Your days are numbered The Stalking Post: Your days are numbered
By Cat on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 - 07:54 pm:

    Mathematicians have been busy crunching numbers and counting beans and they've come up with the perfect age at which we should get married.

    Apparently they based it on the average years of fertility and something called the "google test", which is a statistical thingimijiggy I can't be bothered explaining. Essentially they wanted to come up with a number at which you would still be ripe for the picking but you weren't just wasting yourself on the first loser that came along.

    And without further ado...the perfect age for a woman is 27, while men should marry at 32.

    If the mathematicians had based their calculations more on social factors like sex drive and life span, females should be looking for toy boys...six years younger is about right according to the math boffins.

By mistaswine on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 08:26 am:


    you getting all hot and bothered by the men in the shoe department again?

    i'm going back to sleep.

By Cat on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 02:44 pm:

    I like spicy shoe men.

By Gee on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 02:46 pm:

    Swine has to be the most well-rested pig I've ever seen.

By mistaswine on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 04:10 pm:

    "well-rested" my ass.

    three hours of sleep.

    woke up naked in the closet, cell phone screaming in my ear, puddle of ketel one and tropicana under my ass.

    at least i hope that was ketel one and tropicana.

    4PM in the office: very dazed, slightly confused, auto-pilot in full effect. five minutes ago i'm on the phone yapping "deliverables, deliverables, action items, blah blah blah!!" and all i've got in my head is KRS shredding up the stage at SOB's.
    who the hell needs business when you've got the boom-bap?

    to hell with it.

    a few more years of this shit is gonna make my liver shrivel up like a diseased prune. turn my gray matter green and leak out my ears. old crusty walking dry heave. fade to black. back in black. black out.
    mama say mama saw ma ma cu saw.

    it's damn near impossible to focus under these conditions. at least not without another stiff drink and the proper pharmaceuticals. shit. i shouldn't get myself started. i wonder if i can declare pharmaceutical bankruptcy... anyway, fuck all that.

    new kung fu:

    there will be no stiff drinks.

    there will be no xanax consumption.

    there will be no late nights shaking ass in that dark sweaty cocacabana.

    go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep. go home. smoke a joint. get in bed. go to sleep.


    lights out.

By Cat on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 04:30 pm:

    Don't tell me your fucking nancy-wancy problems. Ok so you're going to be ruled by right-wing-facist-bully-boys for the rest of eternity, but I'm the one with the real problems here.

    But there was no milk at my workplace this morning. Talk about a white-hot nuclear situation. There are still corpses of black-coffee-victims littering the corridors. It's a nightmare.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 05:04 pm:


    sounds like my life

    valium xanax liquor laced days and nights

    fortunately i work in an office with publishing folk...they like their coffee strong and black deadlines and late nights demand it. no problems there.

    after my birthday party, i got a stocked liquor cabinent.

    it will most likely be gone by friday.

By mistaswine on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 05:08 pm:

    real women like it black and strong.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 05:17 pm:

    there is saying a particular friend has...

    "i like ma women like i like ma coffee...strong and black"

    you could substitute whisky as well, or any other potent drink

By Dougie on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 05:46 pm:

    Or you could say, "I like my women like I like my coffee, in a paper cup" and thoroughly confound them.

By J on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 06:19 pm:

    You left out hot,the coffee needs to be hot.....sizzle chest's

By Isolde on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 06:45 pm:

    Hells yeah, J!
    So, Cat, what are your problems?
    I'm afraid of being ruled by a facist. I don't drink coffee now, but when I did I took it black.

By sarah on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 09:02 pm:

    yay! i'm a real woman!

By sarah on Wednesday, November 8, 2000 - 09:03 pm:

    Cat, you are one funny mofo.

By Nate on Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 08:10 pm:

    shit, i thought this thread would be about calendars.

By Tired on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 01:26 am:

    the google factor, explained by somebody who's lost his source and his mind:

    There was a game called google where one person would write down a list of numbers, tell the other person how many numbers there were, and then read them off to the other person, who had to guess which was the largest immediately after it was said.

    The counterintuitive (for me, at least, I don't have anyone else's intuition) result was that having a huge list of numbers didn't help you much, the guesser always had at least a certain chance of guessing right, if he followed the proper strategy. The strategy was also very simple, sit there through a certain proportion of the numbers, then guess the next number that is higher than all the previous numbers, if there is one.

    The chance that you will win with this strategy might be 1/e, and the proportion of numbers through which you should sit might be 1/e. It might be both. e is the sum of the reciprocals of the factorials of the nonnegative integers, approximately 2.718281828459045. . .

    In related news, the girl I was talking about a while ago is still in my life sorta I dunno might post if there's anything to post about.

By Antigone on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 02:24 am:

    I didn't knop that e was the sum of the reciprocals of the factorials of the nonnegative integers. Shit. Now I can calculate the last digit of pi. Thanks!

By Cat on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 07:37 am:

    I do like to see our little uber geeks enjoying themselves. Knock yourselves out on the pi shit boyos. In fact, get one in for me will ya?

    p.s. Thanks Sarah.

By Tired on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 06:15 pm:

    hm, I realized something was wrong there. . . the second person has to be able to ask for the numbers in any order he wants (that is, asking for the 5th number in the list first, not asking for the list sorted from greatest to least). Otherwise, it would be really easy to defeat the aforementioned strategy.

By Daniel ssss on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 10:44 pm:


    the king is weary of dainty and such picking grievances: for he hath found to end one doubt by death revives two greater in the heirs of life and therefore will he wipe his tables clean and keep no tell tale to his memory thaty may repeat and history to his loss to new remembrance...

    like to a fangless lion may offer but not hold.

    (Second part of King Henry the Fourth IV, ii, ln somethingoranother like google.


By Czarina on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 10:57 pm:

    Perhaps we should discuss this.

By Danielssss on Friday, November 10, 2000 - 11:57 pm:

    Your place, er, inbox, or mine?

By Czarina on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 12:06 am:


By Isolde on Saturday, November 11, 2000 - 01:06 am:

    Geek boy is introducing me to a boy he thinks I should date tommorrow. I fear this.