (they link arms and EXIT STAGE RIGHT)


    Trace: Heh. LOL.

    (From somewhere offscreen, CAT screams.)


By patrick on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 07:15 pm:

    Scene 2

    dank smoky bar, H.Willism Sr "Ring of Fire" rolls on the juke box, two bar flys sit at the end talking about trucks, women and who is buyign the next beer.
    Pez, Isolde, sit in between from Mr and Mrs Patrick with a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels.

    Pez: So you two are married and have been for the last 3000 years.

    Mrs Patrick: Yes, we have the spice, spice is life.

    Isolde: (in awe) Noooooo Shit.......

    Pez: You got some of this spice? I mean some to share? We have never done it or anything like it.

    Isolde: Yeah what's it feel like?

    Patrick: Yes, yes we do (looking at Mrs Patrick as she nods a familiar nod), its back at our trai....err our house, which is actually a hologram of what you refer to as a house. We do not want to upset your people here.

    Mrs. Patrick: Yes there is a buzz involved, I should show you, its quite remarkable (laying a single finger on her wrist, moving it in a back and forth motion). It starts up here (taking the same finger and placing it on her temple and slowly rolls down here, going past her eyes....and continuing down) and continues all the way down......

    (Looking at Pez, Isolde slowly forms a small grin)

    Pez (interrupting): Ok so what the hell are we doing here, this spice, sounds intriguing, and you both are kinda cute....

    (Cheesy, twangy porn music over comes the jukebox and the four walk out into the bright sunlight outside the bar)

By Isolde on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 08:24 pm:

    dude. so you _do_ like the cattleprod?
    Carry on with this. I'm getting intrigued.

By Cat on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 08:30 pm:

    I'm calling my agent. I want more screen time! lousy voiceover scream??

    I want to wear a tight red frock that amazingly doesn't wrinkle as I kickbox and karate chop the bad guy.

    And why don't I get a love scene?


By moonit on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 02:40 am:

    yeah and where was J. You can't have a thing without J. Or actually any of the sorajites missing. How come Trace got a part and I didnt.


    Cat I think we should make an independent film that will kick all arses.

    The drama of Once were warriors combined with the hilarity of Muriels Wedding or the Castle.

By Pezzy-poo on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 03:35 am:


    i remember a couple of years ago i thought that underneath all my liking boys i was a lesbian. i still wonder that every once in a while.

    but i'm not.

    is it true that if you poke people in certain places they'll make different sounds? like the pillsbury doughboy?

    if someone pokes my nose, i think i'd start singing "don't worry be happy"

    whoooo whoo whoo whoo whoo whi whoodidooo
    whoodleoodle oodyoo oodioodiooooo....

By Antithesis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 05:47 am:

    damnit, Pez, you rock.

    and I know what you mean. I've oftened wondered if I'm gay, or at least bi. I've only had a few experiences with guys, and I didn't really come to any conclusions about whether I enjoyed it.

    and if you want more screenplay, write more damned screenplay. Do I look like I'm here to work? Besides, I'm new here and I hardly know any of you; you'd kick my ass if I accidentally wrote "MAVIS, a big strapping man of 45, waddles down the street" or something similarly idiotic.

By Cat on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 06:38 am:

    Amen Moonit..But maybe "Once Were Warriors Meets Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Crocodile Dundee". I like Priscilla for the frocks and Dundee cause it sucks in the huge international dollars. And we wanna make big bucks outta this, no measly little limited-release-but-the-critics love-us flick.

    Oh and we gotta have a car chase.

    And we have to throw lots of tantrums during the shoot and demand strange things (like lemon daquiris using only fruit grown in the lesbian commune near me) because we can.

    And we can get Patrick to take the publicity shots because we can tell him to make us look pretty and flame him all over the boards if he doesn't.

    OK, I need to nap now.

By Jay on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 08:20 am:

    I want the letter "K" removed from anything I might see and pictures of jennifer jason leigh hung up in my dressing room with yellow thumbtacks. I also want to wear some really cool sunglasses and a nose ring.

    How did that "don't worry be happy" go again? was it "whooo whooo whoooo whoooo whi whioodidoo" or "whooo hoo hoo hooowhoohoohoowahooohoooohooo doododledodeeedooodeeedooo dooodleooooodooooo" ?
    How exactly do you pronounce "oodyoo"?

By Dougie on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:00 am:

    That don't worry be happy song is a good candidate for the Weeds section.

By J on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:47 am:

    So is the singing fish they sell at Walgeens that sings it.

By Zephyr on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:55 am:

    A-Hem! No part for me?

    golliters. of all the nerve.

    I want a big sign on Jay's dressing room door consisting entirely of words with 'K's in them.
    I also want a dancing crew of midgets.
    And a daily bubble bath.

    An actual part would be nice, too.

By TBone on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 12:03 pm:

    Damned fish... I've been swearing up and down since I fist saw it that it's secretly an evil mind-controlling device. Then a couple of my friends bought one.

    Now I can't go over there anymore. I walked in their door and it looked at me and started singing. I screamed like a woman and ran for my life.

    My friends were walking toward me like zomies droning, "Join us... Join us...." I think they were wearing clothes from the Gap.

    Here's a little song I wrote... You might want to sing it note for note, a-don't worry.... Be happy.

By Mavis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 12:29 pm:

    fuck that stupid fish. when i walked into walgreens two nights ago to get laundry change,
    that thing started going off, right before i got really dizzy and had to run out to the parking lot and remind myself to breathe and swallow.....
    it was THE FISH!!!!!

By Trace on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 12:31 pm:

    ThE FISH is a tool of the devil!

By Zephyr on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 12:32 pm:

    I've never seen the fish.

    I don't think they have walgreens in NJ.

    ::immense sigh of releif::

By patrick on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 12:37 pm:

    i realized i forgot the money shot!


By Dougie on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 01:09 pm:

    You should know, Trace.

By Trace on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 01:11 pm:

    *rolls his eyes*
    That is really old, dougie.

By Pez on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 01:11 pm:

    never been in walgreens. my only expirience with the store proves that it isn't open late enough.

    intense stomach cramps and barfing out the window of your mom's van at 3 am doesn't mean a very pleasant day. i had to leave the all night party four hours early.

    and i was prepared to run out of the arena all through graduation.

    back to a pleasanter note:

    or maybe "feelin' groovy"?

    my contract demands that red meat eaters brush their teeth before they get within 20 feet of my precense. in addition: thirty one plastic cat clocks, a parrot named hortenuse and a warm chocolate syrup bath twice a day.

By Dougie on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 01:15 pm:

    Yeah, but it's fun.

By Mavis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 02:01 pm:

    the one on 39th and belmont is always open.....

By Antithesis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 04:57 pm:

    Pez, love, I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but your agent screwed you. The contract we have clearly states that you work for "sex. sex and comic books" (ref. sec. 2 p.13)

    Sorry, chum.

    Also, our union dictates against working with anyone from New Jersey unless they specifically apologize and agree to work for nothing but sex and comic books.

    Alright, Jay, apparently we have to re-shoot the second scene, since we missed "the money shot." If you want to get some camera time, now's your chance.

    Oh, and Good News: we finally closed the deal on the soundtrack. Some guy named Bobby McFerrin, or something.

By Isolde on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 08:12 pm:

    No dissin' New Jersey! Pam rocks more than I could ever hope to do! Punk.
    My contract stipulates a large layout of scrumptious vegan food at all times, an on call massuer (or euse, I'm not fussy), a sauna with eucylyptus, and a permantently heated hot tub. Oh, and a medget sex slave would be nice.

By Antithesis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 08:53 pm:

    Yes, but I don't think I need to remind you that Pam also worked for sex and comic books. You don't get a new contract; you already signed a three-release deal.

    Oh. You remember the Bettie Page look-alike who was here? Damn. turns out she was from Jersey, too. DAMNdamn. quite easily the second hottest piece of ass this town has seen in ages. and if SHE worked for sex and comic books (and Mike's Hard Lemonade), I damn sure expect the rest of you to do the same. There are always more actors, after all.

    If I had a Wu-Clan name (check out, it would totally be Porn Director Antithesis.

By Isolde on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 08:59 pm:

    I knew she was from New Jersey. We discussed that in bed yesterday morning. I switched agents, so I need a new contract. And I would like to point out that Pam never stripped for us. (or pat). *sigh* We were all set to pay her fifty dollars for a sight of that gorgeous ass, but...god was not with us.

By Antithesis on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 09:06 pm:

    In bed? that musta been the UPS guy you're thinking of... you know perfectly well I don't talk until after 2 cups of coffee.

By Isolde on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 09:13 pm:

    No, that was _she_ and I in bed.

By Pezta pezbo on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:42 pm:

    that's it. i'm going on strike until i get my twice daily chocolate syrup bath. or since i may not be worth that much, chocolate pudding to be rubbed all over my body and licked off.

    i'm getting a dirty mind. must be from that cosmo i bought this morning when i went for milk.

By Isolde on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:58 pm:

    I read cosmo in the bathtub with antithesis the other day. It's so much funnier naked. You oughta try it.

By Zephyr on Friday, August 25, 2000 - 10:44 am:


    Ok, ok...

    I apologize, specifically.

    Now am I hired?

    I will DEFINITELY work for sex and comic books.
    Now how about some Spawn, Jay and Silent Bob, Clerks, and The Crow?

    Oh, and sex with who? Other cast members?
    (this could definitely be VERY fun...::licks lips::)

By Pez... on Friday, August 25, 2000 - 11:35 am:

    read the "food is erotic" thread


    i just think chocolate syrup would be soooo tasty.

By Gee on Monday, September 4, 2000 - 03:48 am:

    you guys are obsessed with sex. not that that's in any way different from the usualy goings on here.

    Antithesis and Isolde, where are you two from again? Antithesis is so much like my friend Tommy that I'm actually a little creeped out.

    I can't explain that. I love Tommy, and you seem nice too, but you're like his twin. Half of me thinks you are him in desguise (sp), but that wouldn't be his style.

    what if there were two Gee's? What would the world be like then? can you imagian?

By dave. on Monday, September 4, 2000 - 04:54 am:

    2 gees would make me 540 pounds. i wouldn't like that at all.

By Isolde on Monday, September 4, 2000 - 12:26 pm:

    Indeed. Antithesis and I are from Calfornia.

By Georgewcheated on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 09:51 am:

    George W Bush eats worms. George, bring back my job from Mexico. George, quit killing our soldiers in Iraq. George, why don't you take more vacation time. George, why is all your staff quiting on you?

By agatha on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:12 am:

    Thanks for bringing this great thread back, George.

By Dougie on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 10:29 am:

    Yeah, I like these old threads. Where'd the fucking time go though?

By Gee on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 11:57 am:

    last night I had a dream about Tommy, where he changed his name to Vip Chamberland and we had superpowers! I was like the spongy girl from "DP7".

By Nate on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 12:27 pm:

    nothing you said makes sense to me.

By Nate on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 03:25 pm:

    further, sex with frogs.

    and i don't mean amphibian intercourse.

By Nate on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 03:26 pm:

    further, sex with frogs.

    and i don't mean amphibian intercourse.

By Nate on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 03:34 pm:

    further further further, blah blah blah.


    it's fucking out of the bag. you hear me? OUT OF THE FUCKINg BAG.

    someone, quick, get me accepted to MacDowell.

By jack on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 03:35 pm:

    nothing you said makes sense to me.

By kazu on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 03:41 pm:

    further, sex with nunavut

    and i don't mean Inuktitut intercourse

By Nate on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 04:43 pm:

    be you original bastard! goodamn bird oloud!

By TBone on Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 06:08 pm:

    do not with your of sorrow.
    My mom said, "Think Pink," but I blame genetics. And I'm not sure what happened to my Neuros. This is the second time, damnit.

    I was thinking British Columbia, but 6 months is a lot of money, and there's exchange to worry about.

By Czarina on Thursday, December 2, 2004 - 02:04 am:

    Sadly, I understand it all.

    And, with my animal lovin' attitude, it has been brought to my attention, that there might be some frog-o-phile covert sexual activities going on around here.

    This must stop.

    What does a horney frog say?

    Rubbit, Rubbit

By Antigone on Thursday, December 2, 2004 - 03:44 am:

    I love my Neuros.

    further, sex with Neuros

    and I don't mean to slap your creamy center

By V on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 12:51 pm:

    naaaa,slap this...

By V on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 01:14 pm: