Does anybody have any advice for a way to stop "Rover" from this habit. . .? (by the way what is the meaning of WEG in internet lingo) |
it was suggested to us by the vet that i buy one of those cat boxes that does the scooping for you. $300 - nope. the vet also suggested a cat box with a top with an improvised opening that only the cat can get through. the dog got in anyway and would be wandering around stuck inside the top - funny but ineffective next, i built a platform out of plywood about 4' off the floor and we keep the pan up there. you may have to improvise since it's a kitten all you have to do is show kitty the the box a few times and they get the drift. i also kept a trough of that cat grass on the ledge. cats really don't want to poo anywhere but in the box unless something else is wrong |
i've also heard that premium pet food helps. cheap kibble is mostly corn meal but they put "stuff" in it to entice the critters to eat it. it makes sense that this "stuff" makes it into the kitty cookies your dog so loves. |
a couple gallons of gas will do the job. |
i'm getting a puppy today. his name is leroy, he's 7 weeks old. i've never raised a dog before, so i'm a little weirded out and could use potty training advice. |
introduce him properly tocats and maybe work on your own taste for shit. a dog is his master is what ive been always told if not, just abandon him!!!! |
please send links on obedience and potty training! |
(...the dawg's cute, too...) |
eva fell in love with a cute chiuaua pup this weekend at a breakfast diner. the pup had soft long hair and was about the size of a tea cup. when the two exchanged kisses they both started shaking immensely with excitement. thankfully eva still can't form coherent statements yet or i would be posting pics of our new puppy too. |
Soooo....cuuute!!! |
I second the crate training comment. Also, the BARF diet, while it's an incredible pain in the ass, is also a really good thing to look into. If I had the time, I'd do that diet for my good boy. |
What type of puppy is he? |
Crate training is a great thing. So is obedience training. Especially with lab-y type dogs, which it looks like he may be? He is really cute. I should post some pictures of mr loki, he is getting big now. |
barf... |
his dad was 1/4 chow, 1/4 golden retriever, 1/2 mutt, and his mom is 100% mutt. his mom is a well-behaved, nice looking but strange looking dog because her breed blend is completely unidentifiable. except maybe she has some hound because she has a bit of a long snout and is kinda wiry, weighs about 25 lbs. but she's the same color as Leroy only with very very short hair, like almost as short as a chihuahua. she gave birth to 10 puppies, all boys. so far Leroy is completely accident free. he totally gets the concept of going outside to make potty. i had to get up twice last night - once to let him out, and once to take him to the couch to sleep with me. he doesn't bark, but god almighty can this dog whine and make crazy loud puppy noises. today i go to get a heating pad for his crate, because all he wanted was to snuggle and some body heat and he went fast asleep. and i won't ever let him sleep in bed with me, so i gotta get one of those big round doggie beds. right now he is under my desk chewing on a pink slipper that was hand-knitted by my grandmother. it looks more like a dog toy than a slipper or shoe, so it's okay. a co-worker told me he's too young for raw hides, that raw hides will make him sick until he gets to be a few months old. is this true? i have a lot of research to do... |
i really like the name leroy. |
yeah, me too. but i didn't name him, he named himself. all you have to do is ask and then listen. he has 9 brothers in his litter (no sisters), and 6 of them told me their names. Sherman, Oliver, Cain (or Cane, i'm not sure), Cesear, Toby, and Leroy. |
i like leroy. also, oliver and toby. the potty training may not be an issue but if you come home and your couch is shredded, consider kennel or crate training. kinda scared of the chow part. they're unpredictable. |
who could resist? |
she said leroy should not be fed puppy food but rather adult dog food. because he's going to be a fairly big dog, puppy food will make him grow big too quickly, which could contribute to joint problems in the future. he got his shots and dewormed. no fleas and no ear mites. she said he's a really healthy dog and a sweet, gentle temperment. she also gave me great advice on kennel training. leroy is passed out cold under my desk. it was a very eventful morning. |
WANT PUPPY NOW!!!!!!!!!!! sem? |
so sweet |
this morning Leroy took a shower with me. it's the only way i could get him to stop crying. he couldn't see me behind the shower curtain so i put him in the tub, but that still wasn't good enough. i actually had to hold him while i showered. he got soaking wet and fell asleep curled up in my left arm, while i tried to wash with my right. then i switched him to my right arm. i shampoo'd him just for the hell of it, then rinsed him. he slept through the whole thing. he woke up when i towel-dried him, but then curled up in the towel on the floor and rested and watched me finish getting ready. what am i going to do about this? i can't shower with him every day to keep him from crying, but i can't let him cry because it waked up my housemate who sleeps later than i do. |
. My friends have a cat that climbs into the shower with them, too. |
My cat Max used to start wailing if I went into another room and closed the door. As a result I couldn't go to the bathroom unless he watched. Once I had a dream where was following me around. A shopkeeper in the dream asked me about the big black cat and I said, "Oh, don't mind him. He follows me everywhere!" |
my office now looks like a playpen, tiny raw hides and chew toys strewn about. i'm going to have more pictures by the end of the day hopefully. |
there are new photos of leroy to look at! if you check out the clown nose photo, not only can you see a photo of senor, but you can also see my hottub in the background, outside of the doorwall... :) i have the cutest puppy of all time. when we walk him, cars will pull over the side of the road and people get out to meet him and pet him. a family of 3 followed my home from a walk one day to meet him. senor and i took him to Amy's Ice Cream the other night and literally business came to a complete stand-still while everyone crowded around (including the folks scooping ice cream behind the counter) to pet him and play with him. it's ridiculous, really. the drawback of having such a great dog is that dave arguably loves leroy more than me. i'm not kidding. leroy already about 12-13 lbs which is over twice the weight he was when i first took him to the vet at 7-1/2 weeks old. yesterday he turned 12 weeks old. and he's such a good puppy. he already knows sit and stay, and he's been housebroken since the third day i had him. he pretty much chews only on his toys, with the exception of wanting to chew/bite on people hands and arms. the flesh biting/chewing is a little problematic, because he still prefers to chew on a hand or arm even when given a rawhide or toy to chew on. i'm not sure how to break him of that. |
WANTS A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW! |
yellow lab/whatever you know yellow dogs... yes, yellow puppies are just about the only thing I'll swoon over like a little girl on 'everyone gets a pony day' and the good thing about those dogs is they will hypnotize you throughout their lives that they're still a puppy. Yes, even if they get big, they have a certain charm that basically makes you always think they're brand new. |
moonit wants a puppy too. the pandyr wants a slobbery boxer puppy. |