The Importance Of Jewish Involvement In The Civil Rights Movement The Stalking Post: The Importance Of Jewish Involvement In The Civil Rights Movement
By Chosen One on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 11:03 pm:

    How and Why Did Jewish Involvement in the Civil Right Movement Develop?

    In 1909, when four Jews were among the sixty multiracial signers of the Call to National Action resulted in creation of the NAACP, the Yiddish newspapers on New York's Lower East Side were already equating lynchings of African Americans in the South with pogroms against Jews in Russia. During the next half century, organizational bonds and political cooperation between African American and American Jewish communities gradually matured. The culmination in 1964 was Mississippi Freedom Summer when over half of the white students who journeyed south to fight for black voting rights are estimated to have been Jewish. Those drawn to the civil rights movement gave diverse reasons, and selfless idealism on behalf of others coexisted with enlightened self-interest in uprooting prejudices that also victimized Jews.

    Martin Luther King, Jr., from a 1965 interview, in A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings (1986), p. 370:

    "How could there be anti-Semitism among Negroes when our Jewish friends have demonstrated their commitment to the principle of tolerance and brotherhood not only in the form of sizable contributions, but in many other tangible ways, and often at great personal sacrifice. Can we ever express our appreciation to the rabbis who chose to give moral witness with us in St. Augustine during our recent protest against segregation in that unhappy city? Need I remind anyone of the awful beating suffered by Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld of Cleveland when he joined the civil rights workers there in Hattiesburg, Mississippi? And who can ever forget the sacrifice of two Jewish lives, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in the swamps of Mississippi? It would be impossible to record the contribution that the Jewish people have made toward the Negro's struggle for freedom--it has been so great."

By Liberace on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 01:23 am:

    will you please tell me why you are in these message boards?

    is your sole agenda in life to assert that jews are superior beings?

    you are being overbearing and insulting. that is not going to win you any friends.

By Chosen on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 12:55 am:


    Why the inferiority complex!? Where in my original message, did I ever allude to SUPERIORITY!? Besides being a fervent believer in the FIRST AMENDMENT, the purpose of my post is simple: It shows that AFRICAN-AMERICANS and JEWS have more in common than many would care to believe. If anything, my post stands for EQUALITY FOR ALL!! Especially since there is such unease between both races. Or do I have to remind you of LOUIS "CALYPSO" FARRAKHAN!? DOH!! A rabid anti-semite that should acknowledge the importance of Jews, instead of lambasting them. Remember, without the Jews, FARRAKHAN may have still been enslaved. Therein lies the HYPOCRISY in his ANTI-SEMITISM and your CRITICISM of my post!! LIBERACE, you may now remove the CANDELABRA from thy TUCHIS!eheheheehehehehehe

By semillama on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 02:20 pm:

    What a schmuck.

By R.C. on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 04:37 am:

    Chosen, listen: Five or six Jewish Civil Rights marters do not a movement make.

    Goodman & Schwerner's lives aren't worth any more than the lives of Medgar Evers or MLK Jr. or Malcom or any of the countless, nameless Black folks who fought & marched & died/or were incarcerated/trying to get our basic rights as Americans recognized. So stop holding up Jews as the saviors of the Civil Rights movement. I ain't trying to hear that shit. Whitefolks joined in AFTER THE FACT/decades after Jim Crow had beaten us into the ground. It was our battle to fight & we fought well. But we're still only in Round 3.

    Blacks & Jews HAD a lot in common during the 50's & 60's. Now that Jews are running Hollywood & the media/those bonds forged in the midst of past oppression have seemingly turned to dust. Jews w/$$ won't even live in the same neighborhoods w/ Blackfolks anymore.

    Try marching on Washington now -- for basic Human Rights -- & see how many Jewish leaders show up. Most Jews have Moved On Up the power scale & don't give a shit abt civil rights anymore.