No, I don't think your comment was in poor taste, Sarah...just unnerving. |
no matter what your stance is regarding how to handle a situation like this, basically we're looking at a lose-lose situation. there are no easy answers or resolutions. how should the perpetrators, whoever they are, be punished once they are found? i am a pacifist, and even so, part of me can't help but wish for retaliation, only because i can't imagine an appropriate punishment that would send a message to the world that this sort of thing will not be tolerated. i don't want war. how could we act in a pacifist nature and not be seen a pussies? also, somehow i doubt that the threat of punishment is of any concern to any people or any entity who could orchestrate and carry out such a horrible thing. it's almost as if this sort of thing transcends the idea of punishment. when people are empassioned or crazy enough to do this sort of thing and sacrifice their own lives to achieve it, somehow the ideas of retaliation and punishment seem nearly meaningless or at least superficial. |
What can you do to a group of people who so obviously are not afraid of death? What can be done about these people? |
"to show how much they care about the 'great satan" as this country is known to the Palestinians. because our country aids and abets Israel in treating them like slaves and like negroes in the jim crow era or worse like apartheid. . . " A friend of mine just phoned because she realized that in the predictions of Nostradamus one prediction is about someone born in the 1960's (Bin Laden) Israel has the atomic bomb and no one can eject them. In 1948 they reclaimed this land that they had left two thousand years ago. |
The war will last seven and twenty years. (Guentte) Nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world will come face to face with final annihilation. Here, he implies that the war might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear. Nostradamus tells what the first target will be. The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city. In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York. By fire he will destroy their city, A cold and cruel heart, Blood will pour, Mercy to none. (Guentte) Although Nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening he does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end. He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance. When those of the Northern Pole are united, In the East will be great fear and dread... One day the two great leaders will be friends; Their great powers will be seen to grow. The New Land will be at the height of its power: To the man of blood the number is reported. The new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America. The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States. We have recently seen the breakdown of Communism in Russia and an increasing friendship between Russia and the U.S. (Reader's Digest 515). Was Nostradamus a fraud or a prophet? There are some who say that the seeming accuracy of his quatrains are a result of their facile interpretations (Guentte). Still, more than four hundred books and essays about his prophecies have been published since his death in 1566, along with a great number of articles and other commentaries, in numerous languages (Randi 5). Even skeptics pay careful attention to Nostradamus' predictions of the three anti-Christs. If Nostradamus truly predicted Napoleon and Hitler we should take heed of his words about the future. Perhaps we can prevent the dismal fate Nostradamus has predicted (Guentte). _________________________________________ The Analysis: "From the skies shall come an alarmingly powerful king". As this line suggests a vision, you may conclude that Nostradamus employed his psychic sense as the source for this information. The vision of a ruler, commanding enormous power through the air, must have seemed impossible at the time. However, recent events have proven him right; as the United States represented by Bill Clinton (or anyone else for that matter) can send a guided missile over hundreds of miles right to someone’s front door or terrorist camp as the case may be. "To raise again the great King of the Jacquerie". Unfortunately the cruise missiles may have served as a rallying call to terrorist Usamah Bin Mohammed Bin Laden. The "King of the Jacquerie" refers to Guillaume Karle {c.1358}, a leader of a peasant revolt, which was marked by violence and destruction. Usamah Bin Mohammed Bin Laden lives among refugees in caves (even though he is wealthy) and certainly promotes violence and destruction. He may very well be the person foretold of so long ago. If so, as international events unfold, we will surely witness him play a part in 7/28/99. "Before and after, Mars shall reign at will". Mars, the planet of war, will be in Scorpio over twenty weeks through 1999. While moving through Scorpio, Mars will be repeatedly squaring Uranus and Neptune (explosive unexpected events that are composed in secret). To say that terrorists strike "at will" is an understatement, and even the U.S.A. has shown that it, too, can strike "at will" without consulting even its closest ally. We will probably see more of the same actions we witnessed this August ’98 gain momentum in the fall and come to a climax 7/28/99. The closer we are to July of ’99, the more apparent the meaning of this quatrain becomes. Only time will tell. As Nostradamus said, we have the power to change the future and maybe, with his help, we can avoid the "potential future" we glimpse now, and plan accordingly. Copyright: Randy Ruyle d.b.a. /Pitts 8/28/1998. |
I'm sorry, but NO, Fuck that shit. I may be completely fucking wrong, but if its been destined for how ever many hundreds of years now, and nothing has changed it thus far, we's fucked people. Thats assuming however that you belive in the shit. Right now someone, somewhere is having a little barbaque with some beer, and some hotdogs, or whatever (eggrolls, rabbits on a spit, dead lizard, dog or cat on a spit, human?) whatever and celebrating their victory in flying 3 comercial aircraft into 3 US building and killing lots'o'people. And those said folks need to die a horribly painfull and agonizing death, and the whole should sit in front of their TV's and watch the shit happen so that next time some asshole gets a hair up his ass to blow something up in the US he thinks twice about it. | When Will We Learn? by Harry Browne September 12, 2001 The terrorist attacks against America comprise a horrible tragedy. But they shouldn't be a surprise. It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda. But sanity was a prior casualty: it was the loss of sanity that led to war in the first place. Our foreign policy has been insane for decades. It was only a matter of time until Americans would have to suffer personally for it. It is a terrible tragedy of life that the innocent so often have to suffer for the sins of the guilty. When will we learn that we can't allow our politicians to bully the world without someone bullying back eventually? President Bush has authorized continued bombing of innocent people in Iraq. President Clinton bombed innocent people in the Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Serbia. President Bush Senior invaded Iraq and Panama. President Reagan bombed innocent people in Libya and invaded Grenada. And on and on it goes. Did we think the people who lost their families and friends and property in all that destruction would love America for what happened? When will we learn that violence always begets violence? Teaching Lessons Supposedly, Reagan bombed Libya to teach Muammar al-Qaddafi a lesson about terrorism. But shortly thereafter a TWA plane was destroyed over Scotland, and our government is convinced it was Libyans who did it. When will we learn that "teaching someone a lesson" never teaches anything but resentment - that it only inspires the recipient to greater acts of defiance. How many times on Tuesday did we hear someone describe the terrorist attacks as "cowardly acts"? But as misguided and despicable as they were, they were anything but cowardly. The people who committed them knowingly gave their lives for whatever stupid beliefs they held. But what about the American presidents who order bombings of innocent people - while the presidents remain completely insulated from any danger? What would you call their acts? When will we learn that forsaking truth and reason in the heat of battle almost always assures that we will lose the battle? Losing our Last Freedoms And now, as sure as night follows day, we will be told we must give up more of our freedoms to avenge what never should have happened in the first place. When will we learn that it makes no sense to give up our freedoms in the name of freedom? What to Do What should be done? First of all, stop the hysteria. Stand back and ask how this could have happened. Ask how a prosperous country isolated by two oceans could have so embroiled itself in other people's business that someone would want to do us harm. Even sitting in the middle of Europe, Switzerland isn't beset by terrorist attacks, because the Swiss mind their own business. Second, resolve that we won't let our leaders use this occasion to commit their own terrorist acts upon more innocent people, foreign and domestic, that will inspire more terrorist attacks in the future. Third, find a way, with enforceable constitutional limits, to prevent our leaders from ever again provoking this kind of anger against America. Patriotism? There are those who will say this article is unpatriotic and un-American - that this is not a time to question our country or our leaders. When will we learn that without freedom and sanity, there is no reason to be patriotic? | ".....because the Swiss mind their own business. " i was waiting for this. Always inject party policy whenever possible. Why are we assuming that retaliation will hurt innocent people? "Third, find a way, with enforceable constitutional limits, to prevent our leaders from ever again provoking this kind of anger against America." We cant shape public policy based on how the rest of the world reacts. |
Fucking moron. We have been bombing military targets for years, yes I will concede the fact that civilians have been lost. But we aren't porposly ramming giant steel pods filled with jet fuel into buildings filled with 50,000 people who are all civilians. Yes, all those 50,000 people in those buildings deserved to have plane shoved up their ass because they were capitalist pigs.... You know what that is the most bullshit I've read in a long time. The people who did this deserve to die, and no we are not going to carpet bomb their whole country, you know it and so do I. We will attack specific military targets, and deal with those who have commited these actions of terror. You say that violence is not that answer, well until you can give me an answer that doesn't let these crimes go unjustified, then violence will remain the answer. |
Thousands of innocents killed in the hours after a terrorist attack. Why is the second one worse than the first? Because the second one happened to us? |
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buildings within a few blocks of the U.S. Consolate. Did i say evacuate? i meant ran like fuck. it's crazy here. I live near the airport and most flights are being diverted here. People are being asked to take in stranded people until the borders are opened again. The local hotels and hockey rinks are packed with stuck people. Roger Ebert is stuck here. |
They were moving. The international community has been great. For the most part that is |
State sponsored terrorism and it was condoned by this government. There was a conference on racism in the world starting about two weeks ago. (Colin Powell was supposed to be there but he decided not to lend his ponderous presence to something that was so anti-Zionist.) Lower-level functionaries walked out for the United States. Fidel Castro was there. Other heads of state were there. Jessie Jackson was there. Nelson Mandella too. The sticking point is progressive people say Zionism equals racism. That's why the United States delegation and the Israeli delegation walked out. about 5 days ago the u.s. and israeli delagtations, - - - (each country) because they refused to tolerate being called racist (Israel did) and the US walked out with them in sympathy. Meanwhile in Israel they're discussing putting up the equivalent of the berlin wall between the Palestinians and the Israelis in Israel. State Sponsored Terrorism and it was condoned by this U.S. government. |
If anything happens in your area, please post or get someone else to as soon as possible. I don't need the wrinkles or the bags. This is all about me, you know ;) Sorry to interrupt, you can get back to playing armchair generals now. |
"some civilians" is not OK. Hal, don't turn things around by putting the words "We deserved it" into our mouths. Nobody deserves that kind of pain. Nobody deserves to be killed because of the actions of their leaders. NOBODY Patrick, I'm not assuming that ANY retaliation will kill innocent people. However, you mentioned carpet-bombing. Trace said "KILL THEM ALL". I'd have a hell of a hard time arguing against stabbing anyone personally responsible for this in the neck. It's the attitude of "They hurt our country, so let's hurt their country" that scares me. It's no better than the terrorists. However, the attitude of "Someone killed many of our people. Let's find out who and bring them to justice/kill them" is harder to argue against. Nobody's even proven it wasn't 4 angry as fuck americans. |
I just emailed that link to my parents & some friends. My own mother is calling for a U.S. demand that Afghanistan turn over Bin Laden & his boys within 48 hrs./or we start carpet-bombing the whole country. This is my 70-yr-old *mother*! Someone who's taken the Hippocratic oath/talking abt obliterating an entire nation. "We're at war." she says. "And in times of war, innocent people die! That's the way it it." I'm still shell-shocked by what happened/but I wasn't suprised. I always knew the chickens wd come home to roost eventually. But it disturbs me that we've got an oil man in the White House less than 6 mos. & Middle-eastern terrorists are already going ballistic. We will definitely end up at war behind this shit. Already I'm hearing people on the radio calling for "bombing the towel-heads to kingdom come". American never seems to beleieve that the evil our government does will come back on us. Even on those of us who are innocent. |
I just emailed that link to my parents & some friends. My own mother is calling for a U.S. demand that Afghanistan turn over Bin Laden & his boys within 48 hrs./or we start carpet-bombing the whole country. This is my 70-yr-old *mother*! Someone who's taken the Hippocratic oath/talking abt obliterating an entire nation. "We're at war." she says. "And in times of war, innocent people die! That's the way it it." I'm still shell-shocked by what happened/but I wasn't suprised. I always knew the chickens wd come home to roost eventually. But it disturbs me that we've got an oil man in the White House less than 6 mos. & Middle-eastern terrorists are already going ballistic. We will definitely end up at war behind this shit. Already I'm hearing people on the radio calling for "bombing the towel-heads to kingdom come". American never seems to beleieve that the evil our government does will come back on us. Even on those of us who are innocent. |
but stunned, anguished and grieving as you are all though living in asia ive lived in nyc for a year and what struck was everything is possible here in this city nyc gave me beautiful memories and a sense of hope but this.... i has this crazy urge to donate blood. i kept on calling friends. but most of all, i felt like hopping on a plane for manhattan.. i wept silently for all those living in nyc had i stayed longer, it could've been me i dont know what else to do but pray sorabji, the photos reminded me of where i lived before (near empire state also, w 31st near 6th) it brought back memories of a similar view from my apt. window |
we might be a small nation, but our thoughts are with you. |
The quatrains are widely known to be so vaguely translated,that they could be interpertrated to be any thing. The facts,folks,just the facts. I was very pleased last night at work,when I saw Pakistan buck up. But I must admit,I almost danced with glee,when I heard the Talesban essentially beg for our mercy. "We are a poor country,one of your missles costs more than our country is worth". Hmmph,WTF,are they worried about us bombing them,in an unmerciless,cruel,evil,unprecedented,inhumane, terrorist type manner? Ding,ding.Perhaps this should have crossed their minds,before they opened their arms to a BAD-ASS terrorist.I suspect,there is some persperation,glistening beneath their turbaned heads.Oh,boo-hoo,poor pathetic me.Lets just see how long it takes them to sell him out.A dandy 5 million dollar bounty on his head.I wonder if this will help?I imagine,his seat is getting a little warmer. Heres a thought,why not notify Russian troops,and have them line up on the Afgany border,and tell em,its fixin' to be yours,boys. The screws are being applied.Quite effectively. |
And, also, may I be permitted to point who who TRAINED Osama Bin Laden? The CIA. |
And,I think you miss my point.That would be,that they won't be taking it up the ass,when we have finished. |
Yes, we trained him, yes, but that does not make his actions our fault. Burn, baby, burn. If Afganistan persists on protecting him, then woe be to them. I weep not. |
But alas im a primative patriot. Philosophically I have issues with many a American policies locally and abroad. This whole pansy argument about "making us no better than them" should we retaliate.... tell me Tbone would you use that bullshit argument in Pearl Harbor? If so you might be seeing red dots on those flag poles eating raw fish more than you know. Whether you like it or not, in the context of modern civilization, NO ONE In their right mind has sat back after thousands of their citizens were murdered by outside forces, on their native soil seen or unforseen. Your method of resovlve is not only unprecedented, its ineffective and weak. I respect you for your pussy stance, but its still pussy. Focusing on the small group of Palestinians & other Arabs who celebrated is mornonic. Citing who trained Bin Laden is not to offer excuse for his actions, but rather how damn GOOD he is. He knows our secrets, we MAY not know his. I think though....Bin Laden is a pinata for the public. I don't think he did this, or acted alone. They had links to Saddam at the last Trade Center bombing, Im willing to bet he is behind this as well more than we are giving credit for. Going into Afghanistan for a full scale war will be potentially disasterous like Vietnam. Its landlocked, and bordered, with the exception of Russia, by unfriendly uncooperative nations Pakistan and Iran. Im disturbed by the use of slurs like "towelhead" and "cameljockey". I urge any motherfucker who considers using such language around me be prepared for my boney knuckles upside their nose. So can we give that shit a rest????? Trace arent the SEALS ..Navy? Russian cant afford to offer any military assistance. Chechnya has strained them beyond belief already. |
Don't let anger blind you to reality. If we kill innocents in a mad retaliation the cycle will only continue. This is not an 800lb gorrilla enemy like the Axis powers were in WWII. These are thousands of cobras, waiting to strike from the tall grass. The response should not be the same. Our response to this must be different because the enemy is different. Otherwise we risk creating an even larger problem. Imagine if we do realiate and decimate an Arab nation. In a generation we could have American cities decimated by suitcase nukes and our society effectievly destroyed. Would venting our anger now be worth that price? |
Just found out last night that my friends are all ok. Couldn't get ahold of Chris for awhile, cried every time I saw the building fall. Hell, I'm still crying. And now they're doing body counts, releasing names, talking to families. Fuck, it was a movie before and I wish it still was. Something out of the Watchmen. I swear I just read this last week. No. This is too fucking real. And Becky and I sat on my porch last night gulping one beer after another, telling eachother, yea, us, two strong strong girls, holy shit honey, I'm fucking afraid. There's an Indian resturaunt across the street from me. I used to work there. Sweetest old guy you know. Papa. Walks around with a turban. Smiles at everyone. Can't speak English, just touches our hair. And I'm worried for them. And I'm worried for us. And I just don't think the rest of these words even matter right now. I want to have arms of air and just touch everyone I love all at once. Because right now, too many of you are too far away. |
And the fact that we trained him,well,there have always been renegade bulls.Perhaps a little harder to take down,but not impossible. |
Tempered and targeted response. |
But i really dont know what IS the best way to deal with the situation, like people have said before, how can you stop these people in the east if they welcome death???!! |
And yes TBone, saying that a few civilians may die in the killing of the people who brought about this tragedy is a complete and acurate statement. We are not going to Carpet Bomb, I've said that twice now, there is no point to carpet bombing, the people who did this will be chillin out in bunkers when that goes down, so carpet bombing would just kill a lot of people who are happy about this whole thing. No, we will find out where they are at, and kill them one by one, with laser guided bunker missles, the ones that are made from the old 12inch guns from battleships. The reason I say a few civilians is because there is the possiblity that some guy walking down the street minding his own business might be right next to said bunker when it goes. Its war, it happens. |
-ever thought of becoming an ambassador or some other peace keeping/making type person or a negociator?! |
i dunno, i thought i had a point to make but everything people, including myself, say anymore just sounds so fucking empty and worthless. it has nothing to do with tuesday. i've been feeling like this for quite a while. you have no idea how many posts i type only to decide not to post them after all because they end up sounding like a broken record at a dance party for the deaf. only the mean ones seem to make it through anymore. carry on. |
there was a bomb threat at one of the hotels downtown the day of the attack. it was nothing, but they had to cordon everything off and all that shit. somebody fired on a mosque - nobody was in it, apparently some bubba was driving by and decided to stop and take a few pot shots to let off steam. a friend of mine in dallas has been hassled a couple of times. his name's walt v. he's latino with dark skin but, maybe it's because he's such an incredible nerd, he gives the impression of being arabic. when i first met him at a party, i thought he was east indian. he had walked into a 7-11 and two guys came up to him and said "whaddya want here?" "just want some beer, what's it to you?" "where's yer towel?" "what? "don't you people wear towels on yer head?" "shit. I'm mexican." "you don't look mexican." walt pulls out his drivers license and shows them his last name. one of the guys takes it, looks at and then looks back at walt suspicously, then gives it back. "all right then." walt bought twice the amount of beer he'd originally come in for and went home. not because he was so shaken by it, he just thought it'd be a good idea to stock up. |
whats the point, we need to channel this agression into something more positive, i.e finding out who IS responsible and making them pay for it, not killing lots of innocent people because of the colour of thier skin, or their religion, that would be like the second world war and hitler all over again. There is no need. |
our record on racism is the "bubba's" out there will be doing retarded things like this. a co-worker is Indian, and he wears a turbin...he was telling about how during the Iran hostage crisis, he was hassled, and hes not even Persian. |
Look I may post some here that is pretty heated, and yes I belive some bombing and ass kicking is in order. But I don't have anything against a race of people. People are people, skin color or nationality doesn't change the fact we are all human and all make our own choices, the people who CHOOSE to do what they did, must be punished in a horribly painfull way. |
Sorry for that slip up (besides, on the Gov books, Marines ARE Navy, just don't tell that to the Marines, they may kill you for it). They are going in for sustained attacks. In any nation that harbors terrorists. And not just the one's involved in this latest attack, but any known or "suspected" terrorist group or organization, and that does include Iran. This is going to be a multi-national action. They will begin Friday, and continue for a few months. And you can bet you will see more terrorist actions in response. Hold on to your asses and welcome to the 21st century, we are in for a new ride. We will see restricted travel, both inside the US and to international destinations. Life, as you know it, is over. This has been comeing for a long time. Perhaps the biggest suprise is that it took this long. I, personally, no longer support sending help to Isreal. Religion, no matter what religion, is not an excuse to wage war and kill. Period. |
isn't my man awesome? |
It's nice to see the networks so restrained in their coverage. They've never mentioned the children killed in these attacks. Not, like every Palistinian child killed in an Isrealy action. For all those nice people celebrating our misfortune. How about some pork laced candy with a nice biological added. Just to make sure they don't go to paradise. Last but not least - Revenge is a dish best served up cold. I can waite to be sure we get the right people. Of course all the proceeding are my personal feelings alone. |
When I said we'd be no better than them, I was referring to the idea of us carpet bombing them or killing "them all". I didn't say we should sit back and let them get it out of their system. Go ahead and kill the fuckers who did it in a tempered and targeted response (narrowly targeted). That's what's needed, I'm sure. In all honesty, I know innocent people will die because of this. I guess I'd just rather people didn't think that it's OK, even if necessary. Saying "that's the way it is" is to invalidate peoples lives. It's lamentable, but perhaps necessary. I just hope it won't always be so. Pussy? Yeah, fuck you too. I agree with what Antigone has said as well. I kinda thought we were saying pretty similar things. But I'm done with this subject. It's fucking me up far too much, and I'm too much of a pussy to deal with it. |
I felt so chocked thinking about the whole thing, those people jumping, those who were burned to death, those who were crushed when the buildings collapsed or the planes hit. I really had to hold back the tears of sorrow for those poor people and their families. |