I can't fucking believe this happened!

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: I can't fucking believe this happened!
By Antigone on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 01:43 am:

By Nate on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 01:52 am:

    BUSH 2000.

By Antigone on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 02:26 am:

    ASS FUCKING 2001.

By Nate on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 02:38 am:

    romf. we could all use a good assjob with a redhot poker.

By Pamela on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 05:29 am:

    I want to vote, but I dont' know which candidate is the lesser of the two evils...

By Isolde on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 08:31 am:

    No leeser of two evels CRAP!
    Vote Nader.

By Nate on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 11:30 am:

    vote nader.

By patrick on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 11:33 am:


    i got disgusted with those two last night within the first 5 minutes, when the hawkish Bush played on the "success" of the Gulf War by saying Saddam "better not be making weapons of mass destruction or he'll have serious consequences"

    and Gore explicit support for Israel during the the current crisis. And also demanding that peace be brokered by the US.

    ...and to hear this morning a little dingy with a few explosives rocked a destroyer in port in the mid east...hmmmmmmmmm...who could that be????

    and everyone wonders why virtually everyone else in the world hates us? hmm is it because we package american "values" in a mcdonalds wrapper, as those two fucks kept harping on, and shove it down everyone's throat?

By Margret on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 11:48 am:

    What the FUCK?
    I wonder if we could sue the republican and democratic parties under the Sherman anti-trust act.
    Isn't one of you a legal weasel? Which one was it again?

By patrick on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 11:59 am:

    you're so sexy when you get emphatic.

    have fun getting married

By J on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 12:27 pm:

    H was a legal eagle,but he hasn't posted in eons,you know the U.S.A isn't for the people.

By Nate on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 12:57 pm:

    the odd thing about that destroyer thing is that Yemen officials say that the explosion was from within the destroyer.

    stoner sensibilities suggest we shot ourselve in the ass for public opinion.


By sarah on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 08:48 pm:

    i do not believe that our votes or who wins the presidential election will or can in any way change the war on the drugs. the DEA and the pentagon got their own gig entirely. they are untouchable.

By Antigone on Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 10:26 pm:

    Vote Nader.
    Note Vader.

By Antigone on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 01:22 am:

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 08:51 am:

    Anybody hear that piece yesterday on NPR about the death penalty in Texas done by the wardens, chaplain and guards in Huntsville, about how they carry out and feel about the assembly-line executions that take place down there every year? Very moving, especially when the chaplain noted that in the final minutes the prisoner is alone with the chaplain, right before execution, one man asked him, "What do I say to God when I see him?" How do you answer something like that?

By Nate on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 11:41 am:

    ... in 45 seconds.

    damn dougie, what are you doing? stalking me?

    first the roasted root soup, and now this.

By patrick on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 11:44 am:

    i heard that dougie, godbless npr drivetime.

    the president and congress could have an effect on the drug war by not allocating funds. the prez, could stop it. the prez signed legislation to send $X billion to Columbia, for police, helicopters etc to fight the war on drugs and the assoc. drug lords and rebels. Congress passed it thru, or was it an executive order? eitherway they COULD have an effect. i think once the DEA leaves, the country, out in the jungle, yeah, they don't have to answer to anyone...US law fades...or so i would guess.....

    nate, sez im usually wrong so.....humor me...(sniff)

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 12:25 pm:

    Yes, stalking you heavily from the East coast, Nate.

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 12:30 pm:

    I was wondering what that time difference on the West coast is like -- last Sunday, I saw a promo for next week's NFL football game (12 Eastern, 9 am Pacific). That must be weird to watch football early in the morning on Sunday.

By patrick on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 12:38 pm:

    actually its kinda cool.....i just roll over, flip the tv, half asleep, no one actually plays at that time, thats just when those dopes start yappin....

    assuming im skipping church that sunday, it's kinda nice to lay there and maybe make some coffee, and what not, when it's done, you have the whole day ahead of you...

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 12:45 pm:

    Sounds cool. You go to church? Jeez, there's a novel idea. I haven't been in let's see now, since last year at my girlfriend's niece's first communion. Yeah, football in the middle of the day blows the whole day.

By patrick on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 02:14 pm:

    yes i hold mass in my wife's ass whenever possible

    mass ass crass

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 02:20 pm:

    You're definitely going to hell for that one dude.

By patrick on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 03:28 pm:

    save me a seat

By Dougie on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 03:31 pm:

    Heh heh! Yeah, 2nd aisle, 3rd pew over.

By pez on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 06:28 pm:

    ahh, ye olde football games, cold, wet, and wanting to shove a piccolo up the drum major's ass...not a feeling you'd expect from someone born on super bowl sunday.

By Antigone on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 09:01 pm:

    I was drum major of my band for two years.

    No piccolo player ever tried to shove it up my ass, though.

    That's a damn shame.

By Isolde on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 10:38 pm:

    I must be hanging out with the wrong piccolo players.

By Sheila on Friday, October 13, 2000 - 11:40 pm:

    Drum Major? Really, I was too.

By Antigone on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 12:15 am:

    Really. I stood up in front of the band and waved my arms. In rhythm. Lots of people looked at me for an extended, sustained period of time.

    I once walked several city blocks in 100 degree heat through downtown Dallas in this fashion. Wearing a wool uniform with a thick cape. And a hat. With a feather.

    Twice I waved my arms like this at the ultra famous Southfork Ranch. In 100 degree heat. Wearing a wool uniform with a thick cape. And a hat. With a feather.

    I lost alot of weight doing this. That was nice.

By dave. on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 12:40 am:

    sheila? tell us a story.

By Isolde on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 12:43 am:

    yeah, tell us a story!
    *pulls up her cushion*

By dave. on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 12:59 am:

    isolde, do you have yahoo chat? message mouthbreether.

By Cat on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 02:18 am:

    Antigone...post picture of you as drum major. And of feather.

By Isolde on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 12:36 pm:

    k, I will. I'm only on Yahoo when I participate in the Sorabji lovenugget trading post.

By Tired on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 05:34 pm:

    here's another analogy, tho it might suck.

    the government is microsoft

    voting is a program called OSSwitch.exe, which claims to uninstall your current system and replace it with the OS of your choice, but actually just crashes the computer and at most switches from win2000 to Microsoft Bob or back (match those with the parties as you see fit).

    the user (us) thinks that the way to get rid of windows2000 or make it work is to just run OSSwitch with the right parameters, and when it doesn't work, s/he thinks that's her/his fault for choosing a bad replacement OS, and never suspects that the entire fucking system is firmly entrenched and corrupted.

    so go ahead,

    reinstall /g nader.sys

    see if it changes anything.

By Tired on Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 05:37 pm:

    sorry, was replying to nader stuff at top.

    I'll save my banging on about politics for threads where everyone bangs on about politics.