Here is a letter received from my brother about a week ago, it is contained below: Hello: Please write back, This is A while back we corresponded by e-mail. I bought a Needak rebounder from you and you told me about the benefit of green kamut compared to Dr. Hagawaras . . . (sp) barley green. Also, VERY IMPORTANTLY, you told me about the "Lifetime Guarantee" book. I hope I am writing to the right person (fellow). "That's me. You got the right guy. You disappeared and that was the end of you. I never expected to hear back. I'm surprised." I am ________ live in New Orleans. Please reply one way or another. a very close relative of mine sent the following e-mail and asked me what "your friend thinks about all of this" meaning you. if indeed you are the one who knows and believes in the writings related in "Lifetime Guarantee" book. "Yes. It's a solid book based on the bible." Here is the letter from relative: "POLLY DO YOU THINK ITS THE BEGINNING OF THE END.....I DO AND IM SCARED.....PRAY AS MUCH AS YOIU CAN FOR GODS INTERVENTION IN THIS WAR SHIT....IT COULD GET OUT OF HAND REAL QUICK.....I PRAY THAT REVELATIONS/ARMAGEDDON IS NOT COMING TRUE B-4 OUR VERY EYES..........PLEASE ASK FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS AND ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR ....I WANT TO BE CAUGHT UP AND OUTTA HERE B-4 ALL THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.....DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.....THE MARKET COULD VERY WELL CRASH OVER NIGHT ....SHOULD WE SELL OUT NOW AND HIDE THE CASH IN THE BACK YARD? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CRAZY BUT IM SERIOUS.....WHAT DOES YOUR FRIEND AT LIFETIME GUARANTEE SAY ABOUT ALL OF THE CURRENT HAPPENINGS.......I LOVE YOU MUCH....PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO HAVE STRENGTH TO RESIST EVIL / SATAN AND TRY TO GET RIGHT WITH GOD...........AM STORING WATER GAS AND ANYTHING I CAN THINK OF AT THE CAMP JUST IN CASE WE NEED TO HIDE OUT.......LOVE YA SIS....JESUS IS LORD AND HE DIED FOR OUR SINS AND THE SINS OF THE WORLD AND I ACCEPT HIM AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR AND ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH JESUS TO TAKE CHARGE OF MY LIFE AND MY AFFAIRS AND I ASK GOD TO BLESS ME AND ENLARGE MY BORDERS AND PUT HIS HAND UPON ME TO PROTECT ME FROM EVIL.....I ASK THESE THINGS IN JESUS NAME , AMEN. ./.....SOON, SE YA TOMORROW AT P & M's, MAY BE THE LAST ONE ...WE'LL TALK THEN, JIM." ______________________________________________ like i requested, please let me know if you are the one that i spoke with about these things. "I am the one. The book says more than I can. Your friend needs to get a handle on things. If we die we are in a better place. I live 20 miles from NYC and people are in bad shape around here. Unless the terrorist use a nuke within 40 miles of where you live you would be ok from that. Unless they use chemicals sprayed at you or over you you would be ok. You need to touch or smell anthrax and it can't be caught. Smallpox could be a problem or some other thing that can spread but that's about it. Just stay away from crowded places and watch who you are around. Be smart and pray. Pray Psalm 91! The bible says the Lord will give us peace so relax and trust Him. God bless, Larry _________________________________________________ (below is a letter from Lifetime Guarantee) Dear Friend: Are you ready to forgive and forget? Let bygones by bygones? Have you decided yet that the sooner you forgive, the quicker you can forget? Nope, me either! But I do think it is time to forgive, even the terrorists of September 11. When the subject of forgiveness is broached, it is often associated with forgetting, no longer holding responsible, concluding that everything is OK, and that all offense has been rectified. This is an unfortunate association,because forgiveness has little, if anything, to do with these other dynamics. There is an interesting verse in Isaiah 43:25. God says, "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake." Paul emulates God's action when he says, "I determined this for my own sake, that I would not come to you in sorrow again" (2 Cor. 2:1). Notice that both of these verses use the common phrase, "for my own sake." It is a fascinating thing to amplify God's quote out of Isaiah. God makes a determination based upon His self-awareness. He decides that for His own good, and the benefit of His own soul, He will forgive. And Paul employs the same logic as he reflects upon his earlier interactions with the Corinthian church. Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, not for the person who offended us. This truism empowers the act of forgiveness. I don't know about you, but when I think of absolving the terrorists in my life-whether that be the suicide pilots of September 11, or the joker who cut me off at the exit ramp to the airport-I feel recalcitrant! Forgiveness is often positioned as turning the other cheek, speaking softly,going the extra mile, or not complaining. This philosophy works as long as the offenses I suffer are not too profound. However, let something big happen, and my will to forgive suffers a lack of resolve. Furthermore, if the old adage, "forgive and forget," is the barometer used to test whether or not forgiveness has occurred, the greater the offense, the harder and more illusive forgiveness becomes. Americans can no more forget the atrocities of September 11 than we can forget the attack of December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Forgiveness is not about forgetting, granting absolution, or considering the offense to be like water gone under the bridge. Neither is forgiveness what I hope to hear after saying, "I'm sorry." This is the transaction of reconciliation, which has a decision of forgiveness associated with it, yet is different. Reconciliation requires the agreement of two parties, the offender and the offended. But you can forgive sitting all by yourself. In fact, you can forgive whether the person who offended you ever apologizes or not. You can forgive someone-or a group of folks-who offend you, and who you may not have ever met. You can forgive a movement, such as abortion rights. You can forgive a government. You can even forgive a dead person. Forgiveness is a choice you make, for yourself, that initially benefits you. Forgiveness uproots the offense that could give rise to bitterness,resentment, and hatred if left untended. Forgiveness is the determination to live life differently than you have been under the offense perpetrated against you. Forgiveness establishes a protective boundary around your soul,and eliminates the foothold the enemy seeks to use in assaulting your life. Choosing to forgive-for your own sake-is a decision to model your response to the ungraciousness foisted against you after your Heavenly Father's response. If we hang on to the offense brought against us, whether for revenge,hatred, or as our just due, we join the terrorists in our lives and assist them in bringing destruction to our world. Choosing not to forgive is a self-destructive, suicidal decision. Forgiveness is a gift God gave to Himself-for His own good-modeled for us,and granted to us. It is an act of self-care, freeing us from the ongoing tyranny of the terror thrust upon us. Forgiveness does not absolve our offenders, but leaves them in position to suffer the response stemming from our anger as well as the consequences of their actions. I'm ready to forgive! Bless you, my friend. Preston Gillham President, Lifetime Guarantee PS If we want to talk about the responsibilities that belong to those who offend us, we need to revisit our discussion on anger from the website. (Contact us if you do not have web access and would like a copy of this article.) On the other hand, if we want to live beyond the yoke of the offenses we feel, we must chose to forgive, just as God did, for His own sake. PSS We have received a grant that you should know about. If you are not a regular donor, a foundation has offered to match-dollar-for-dollar-new funds given to the ministry of LGI up to $4,000. Now is a great time to jump on board financially. Your gift will make double the normal wallop! Can't beat that! Thanks for being part of the ministry momentum that is Lifetime Guarantee. This is Pres' 5th war letter. To read previous war letters click on |
Time to get out that spray. |