Cranky The Stalking Post: Cranky
Margret on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 06:00 pm:

By patrick on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 06:24 pm:

    "It's not helping things that GW looks like he's about to shit his pants. I just hope the citizens of Omaha felt reassured in the early hours of the crisis. They don't train you for this sort of thing when you're parlaying favors from Daddy's friends into tax breaks and baseball teams. You get real scared until you remember that Colin Powell's in the room. Powell was probably the one who said, "Go to New York. Now."

    This is one of my favorite bits.

    He does look like he's about to shit his pants. Further he instills no confidence what so ever. Oddly enough, when I saw a blurb from Clinton today on the felt like an old familiar blanket, that may stink in some spots from cat pee and puke, but its still a good blanket.

    Of course i can see trace and whomever else foaming at the mouth about "that god damn lying cheatin dodge drafter" but you know, at least he gives me a bit of confidence. He sounds like he knows what he's doing and has a firm grasp on the potential reaction of the world. His articulation is warm, his words sounds fairly damn sincere, as much as a presidents can be.

    Then I heard Colin Powell talk. He too, is a semi-warm blanket. I'd actually give long and hard consideration for giving him my vote for president. He's articulate, doesnt mince words and you never feel like he is pulling the wool over your eyes. I think alot of that comes from his military background. But then again, ive heard officers of the military speak. The minute they say "can comment on that" they reak of liars and cheats.

    i dug reading that, especially that last one too

By patrick on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 06:24 pm:

    "It's not helping things that GW looks like he's about to shit his pants. I just hope the citizens of Omaha felt reassured in the early hours of the crisis. They don't train you for this sort of thing when you're parlaying favors from Daddy's friends into tax breaks and baseball teams. You get real scared until you remember that Colin Powell's in the room. Powell was probably the one who said, "Go to New York. Now."

    This is one of my favorite bits.

    He does look like he's about to shit his pants. Further he instills no confidence what so ever. Oddly enough, when I saw a blurb from Clinton today on the felt like an old familiar blanket, that may stink in some spots from cat pee and puke, but its still a good blanket.

    Of course i can see trace and whomever else foaming at the mouth about "that god damn lying cheatin dodge drafter" but you know, at least he gives me a bit of confidence. He sounds like he knows what he's doing and has a firm grasp on the potential reaction of the world. His articulation is warm, his words sounds fairly damn sincere, as much as a presidents can be.

    Then I heard Colin Powell talk. He too, is a semi-warm blanket. I'd actually give long and hard consideration for giving him my vote for president. He's articulate, doesnt mince words and you never feel like he is pulling the wool over your eyes. I think alot of that comes from his military background. But then again, ive heard officers of the military speak. The minute they say "can comment on that" they reak of liars and cheats.

    i dug reading that, especially that last one too

By Spider on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 06:31 pm:

    I felt so good seeing Clinton talk to Australian reporters on the website. I miss him. I feel obligated to support Bush now, but honestly, I wish Clinton were here. I would trust him to make the best decision. Whatever you may think of his character, there's no denying that he's very intelligent and rational and fore-thinking and shrewd. Seriously, I felt the same way after seeing him on CNN that I did after talking to my dad on Tuesday afternoon. I felt like this was someone I knew would take care of me.

    I feel similarly about Colin Powell. Thank God he's here.

By wisper on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 04:13 pm:

    i heard an interview with some high-ranking
    Army official and i swear to god, it was like he
    was cutting a fucking wwf promo. It was the
    scariest shit i've ever heard.

    "I say our next course of action should be to
    swoop down on Afganistan with cold steel! No
    more mr.nice guy! Afganistan is going to pay
    for this! We should do it tommorow! tonight!"

    interviewer: Sir, Afganistan is denying anything
    to do with these attacks...

    "Yeah, we're going to burn them out like we
    burned out Hitler! We're gonna come down on
    them like the hand of GOD! Sunday sunday
    sunday!!!" *

    *everything except the last line is a direct
    quote. I'm not making this up

By Cooler But Just As Horrified Observer on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 05:14 pm:

    "Television is sick. These people are just flailing out for revenge, they don't even know against who.. (88 per cent want a revenge attack, 8 percent don't. . . . C-Span is much more balanced than cnn. C-Span has very interesting people calling)
    The U.S, ought to offer those buildings and the victims as penance for the suffering of the Palestinian people enforced by Israel with the one-sided support of the U.S., somewhat like the bargain the U.S. president offered the Russians in the denouement of the movie Failsafe, and call it a Closed Deal" . . or do we want this to go on and on and on and on . . . . ADRENALIN ADDICTS??
    The only end-game is nuclear holocaust