Is It True, Jews Win More Nobel Prizes Than Anyone Else? The Stalking Post: Is It True, Jews Win More Nobel Prizes Than Anyone Else?
By Chosen One on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 11:21 pm:

    "Is It True, Jews Win More Nobel Prizes Than Anyone Else?", The Jewish Press, Friday, May 9, 1997, Page 72.

    "Is it true that Jews win more Nobel Prizes than any other ethnic group? The answer is 'yes'. According to Gail Lichtman, writing in the Jerusalem Post, 'It's no bubbe meise. Jews do win more Nobel Prizes in science proportionately than any other religious or ethnic group.'" Ms. Lichtman interviewed John Hulley, a former senior economist with the World Bank in Washington, D.C., who has been living in Jerusalem for the past 14 years. Hulley is author of the book, Comets, Jews, and Christians, published in 1996. According to Hulley, 86% of Nobel Science prizes from 1901 through 1990 have been won by Jews and Protestants, with Jews taking 22% of the prizes. Jews are also 40 times more likely to win the Science Prize than projected, based on a per capita basis." Wow!! This is a heavy hitting statement. Jews, who represent less than 1% of the population of the world, have historically captured 22% of the prizes. And, this percentage translates into winning 40 times more than one should expect them to win, based upon their small population numbers.