you've taken me. you've taken me by the hand and ran me through fields of pure light. you, you've built within me a radiant palace, whose very walls are polished silver behind sheets of crystal, mirrored parabolas focused on diamond prisms, aligned perfection, so that you, you join me, in grace exhalted, through my tiny windows, brilliant light, intensified, relfected, refracted, split and rejoined, and split again; a million surfaces, shimmer chromatic, shine, flash, raise and worship you. you. you've shown me where i hide, you've shown me what promise means. you've reminded me why i am here. you've cleared me of what means to hold me down. i am i do i will-- you have my patience, and respect, my kindness and honesty. my determination and my devotion. this is about you, this is about you, this is about you. you. this is my happiness, this is about you. you. |
relfected = reflected |
nate, i am flattered but if you really loved me, you could better demonstrate it by paying off my sears card. |
assholes. |
Need more coffee, I wonder if my boss would object to me putting kaluha in my coffee? |
Cat, you made me laugh out loud. Not like LOL but like haha!! |
i want to laugh. |