a joke with a canadian in it.

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: a joke with a canadian in it.
By semillama on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 01:51 pm:

    Important fact: In Michigan, there is a 10 cent deposit on bottles.

    Three cowboys, a Texan, a Michigander, and a Canadian are riding across the plains together. After a while, the Texan whips out a flask of whiskey, takes a few swigs from it, and tosses it up in the air. He whips out his pistol and shoots it into pieces before it hits the ground. The Canadian asks him why he did that.
    "Well, son," the Texan drawls, "In Texas, the whiskey's everywhere and the bottles ain't worth shit."

    After another bit of riding, the Canadian pulls a magnum of champagne from his pack, swigs from it, then tosses it in the air and shoots it to pieces.
    The Michigander asks him why he did such a thing.
    "I'm from Canada, and in Canada,there's plenty of champagne and more bottles than you can count."

    The Michigander nods, and they all ride on. A little later, the Michigander reaches into his back, pulls out a Stroh's 40-ouncer, drinks from it, and tosses it into the air, whereupon he draws and blows the Canadian out of the saddle.
    The Texan is stunned. "Wh-what did ya do that for?!"

    "Well," replies the Michigander. "In Michigan, we have lots of Canadians, but the bottles are worth a dime a piece."

By J on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 01:24 am:

    That's funny Sem,I was at the book store Sunday and saw your friend from the Church of Subgenius had a book out,Bob?It made me think of you, I'm going to buy it next time, already went to the credit union to take out some X-mas cash.

By semillama on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 08:41 am:

    Ah, yes. The Book of the Subgenius can be found, sadly misplaced, in many bookstores in the humor section.

    It should be correctly shelved in either the religious section or with the porn in the back, I'm not sure which.

    i just recieved 2 new cd's from my dear friend Ivan Stang, "Bob's" Total Deafness, and Stang-Live at Starwood '99, which is all rants.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 11:57 am:

    Do you think you subgenius peeps take yourself too seriously?

    Are you guys in anyway affiliated with local Caccaphony Societies?

By semillama on Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 12:35 pm:

    A. Anyone who takes The Church of the Subgenius seriously cannot possible be a subgenius.

    B. Other than trading their souls for old Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, maybe.