Holiday Wish Lists The Stalking Post: Holiday Wish Lists
By patrick on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 03:03 pm:

    Alright folks....cough em up....

    whats on your wish list?

    here's mine

    -Velvet Underground Bootleg Series Quine Tapes Vol 1

    -Richard Brautigan : A Confederate General from Big Sur, Dreaming of Babylon, and the Hawkline Monster /3 books in 1 volume.

    -Revenge of the Lawn/the Abortion/So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away/3 Books in 1 Volume

    -CK boxers for lounging

    -CK tees black and white, size small

    -continued subscription to Aperture

    im attempting to gain CDs of tapes ive lost over the years....the following list is an attempt at that as well as new releases i want.

    Psycho Candy -JMC
    On Fire- Galaxy 500
    Unknown Pleasures- Joy Divison
    Wonderful and Frightening World of the Fall- Fall
    TNT - Tortoise
    Standards- Tortoise
    Sound Dust- Stereolab
    Infontainment Scam -the Fall
    458489 A Sides- The fall
    Cramps-Bad Music for Bad people

    -A portfolio for holding 5x7 sized images.

    thats all i got for now.

By sarah on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 03:28 pm:

    peace on earth.

    relief for my PMS.

    a bottle of Godiva liquer.

By droopy on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 03:37 pm:

    to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. to die: to sleep; no more.

    a pony

By agatha on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 03:59 pm:

    i want letterpress fonts. and an expensive baren. and a new boom box. and nice sheets.

    and a puppy.

    sarah, did you get my email?

By Spider on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 04:42 pm:

    I want a new coat. I'm torn between a practical red wool one ($149) and a really cool but impractical black velvet, silk lined, hooded one ($189).

    I've given up on my quest for really nice sheets. They're too dang expensive.

    I also want Droopy to be less like Hamlet and more like Berowne.

By The Watcher on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 05:26 pm:

    To win The state lottery.

    Then I could afford to pay all my doctor bills and buy a new car.

    Barring that I'd love for my car to last another two years without any major problems. At eleven years old it's showing its age some.

By PePe on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 05:35 pm:

By cyst on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 06:12 pm:

    I think I may go see the fall on tuesday.

    agatha and dave: do you remember glenda from kinko's? I had breakfast with her and hank on sunday, and your names came up.

    I've been busy, I guess.

By patrick on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 06:15 pm:

    i want to see them tonight or tomorrow night but me so broke. danggit man.

By Platypus on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 06:52 pm:

    agatha, do you mean you want TYPE? Or crappy computer fonts made to look like pseudo letterpress?

By semillama on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 07:56 pm:

    I want a digital camera.

    I also want, as long as we are wishing:

    the entire Motorhead catalog
    The entire Bon Scott era AC/DC catalog
    a new apartment
    a George Foreman grill for all these hotel

    and to be able to hire this real cool woman on
    our crew full time even though I know it's
    unethical to date employees. Damn it.

By dave. on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 08:34 pm:

    i want funding. if everyone in this state who makes over 30k/year would just give me $1, i'd be happy. $1 a year. is that too fucking much to ask?

By Hal on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 08:38 pm:

    Digital Camera...


    Clean underwear and socks (been needing to do laundry for a few days now.)

    A boss that isn't an asshole...

    And Marcy back in my life...(This is the one I want the most and have the least chance of getting.)

By Cz on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 10:07 pm:

    Damn,I hate this time of year.

    I can never have what I desire.But maybe this year,I can have a "almost real" dream about it.That would be good.

    But in lieu of me being melancholy,I'm gonna wish for everyone else.All kinds of good stuff,for each of you.

    Lots of stolen mistletoe kisses.And hidden holly berry hugs.All of your secret wants and desires.I'll wish hard,and maybe some will come true.

By eri on Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 10:33 pm:

    CZ I am with you. I don't look forward to the holidays this year. Everyone I shared good holiday memories with has passed away this year. My sister is currently in jail but is due to be released just in time to f*** up my holiday season. I do wish happiness to everyone else though, and hope that in spite of everything, I will provide a good season for my kids. Time to make some new memories and explain the importance of tradition. I do wish good stuff for everyone right now, and maybe, just maybe, it will be contagious this year. Somehow, I will smile, a genuine smile.

By sarah on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 12:54 am:

    agatha, yes, i did. sorry for the delay. i have good typesetting fonts to send to you and i can help you get them set up too. i've been happily busy at work, redesigning my own site, writing for nanowrimo, and figuring out what to do about this dumb crush i have. that's my only excuse.

By moonit on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 01:17 am:

    i would like...

    ferg to be spayed (by a vet!)

    a christmas kiss from someone unexpected

    and to get riproaringly drunken.

    is that too much to ask Xmas Fairy?

By agatha on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 02:49 am:

    letterpress type. especially wood type, but lead type too.

    sarah, no biggie. i just wanted to make sure that you had gotten it and didn't think i had blown you off.

By Nate on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 05:10 am:

By patrick on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:17 am:

    wow my list seems really shallow.

    i guess in some ways i was spoiled as a kid. i was always encouraged to put ten things on my christmas list for the refrigerator door.

    and i almost always got them all.

By Czarina on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:34 am:

    You have a good list,Patrick.

    I hope you get your wish.

By patrick on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:38 am:

    well my mom and grandma used to nag the shit out of me to get a list...and i used to finally, to shut them up i just threw bunch of shit on paper.

    the drag about it is, they are so literal, they get me every single thing i specify. They dont take any chances, they buy only what they want me to have. For example one year, i put drum equipment on the list, sticks, heads, a new ride cymbol etc and the totally ignored all of that and got me a buttload of tee shirts and socks i asked for. Which is fine and all but if what i want doesnt fit into what they think i need, then they ignore it.

By Czarina on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:46 am:

    Well,as a parent,I can understand the no drum thing.

By Dougie on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:50 am:

    My brother's ex-wife is a real bitch, so for Christmas, we always get my nieces (his 2 daughters) either the loudest toys on the market, or the ones with the most pieces to pick up.

By Czarina on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:54 am:

    I can see we think alike,Dougie.

    Fruitcake is another good choice for that obligatory gift,to someone you don't like.

By patrick on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 12:03 pm:

    i didnt play in the house when they were there. and actually this was after i had moved out czarina. i was just gigging full time and i need the supplies.

    I annoyed my mom with my guitar playing for most of the years i was living at home.

By cyst on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 12:34 pm:

By patrick on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

    they've rarely toured the US, much less the west coast.

    they are terribly important and often overlooked as influential on modern punk/indie rock.

By Oswald Jr. on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 01:13 pm:

    I want some lether clothes. A bass guitar. And a recording studio and a car and a p.a. system and black glitter boots that come up past the knee. And fancy clothes like guy models wear and the guy models too so they can keep me company. And an apt. that is build onto our house so I can be with my folx but in private with my boy friend hey I need some fuckin privacy for Xmas! And pets and new makeup. And cash and a new pearcing and hair dye. And porno and a puppy dog but not togaether. And an office would be nice some office where I can do my super importent biz with a secrtry and one of those speaker phone things that goes buzzing across the office PAGEING THE ARCHBISHOP OF FUNK PLEASE and I pick up and its like some rockstar calling to kiss my ass. I want girl clothes and guy clothes in equal amount and lots of food with sugar cause I gotta have a lot of sugar cause I am so sweet. So gimme my damn twinkies. I want more stuff. Much more but I will stop here cause I dont want peeps to think that I am a shallow bitch. Which I am but what the fuck you gotta pretend likeing give beter than recieave. Recieaving is kinda what I am all about. But I am not shallow. I am just a man who know what he wants and who he wants it from.

By eri on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 01:47 pm:

    The "Dollar General Store" is great for obligatory gifts. I can't stand my mother in law, we have absolutely nothing in common. The only thing we both do is sew. I go to Dollar General and get her crystal candle holders for $1. Take of the yellow sticker and she never knows the difference. I collect crystal so she thinks I am trying to share something with her, but I am really just being cheap.

    The best gift I could get for Christmas is to watch my husband and children open their gifts and see them be happy with what they have received. Just knowing that they are happy would make me happy. I can't get what I want because it is way too expensive, so I am not worried about me. I just want to see smiles on everyone else's faces. Maybe have a little "holiday spirits" or maybe have a lot. That's it, I just want lots of booze for Christmas, and the ability to sing hymns like Charlotte Church.

By eri on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 01:49 pm:

    Agatha, what size sheets? I have inherited a whole bunch of nice ones, but I don't need so many.

By LoneStranger on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 03:00 pm:

    I am getting a digital camera. The DX3600 from Kodak. It's pretty neat.

    Other than that, maybe a DVD/CD-RW combo drive.

    I wish I made a list of things that I want throughout the year. But I guess if I can't remember them now, they weren't that important.


By Platypus on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 03:56 pm:

    Whole fonts, I have...WAY too many, in fact, but they would be costly to ship you. And I'm not sending the letters to spell someone's name or something, because that's tacky, and as a letterpress printer, I can't condone it. What do you want type for?

    What point size do you want? Do you want a specific font? Do you need leading, em spaces, quads, etc? Like, are you trying to start printing from scrtach here, or do you already have all your supplies and just want more?

    If you have a large city anywhere nearby, there should be some sort of letterpress foundry/supply house. Personally, I go to Heggy's, in San Francisco, which is a big filthy warehouse filled with type and printing equipment...

By agatha on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 04:38 pm:

    are you forgetting that i do letterpress? i think that you are.

    i'm insulted that you would think i wanted the letters to spell someone's name.


    there's nowhere to get them around here, i get them off of ebay but it is a huge ripoff. by the time i get them they are fifty plus bucks per font, with shipping.

    the exciting news is that i just got an adana horizontal press, have you seen those isolde? i mean, platypus? they made them during the war so that they could drop them down foxholes. the platen is totally horizontal, as is the chase. i need to get the rollers recovered, but the press is in amazing shape.

    then again, nobody really cares, do they?

    cyst, go see the fall. they are amazing. and tell glenda i said hi.

By cyst on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 04:52 pm:

    I care. I can't even figure out what letterpress is all about. I'll probably look it up on the web sometime. I've been looking for mid-century furniture, particularly planner group pieces by paul mccobb.

By cyst on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 04:56 pm:

    I don't really know glenda. her partner is old friends with some friends of mine in portland. I only see her in conjunction with them. but when I do see her, I forget that she's a kinko's person, and then I say, "oh, yeah, we both know K and D." and she says something like, "yeah, I like them."

By Nate on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 04:34 am:

    my aunt has a big hand cranked mohawk press in her basement. she took me to a foundry in san francisco-- i can't remember the name but i believe it was either in or near the presidio (?). it was nuts. so much type.

By J on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 11:55 am:

    I use to buy whipping cream and let my kids shake in in a glass jar with the lid on till it turned to butter as I was baking home made wheat bread,we made homemade ice cream in a coffee can,I wish I could care again.I'm just never going to be the same,but that's what I wish for.

By Platypus on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 01:12 pm:

    That would be Heggy's, Nate. The best place ever.

    The problem with type is that's it's fucking heavy. If it's not in your area, getting it shipped is a big fat bitch. You should come down here, Agatha, and fill up a UHaul with shit. I have the detritus of five generations of letterpress and I really need to think about what I want to keep and what I want to get rid of, take a big pile down to Heggy's.

    Right now my favourite toy is a little hand C&P I picked up in the city a couple of weeks ago. It needs some serious help, but it'll get there eventually. I guess. but my Heidi is the best.

By Platypus on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 01:15 pm:

    And, agatha, I didn't mean to insult you, it's just that I know a lot of hobby printers who *do* want type to spell out someone's name, which always makes me suspiciou of people who "want fonts."

    Letterpress is my JOB, and I have a lot of disdain for people who play at printing, or collect type, which is getting to be very trendy. Since you've established yourself as obviously not an icky trendy type, you're welcome in my shop anytime.

By patrick on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 01:28 pm:

    arent you letter press peeps uppity.

    i sorta feel the same way about the popularity of digital photography, combined with web access increasing the sheer amount of POOP passed of "artistic" ...without the fundamental knowledge of light, film, chemicals.


    i temper myself and encourage anyone and everyone to take pictures. work tends to stand for itself.

    why can't someone collect type or play with printing people's names.

    does this threaten your craft?

    i used think at first digital imagery threatened my craft, but on the countrary, its just increased its value.

By patrick on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 02:37 pm:

    danggit someone argue with me.....

    its friday and slow here

By cyst on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 02:48 pm:

    ok, try this: there's nothing "artistic" about photography anyway. it's just taking pictures, and anyone can do it. in terms of art, I'd say it's on a level with cooking. an enjoyable, fun thing that can be done with different levels of skill by anyone. great meals and great pictures are nice, but don't require the sort of talent that, say, oil painting does.

By patrick on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 03:05 pm:

    technique-wise its like painting, sculpture or many other mediums.

    its mastering that medium that can create pieces of "art". with photography its light, silver emulsions, exposure determination and as well as the subsequent chemical handling and paper printing. and of course equipment selection.

    with painting its mastering oils, brush strokes, and canvases.

    scultpture is all about materials and sculpting techniques

    you're right and you're wrong.

    what separates the masters from the amateurs is knowing WHAT to shoot. as does with WHAT to paint. same with culinary masters. knowing WHAT to cook and HOW.

    you could substitute the words "paint" "sculpt" etc for the word "photography" in your paragraph and it would still make sense and be partly true.


By Czarina on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 03:10 pm:

    Perception is in the eye of the perceiver........

By patrick on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 03:14 pm:

    oh thats such a weenie way out.....


By agatha on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 03:44 pm:

    heh. this is funny. cyst, you rule.

    i just viewed my first set of lomo shots online. pretty weak, but there's a couple of good ones of my friend's goats and their adorable boxer zooe.

    i wasn't really offended, isolde. i do play at printing, though. as in, i don't do it for a job, and i'm still a total novice when it comes to correctly setting type. i have gotten a few paid jobs in the past year or so, but still.

    how about this: photography isn't art, it's graphic design.

By moonit on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 04:15 pm:

    nooooooo nooooo noooo. don't mess with the graphic designing moonit.

    Photography is just one aspect of graphic design.

    The other is layout and text.

By patrick on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 05:05 pm:

    agreed is just one technique to acheive graphic design.

    and why are we picking on photography dammit?

    lets bash the ........ the.....BASKET WEAVERS!!!!

    let us see the lomography agatha

By Dani on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 09:50 pm:

    I'm home now and I love to argue Patty! Still bored?

By Whaler on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 10:28 pm:

    You two were made for each other.

By agatha on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 10:30 pm:

By agatha on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 10:32 pm:

    try animating the picture of zooe the boxer. funny!

    i just hope they look a little better when i actually get the photos, but i suspect they won't.

By moonit on Saturday, November 17, 2001 - 12:05 am:

    i know you were ; )

By Platypus on Saturday, November 17, 2001 - 01:17 pm:

    All art is technique--letterpres gets used a lot for art, like photography does, but it also serves (ok, I guess I should be 21st century and say *served*) a purpose--and that's what I do. I do some art stuff, which people buy for insane amounts of money, which is ok by me, but I also print jobs--books for people who can afford it, business cards, letterhead, etc.

    I encourage people to learn about letterpress, and to print, but I don't encourage people to collect type because it looks pretty. At first, I thought that's what you wanted, agatha, which is why I was snarky, because trendiness in general makes me snarky. (Should I thus be snarky at myself, since letterpress is so trendy these days?)

    Plus, I'm just a snob. It took me a long time to learn how to print. Just like it took patrick a long time to learn how to shoot good pictures, moonit a long time to learn how to design well, etc. I don't know. I'll just be quiet now.

    Patrick, the reason I object to people collecting type for fun is that very foundries are operating right now. Type is getting scarce and hard to find, and some time wears out really quickly--some types are really only any good to print with once or twice, because they're frail. So, it pisses me off that there's good type going to waste in the world. And, lead is poisionous. People really shouldn't just have it out lying on their side tables, you know? Just like if someone wanted to collect...I don't know...developer, and just have it sitting around their house.

    I think that the problem with trendiness in decaying arts is that people think the trnedy stuff is nice too--it doesn't get criticized as quickly as bad photogrpahy. There's a greater volume of good photography/painting/sculpture in the world for people to judge from. OR something. I'm going to shut up now.

By TBone on Sunday, November 18, 2001 - 12:38 am:

    My digital camera allows me to practice more since I can't afford all the stuff that goes with doing lots of film photography. It makes what I do shoot with film better. ...though I admit to being darkroom ignorant. I wanted to learn, but I became photo editor just as my high school paper went digital.

    I think the professionals generally tend to resent the amateurs. Doesn't matter the subject at hand.

    Similar to the way fans of something that's been around for a while generally resent it when they bring it back or make sequels or whatever.

    People hate it when their "old school" whatever becomes trendy.


By TJ on Sunday, November 18, 2001 - 10:23 am:

    the professional wannabees resent the amateurs more than the professionals do. the professionals are relatively secure.

By Platypus on Sunday, November 18, 2001 - 12:26 pm:

    You hit the nail on the head, tbone.

    And, TJ, maybe you missed that fact that, uhm, I *am* a professional letterpress printer, which is kind of hard to find these days?

    Personally, I'm all for other arts. (joke) I think that people who explore anything that's new and different are awesome--my objection is to people who collect paraphenalia, but don't actually practice the art--for example, someone who collects a bunch of cameras, and never uses them, because they think it's trendy.

    And did I mention that the episode II preview really blows?

By Tom on Sunday, November 18, 2001 - 01:48 pm:

    "This is art. That is not."


    For Xmas, I want some means of trippin' on back to California; to see Mendo again and remember why I left -- See my daughter in Lakeport, down to Chico for My dad and mom-figure... see my childhood home, probably occupied by someone else now.

    Then down to Santa Cruz and or SF to visit siblings and the horde of muses whillen onwhich therein residen.

    And for everyone I see daily to call me Taj.

By Nate on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 05:17 am:

    where you at, platypus?

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 11:44 am:

    I could careless that people use vintage cameras for bookends.

    don't be a snob platy. its not so fun.

    I used to be more snobby....but I really started to realize I don't own anything, nothing is mine, nothing is sacred. Rather than act all uppity, share my knowledge whenever possible.

    I've actually considered having private workshops at my studio for kids...especially as digital crapography moves forward.

    agatha what was that link?

    all i got was some weird looking cartoon character chastising me for not visiting in 420 minutes and i should log in. was that your lomo gallery? if so, i didnt see it.

By cyst on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 12:50 pm:

    patrick -- I still have your postcard photo on the front of my refrigerator. and it's still the only thing there. beautiful, really.

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:03 pm:

    too bad i didnt take the picture.

By cyst on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:07 pm:

    who did?

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:14 pm:

    i dunno, look at the back.

    wait...which postcard? the mille nico postcard? or the other one with the house and the rainy scene?

    the latter came in an issue of the UK magazine Creative...stuffed in the center of the mag.

    of course the mille nico one is me.

By cyst on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:20 pm:

    it's of a building, maybe in chinatown. I'll take a look and let you know.

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:23 pm:


    i didnt take that.

By Hal on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:24 pm:

    I'm getting a Digital for christmas.

    I prefer 35mm, thats what TBone and I use to use back in highschool for the paper. But the problem was we took all of our prints to Wal-Mart, as much as I hate to admit it. They developed for free, and since we had a flatbed and negitive scanner in what we termed our "dark room" (which ironically enough was usually dark and only lit by the light from monitors. And where I was first introduced to Sorabji.)

    I'm getting one for christmas because well I miss taking picture of things, I would prefer my old OM2 to the one I'm getting. Its nice, not cheap. but the thing is 35mm has something about it that I don't know, its a feel.

    I just see so many things around here that are extreamly beautiful, and somethings that I find abosolutly horrible, but thats the thing, I only see them once. I like the idea of capturing an imgage, stopping the moment, and freezing it to show it again. I don't consider myself extreamly good at photography, but then again back in highschool I took pictures with an ethical code of... "Don't take a picture only you will understand, take one that tells a thousand words, without having 10 words to describe it."

    I don't know I strive to be more then just someone with a camera, but I don't know if I have the time, money, or dedication for anything else.

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:24 pm:

    in fact im surprised you thought it was my picture. i suppose its a logical conclusion but at the same time, i dont have money to just make self-promoting post cards. its a great picture though.

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 01:52 pm:

    my OM1 is my primary camera.

    film provides much more depth than digital.

    shadow details, grain, color rendition. Majority of the digital images i see, color ones, are flat, dull. This is rapidly changing though. Black and whites, can be just flat, unemotive. The grey tones bite.

    The problem is, you don't have exposure control with digital. I mean, it may offer some controls butin essence you don't have that control. You don't have exposure or chemical control.

    Also, though this will probably change soon enough...the don't have archival print paper. You can't take a digitial image and make an archival print from it. The papers available aren't acid free.

By cyst on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 02:02 pm:

    I have friends who print their photos on cardstock-type paper. I thought that's what you did. I didn't think you went and had a bunch printed. oh, well. it is a nice picture. I'll send you a postcard someday.

By Hal on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 03:36 pm:

    Yes digital has its varried limitations. We found in highschool that if we loaded the photo into the computer via a negitive scanner (which noting is still using 35mm, but using digital means of editing it.) that we could do some pretty interesting stuff.

    The nicer of the digital camera's these days, the ones that get up into the 5+ megapixle range are really nice and give you options of shutter speed, and exposure. Unfourtuanly I'm going to have to settle with a 3.4 megapixle, which does have its limitations but does allow for shutter speed and exposer control.

    Patrick, do you know anywhere that I could find a winding spring for an OM2... The winding spring in mine broke and I can't find one for less then it would cost me to by a new camera at a pawn shop or something. Which kinda sucks because its a really sweet OM2 and I have about 6 different Lenses for it, as well as a chest (litterally a chest) full of filters.

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 04:16 pm:

    son of a bitch!!!!!

    where is my post!!!!

    god dammit!


    shit lemme do this again.

    hal tell me about the lenses you have for your OM.

    repairs on older/vintage cameras like that depend on parts. I dont know if a spring is exclusive to OMs or not. The cost probably depends on the fact that most camera shops have to send repairs out of state. Im lucky, we have a local onsight repair shop that keeps costs down. How much are they asking? How long are they saying it would take?

    i wasnt necessarily referring to digit scanning of negatives. The properties of the film are still present. Film properties vs pixel properties is what im concerned about. Pixels don't react like the chemical reaction between silver halide salts, they merely emulate it. Buy a digital camera and you are stuck with those pixel properties. A standard 35m camera allows you to take advantage of all the different properties in all the films out there.

    digitals are fun....they do possess a snapshot- like potential similar to polaroids.

By Hal on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 05:00 pm:

    Oh I've got quite a few that I don't even remember. I have a really nice telephoto lens, great distance with clarity. REALLY FUCKING NICE wide angle, I fucking love that one, took a lot of pictures with it. And a really short one that I can't remember the name of right now because it’s been a loooong time, and nutrition deficiency because I haven't eaten in a long time is making me lightheaded and I feel stoned.

    In any case I had a lot of lenses, some I had ones that were pretty much identical, except one handled filters better, for some reason they wouldn't snap on tight on the other one. The telephoto was fun too, because I was the sports photographer. I was the only one who could take decent shots, the nice part about the Telephoto lens was not only the distance it gave but the fact that it would pull back nice and close and gave a great wide angle shot. And it was really easy to manipulate zoom and focus it was all on the same thread so I could zoom and focus without moving my hand very much at all. And it picked up light well, but unlike a lot of telephotos didn’t need a sun shield because it didn’t pick up too much light.

    Ok… now I miss my camera… damnit…

By patrick on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 05:40 pm:

    Im looking for fixed lenses.

    I currently have a 28mm wide angle, a piece of shit Tamron 70-210mm and the standard 50mm. The wide angle is Vivitar...which I would ordinarly avoid but it has good glass.

    I want something like a fixed 135mm lense, preferrably of the Zuiko make...which have good glass and are of the original make to Olympus. I want it fixed because zooms tend to be chinsey...unless you shell out for a real bad ass zoom, they tend to crap out easily because of the moving parts mechanism. Fixed lenses are generally better made.

    I have a 200mm telephoto for my Minolta with a 2x, making it 400mm but its a pain in the ass. Its very heavy putting stress on the coupler and you have to over expose at least a stop to gain correct exposures. Baynonette style lense hoods are always a good idea because its not about the light its picking up. Its about the light its not picking up. BUT a polaroizer filter can eliminate refractions as well as a hood.

    this is looking more and more like my medium format next-best-thing since i dont have 2-4 grand to drop on a Hasseblad or Mamiya.

By wisper on Monday, November 19, 2001 - 06:04 pm:

    oil paint smells good.
    i hate it
    and i love it

By pez on Tuesday, November 20, 2001 - 08:02 pm:

    i love doing one-hour.

    working with the machinery to pull the ends out of canisters, the twin check and watching the little screen to see where the film is in the developer machine.

    running the negatives through the printer, order and shift, cut to see the images spit out in reverse-ordered piles.

    cutting negatives and placing in individual plastic sleeves. filling the envelopes and setting aside in drawers.

    i take the photos that don't come out right and draw on them. the white glossy paper is a wonderful place to draw. great for mixed-media collage.

By pez on Tuesday, November 20, 2001 - 08:16 pm:

    and a christmas list:

    pens with personality, stories to share, recipes for healthy comfort food. people who'll let me feed them.

    my mother called this morning (afternoon?) to apologise for her critisism and to offer to pay for new glasses and contacts after i get my eyes checked this time around. my eyesight is awful, i wore my glasses to work yesterday and removed them briefly at the checkstand, i couldn't even read the little black and green led screen that tells me what to do.

    a mic stand. a flute stand.

    i managed to save for a few weeks so i could afford to buy a keyboard. nothing fancy, a 61-key casio with 100 rhythms, 100 tones. i keep it in my bedroom, not quite blocking the view of my cd player from my bed. i really want to start a band but i don't know how. get two more people to play, acostic and kit, and it'll be nice.

    i am gluing zines to send by mail, i ran out of the ones i finished so there will be mail soon. hopefully.

By Rapper on Thursday, November 29, 2001 - 10:48 pm:

    Well my biggest wish for my holidays is a parachute and a bullet proof vest..

    Failing that I want my plane seat to be made of the same stuff they use on the black boxes.

By The Watcher on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 05:47 pm:

    I still want to win the lottery.

    I don't want to be Bill Gates rich. Just comfortable.

By sarah on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 02:51 pm:

    here is my revised, shamefully materialistic wish list, in order of most-wanted to least-wanted:

    * mittens
    * deluxe super-duper food processor
    * new yoga mat
    * floor lamp for my bedroom
    * full-spectrum light bulbs
    * shade-loving house plants
    * plant stand or small table for plants
    * 3 36" planter boxes, preferably wood
    * baking ramekins
    * cookie sheets
    * pastry brush
    * subscription to Martha Stewart's Living
    * small portable CD player for my office
    * a little walkman-on-an-armband thingie to listen to while I'm jogging
    * more counter space

By sarah on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 05:36 pm:


    * cooking/baking thermometer

By Dougie on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 05:46 pm:

    An Xbox (which I know I'm getting -- I pried it out of my girlfriend)

    An Orvis bamboo fly rod, which at $1000+ a pop, is refrickingdiculous, but I'd love to have one all the same if somebody were to buy it for me for Christmas, which they won't

    The Godfather trilogy on DVD

    That's about it.

By Ophelia on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 06:13 pm:

    Here's my list:

    -A warm jacket
    -waterproof boots
    -A trunk to pack in for college
    -A used trumpet (this will be my present to myself when i find an affordable one)
    -a college acceptance letter
    -a photo album of all my highschool buddies (something more personal than a yearbook)
    -a boyfriend
    -a watch that doesn't die every other day (literally)
    -a surprise

By semillama on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 09:20 pm:

    a new apartment with hardwood floors and
    cabinets and room for all my stuff for about

    plus for some old friends to suddenly get jobs
    in Columbus.

    plus to find a woman crazy enough to go out
    with me.

By pez on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 10:21 pm:

    hey, sem, one of my roommates thinks he took a class from you in san diego.

    * a music oriented person that either has a car or doesn't mind doing all shows in my bedroom or some way to get my keyboard on my bicycle.
    * the courage to do those reviews that were due....
    * someone who decides that i'm the coolest and shows me where the pirate ship is. and then is really good at cooking thai food and loves to share.
    * a way to stay contentedly single or the courage to go for what i want and tell everybody else "no".
    * maybe some visits from sorabjites. it would be fun to act as a tour guide.

    agatha: we're planning the symposium and it's going to be a lot of fun. it's in july and if you want to come, you'll have a place to stay and nummies for free. we want to do a printing press prep workshop and i think that would be right up your alley, if you're interested in teaching one....? or maybe platypus too on the printing press workshop thingy.

By Daniel ssanta ss on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 10:52 pm:

    "Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if
    they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to
    them all the care, kindness, and understanding you
    can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward.
    Your life will never be the same again."

    -Og Mandino

    So send at least one thing to someone else here at sorabji...anonymously...prehumously...

    here's my list:

    # One dose of happiness for the ex
    # two 5 foot by 9 foot low e sliding windows
    # one 36 inch Stanley Lehigh Zinc leaded glass front door
    # one 6-0 x 6-8 low e sliding door
    # one 16 x 8 oversized garage door, installed
    # one laptop for my younger son
    # one PC for my older son
    # one ticket to Anna Maria Island Florida
    # one zine from Pez, the Oregon poetess
    # one email from you-know-who
    # one page letterpressed from the printer (any of you: still have a press available...)
    # one recipe from the cook
    # one phone call from the zookeeper
    # world peace
    # one copy of the annotated Lolita
    # one Lolita

    # at least one thing on each sorabjite's list to the appropriate sorabjite...
    (read my wish list at dammit)

By Oswald Jr. on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 02:23 am:

    I was teasin about the stuff I said up there I do want all that but I realy want to get stuff for othar people. I wish I had more $$ so I could get every body cool shit for Xmas but I can not. I wish I could give my folks a milion bux each cause they are so good to me. My friends deaserve cool presents and my family does. Like Uncle Pug should get tons of beer. I'm thinking of geting my little bro a puppy his dog died and he is ready for a new one and he is very good with critters so Nicky may find a real live weeny dog in his Xmas stocking. Looking for some thing super cool for my boy friend. We will not have so much time togeather after New Year and it is make us real depress but, it must be this way. I do not want him to go to school at all but I know why its gotta happen. Why can we not just hang out now we are done with school we are too old for this shit. To hell with college. Theres no coarses in love I can teach him what he need to know about all that. I will give him that degree, the school gotta teach him how to be a teacher or what ever the fuck hes gonna do.

By sarah on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 12:16 pm:

    * swine to come back to sorabji

By sarah on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 12:18 pm:

    next year if we start planning it early enough, sorabjiites should draw names. we could send each other homemade drawings, photos, or cool old junk we don't use any more.

    i would *really* like that.

    of course, we could do it for Groundhog Day for all i care.

By Spider on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 12:32 pm:

    Mail art, anyone? *ahem* ....Agatha?

By Antigone on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 12:36 pm:

    Shall I post my wacky friend's surreal wish lists?

By Spider on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 12:37 pm:

    Are they new? New wackiness?

By sarah on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 01:00 pm:

    oh right. i guess that's a lot like mailart.

By agatha on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 01:40 pm:

    how ironic.

    do you really want to know, spider? i wasn't going to mention it again until i was done, because i feel like a dolt.

By Spider on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 02:03 pm:

    Do I really want to know what? You don't need to explain anything, Agatha - you've got a kid and a job and old Dave to take care of, so I understand why you may be behind on the mail art. Please don't feel like a dolt.

    I made some of you guys your shrines that I promised, but I'm too g-ddamned lazy to pack them up and mail them. Agatha, yours is in my living room, and one of the rhinestone hearts fell off last night, so I can't send it to you yet. If I were good, I would send it to you soon because it has a picture of the nativity on it. Well, I have finished Xmas shopping, and I've wrapped all my presents, so I might have time to fix it up in the next few days....

By agatha on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 03:56 pm:

    let's just say that i have been working on them a lot when time permits, and that the process is more complicated than i had worked out in my head. they are really cool, though, and i'm actually excited about them as opposed to how i felt about the first idea which i got halfway through and then decided i hated. i probably put about fifteen hours into the first phase of the project before i decided that it sucked and that i should really just make them in a way that i was satisfied with. i won't say anymore, because that will give away what i'm making.

By Ophelia on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 05:41 pm:

    I also want one of those crazy metal puzzles...

    something to occupy my time while i procrastinate.

By Daniel ssss on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 11:43 pm:

    Groundhog Day might just be appropriate...candlemass is a neat time indeed. It is the feast of Brigit among other things. Brigit is the inspiring thought, the creative and maternal force, while she needs Lugh to make it happen and bring it into reality. And of course, Lugh can't do without her creative impulses.

    Aye, we need each other, yes.

    I feel a posting flurry coming on.

By JoE KeWl on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 12:48 am:

    i want a big bag of money

By Antigone on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 03:35 am:

    Friend #1:

    10. Some chowder sheep.
    9. A copy of a videotape of Bobby Rib, getting a ride in a computer warrior.
    8. A sketching of Smiley the wonder newt.
    7. A sculpture of Shrikey, the driver of the undead wagon, 1st witnessed at a penthouse in Oakland, CA. Or... was it Oakdale?
    6. 1 millfoil shawl, preferably rifled by algae.
    5. 18 shoestring embroidered bismuth sculptures of Sad King Billy.
    4. A neutron star scented, 78 degree Fahrenheit breeze at will.
    3. Nine new ways to master things.
    2. A fluffy lake, designed to cover 3 awkward gristle clams that I found and have grown to like.
    1. A Tuscany filled 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288... for dessert for the man shown below.

    Friend #2:
    10. Tickle-Me Osama
    9. Uncle Jessie endorsed "Ol' Crapper" vintage toilet
    8. Hellraiser 6: N'Sync N'Hell enhanced DVD (complete with interactive slice-N-dice feature)
    7. Wells Fargo promotional line of clothing, complete wardrobe
    6. Sports Illustrated Minute-by-Minute Swimsuit calendar (12:00 Kathy Ireland, 12:01 Heidi Klum, ...)
    5. A Vikings Super Bowl victory (yeah, right)
    4. Super-Sexy Space B'yatch
    3. A clone of myself to do my job for me
    2. Britney Spears 'Slave For You' alternate reality portal...and still tops on my list...
    1. Mystic Remora

    Friend #3:
    10. Naughty Bing Cobra Breathfuckers
    9. The do-it-yourself Desert Enema Kit for Tots
    8. A Gully Dwarf Village encased in Dark Matter
    7. The hot new portable, self-powered Cock Cloner
    6. A one-of-a-kind collection of Wolf Blitzer limited-edition Porn Action Dolls
    5. Intel's newest CPU, the hyperdimensional bat-shit powered GodCunt chip
    4. A gift certificate for dinner for three million starving nomads, courtesy of Lunchables
    3. A flexible head that looks like a Fog Bank and can be retrofit to work with any Lucent Emu colony
    2. The full and correct name of God, written out in transvorpal pick-up sticks, sent across time via the Pink Laser of God, and stationed within VALIS, so that I may escape all the hordes of black-clad Kabbalists who chase me to and fro in all my dreamsd like just so many Can Can dancers
    1. ****

    Friend #4:
    10. Hot pail of chum
    9. Beanie Smarm
    8. A couple of wax tabernacles for my TARDIS
    7. Chest protector made of algorithms
    6. The hottest new gaming console -- the Mitsubishi QumpSphere
    5. Rotodialed Chandra Fluid
    4. a fresh set of eye clinics
    3. Tendril-Lou with Evaporating Subnet Mask action figure
    2. Johnson Johnson Johnson poster,
    1. Hyperbolic Swick Raider 2002, 2003 and 2004 CD-ROM
    0. Cat Sweat
    -1. Meandering Joules
    -2. A kitten composed of Frankincense, hydraulic fluid and Gouda Cheese
    -3. Packet of dichotomous Cheetos
    -4. Tommy Savalas' rubbing juice
    -5. Smauxing cabinet, stocked with Mrab
    -6. Book: "How to Televise your Cowper's Gland", by Cxuet P. Jabbafractal
    -7. Damascus Thinking Putty
    -8. Jimmeh!
    -9. Tommy Fwald's Pellucidicize! DVD

    and, to swinx it all off:
    -10. A Vitriolic jaunt to North Kwimpen, wherepon I would be beset with the finest phials of Gramping Mix and laid quietly in a Reddish-Pink superbox with the rest of the halted Jampers. And How!

    Friend #5:
    10) Fifty-pack semi-realistic superfluous nipples (with super perma-grip adhesive)
    9) Partially melted ice sculpture initially designed to look like Celine Dion and then refrozen and re-sculpted to look like MeatLoaf. Partially melted again and then refrozen & resculpted a second time to resemble Kathy-Lee Gifford. VOILA!!! There you have it! Better keep plenty of freezer space open!!!
    8) Hollandaise & Holland Nites with "El Luche, Libre" Could life get any better?
    7) Elf-powered deli sandwiches
    6) PhD level courses in "Klingon Love Techniques" at Saskatchewan Community College
    5) Five story mansion fashioned exclusively from lemon crates, lava lamps, the entire Bush administration and orange cake mix batter!! Magnifique!!!
    4) Your own autobiography ghost written in one blurry evening by Dean Ween, Geen Ween, Mean Ween and Martha Stewart
    3) Deluxe Hovercraft intricately designed to resemble an incredibly large and extremely pissed off Mr. Rogers
    2) Spirograph Shoes
    1) Wet Moose flavored economic stability!!

    10) A Randy Ghandi action figure with the Dharma Combat Grip.
    9) Scientology hymnal, edition VXVII, subtitled "I lost my member in Smolensk. Please do not dissect."
    8) World peace. For bacteria.
    7) The lost Michael Jackson album "Kiss My Ass, it's Christmas!" Please include "Thriller" outtakes 8 track tape.
    6) Prytenia brand Two Tone Tubular Tympanum Muffs with the Sexi Sadie lining.
    5) The number five.
    4) Self esteem: for the misused colon.
    3) The Senatorial level 10 spell, "Extrude Dianne Feinstein."
    2) Gehr Ybir
    1) My own Chupacabra chew toy.

By Czarina on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 08:48 am:

    Tiggy,if you find that "hot new portable,self powered Cock Cloner",let me know where.I've got that on my gift list,but theres none to be had at any of the the malls here :)

By Daniel ssss on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 10:47 am:

    I can procure the kitten and the scientology hymnal, both slightly used. Saw both at the Happy Wamser Hut in the Purple Hair Store on Delmar the other day.

    Send croutons and addy. Can't find the Cloner but found the Crapper.

By agatha on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 12:20 pm:

    The full and correct name of God, written out in transvorpal pick-up sticks, sent across time via the Pink Laser of God, and stationed within VALIS, so that I may escape all the hordes of black-clad Kabbalists who chase me to and fro in all my dreams like just so many Can Can dancers.

    I really like that one.

    I need advice. Dave and I are pretty much broke, and I have only gotten little tiny gifts for Cleo so far. What should we get her that would be fun for her but also a long term satisfying gift? The thing she wants the most is a Tekno kittie, and I can't bring myself to get it. I know she will abandon it after a week, just like she did the Poochie. Cleo is a seven year old (second grade), and maybe just slightly more enlightened than the average seven year old, to give you all a sense.


By patrick on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 12:42 pm:


By Dougie on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 12:45 pm:

    A old english sheepdog puppy?

By Spider on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 01:04 pm:

    I've seen little kits in art supply stores that let you paint on glass and then peel off the designs, like temporary stained glass.

By patrick on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 01:10 pm:

    thats a good idea.

    agatha, is there a budding interest of hers that you feel won't be tossed aside in a weeks time?

    a drawing kit, a musical instrument, paint set, cheap camera etc etc. Something other than a whimsical toy.

By droopy on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 01:24 pm:

    i concur with my previous two esteemed colleagues - something she can get funky creative with.

    i tried searching my memory banks for what i liked when i was 7. the only image that came up was of me and my little xylophone - you know, the little pull-toy kind. i used to jam with it; when my dad had the stereo on i'd sit right next to the speaker and bang the shit out of it to the music.

    i was probably younger than 7. but i feel sure i'd do the same now if i just had a xylophone.

By agatha on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 01:56 pm:

    here's what i've gotten her thus far:
    *good watercolor paints, a watercolor pad, and a brush set.
    *a pogo stick.
    *knee and elbow pads (boring!).
    *this crazy radio dj thing, to appeal to her short term interest greedy child's side.

    i think some books and some stocking stuffers, and that's about it for me.

    my mom got her the harry potter boxed set, so she should be psyched with that.

    she really digs stained glass type things, i should keep my eyes open for that. she most recently enjoys drawing and painting, reading, origami, and these goofy dolls she has called groovy girls. i got her a camera for her birthday last year, and she pretty much abandoned it after taking one roll of film. i was psyched about that present, too. she would be ecstatic to get an old english sheepdog puppy, but that wouldn't fly with dave.

    i loved those xylophones, too. how funny that you were a budding musician at age five, droop. you should really get into another band soon. they need you.

By patrick on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 02:03 pm:

    well it sounds like she is squared away then.

By Dougie on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 02:56 pm:

    Why? dave doesn't like animals?

By J on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 03:07 pm:

    When I was seven,I liked playing jacks,jump rope, marbles,hopscotch,and dress-up.But it's a more sophisticated world these days. Is there a BigLots anywhere near you? They always have some screaming deals,even better but I'm not sure if it's a local company is Factory 2 You. I bought a denim set,pants,jacket,and shirt for $8.99 ,and they have toys and I saw some really cute girls clothes there.

By Doggie on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 05:15 pm:

    I had a sheepdog when I was growing up. She was the sweetest, most mild mannered dog. When she went, my parents bought a Westie. She was hell on wheels, and talk about a personality (dogality?) Feisty, stubborn, hyper but lovable. They were both great dogs. I think when I get married and get a house, we'll get a dog. I like collies a lot, and shetland sheepdogs, and Toto dogs (cairn terriers), and bassett hounds. Hell, I like all breeds -- it's a tough choice.

By sarah on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 05:20 pm:

    And as for Clytie,
    Love might have been a reason for her sorrow,
    And sorrow for her telling tales, but never
    Would the light-giver come to her again
    To use her in the way of love, and so,
    Since she was used to love, and almost crazy
    For lack of it, she pined away; she hated
    Her sisters; under the open sky, by day,
    By night, she sat alone, bareheaded,
    Naked, unkempt. For nine whole days she sat there,
    With neither food nor drink, her hunger wanting
    Nothing but dew and tears, unstirred, unstirring.

    From "The Sun-God and Leucothoe" in Ovid's Metamorphoses -

By patrick on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 05:26 pm:

    im speculating that space, and cost are factors of why a puppy may not be a good idea.

    and if Im not mistaken those guys already have a pooch and a pussy.

    when i was 7 i preferred to play with a few neighborhood boys and girls, oh and maybe ride our bikes.

By Doggie Stylin on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 05:27 pm:

    What, no dogs to comfort her? Poor lass

By J on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 06:16 pm:

    Just saw that I forgot to mention that the denim set was for my grandson.

By Pug on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 06:24 pm:

    O for the halcyon days of sparkle paints and colorform....

By dave. on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 07:05 pm:

    patrick nailed it. we have a dog, 3 cats, a 7 year old girl, a tiny house and a muddy back yard. another puppy would push me over the edge, either into violent psychosis or catatonic schizophrenia, or both.

    maybe somebody knows of a book that teaches kids to clean up after their damn selves every once in a while with out turning it into a fucking goddam struggle between good and evil.

By patrick on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 07:11 pm:

    i read a book this weekend about a boy who thought he was a firetruck, and the first thing he did in the morning was wake up and say "firetruck" and everything revolved around being a firetruck and in the end he went and had breakfast. (????WTF???)

    this childs book totally threw me for a loop as i thought it would end with him being a fireman, but its really a deceptive ploy to get kids to eat their breakfast. Apparently effective.

    Just tell her Dave that if she doesn't clean up you will, and when Daddy cleans up, things get put in the dumpster. Maybe that will work.

    and i could easily see a catatonic schizophrenic dave.

By Pug on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 07:20 pm:

    I WANT THAT FUCKIN' BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By dave. on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 07:20 pm:

    i have done that. she has so much stuff that none of it really matters to her.

By TBone on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 08:46 pm:

    When I was little I REALLY wanted the stuff that lets you paint your own window cling things.

    I asked my mom for it, since Santa wasn't very reliable.

    She got me several flashy but immediately boring toys, a sweater, some underwear, and a short book for young kids going through their parents' divorces. But no window paint stuff.

    My mother frequently got confused between what I wanted and what she wanted ( or wanted for me ).

    I want:
    A do-over for the past 10 years of my life.
    A comfortable chair
    Blood Pressure
    To give my extra fat to the starving children of Wherever.YGGDRASIL
    A new hat
    The ability to afford christmas
    To be a firetruck
    A cat
    The wisdom to know the difference
    My fucking diploma already
    To forget
    Something someone made just for me.
    Some new music
    A story to tell.

By semillama on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 09:03 pm:

    a solid month of paid vacation.that is all.

By eri on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 10:28 pm:

    Big Lots does have good deals. I bought my best friend a beautiful lead crystal vase for $7. I bought everything for the family on both sides (not my immediate family of course) for $125. Considering we will see everyone, I thought this was a good deal. Something for everyone.

    I have a 7 year old, a 2 year old, 3 cats, and thank God no puppy anymore. We gave our puppy to another family for their Christmas present. Psycho dog now has 7 kids to play with and I don't have to pick up her shit or replace any more shoes.

    When I was 7 I wanted more Barbie shit and to ride bikes with friends and to sing and to read. Kids are different now. They grow up so much faster and they expect a hell of a lot more. My 7 year old asked for some N Sync computer software that comes with a cell phone. She wants a crimping iron for her hair. She wants Mary-Kate and Ashley clothes.

    By the way, I have the stuff to make your own window clings in my art supplies. You are welcome to come over and make some until your heart is content, or I run out.

By droopy on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 11:55 pm:

    i've had quite a bit to drink. thjis evening.

    the cat is on top of the monitor.

    sleepy and contended.

    t-bone walker is on the stereo.

    it takes me a long time to type each sentence.


By sarah on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 10:08 am:

    last night i came home to find the January issue of Martha Stewart's Living magazine in my mailbox. addressed to me personally.

    i think my mom got me the subscription for xmas, but this has not yet been confirmed.

    also, i got two cookie sheets at the Dollar Shop. you know, everything is a dollar. i had fun picking up various items and asking the stock people how much it cost.

By patrick on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 11:38 am:

    should i be worried about droop from that post?

    I think Big Lots is owned by Kmart...ever notice the similar logo?

By droop on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 11:48 am:


By Spider on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 11:51 am:

    I worry.

    droopy, I hope you got my email.

By patrick on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 12:20 pm:

    ok droop.

    its that last bit of the post had an erie sense of finality.

    im not one to worry, but that struck me.

    carry on

By droopy on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 12:31 pm:

    got your email, araña. thanks for the lingerie.

By Spider on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 12:45 pm:


By Czarina on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 10:31 am:

    7 year olds are just that.Seven years old.Not 47 year olds.That comes soon enough.Let her be a kid.Adulthood sucks.

    You'll make her anal retentive,if you try to make her her Miss Prissy Pants Pick Up After Yourself All The Time.

    She's a kid.Let her be one,and enjoy it.My house stayed strewn with toys/junk.[ya,it annoyed me,but annoyed the s/o more.]

    But,the benefits you reap,in the long run are well worth it.You have a well adjusted,happy young-un,who is not afraid to bring friends home.My house has always been the "hang-out".But thats just fine with me.When my spawn and their friends are here,I know what they are up to,and i dress up and do weird stuff to em all the time.They are not afraid of me.They know they can tell me anything,and I will understand.I may not like it,but they are not afraid to come to me.

    Their friends are not afraid of me.My oldest child,who is now an adult,friends still make me come out and participate in odd activities.When she is in town,and her friends come over,i try to go in the back,so they can have some privacy,but they want me out there with them.[I guess all those years of dressing up like Joan Crawford,and smearing cold cream on my face,and chasing them around with hangers,and screaming,"NO MORE WIRE COAT HANGERS!",payed off.

    Over the years,many of her friends have called me for a ride home,when in a bind,and they were afraid to call their parents.I have always maintained a "no questions policy",when someone needs to come home.I'll get them there safely.They have to face their own parents.I won't do that for them.But I'll damn sure make sure they get home.

    Sorry,I'm rambling.My point is,let her be a kid.Those should be some of the best memories she has.Its suppossed to be fun to be a kid.Its not fun to have to be a mini adult.Adulthood/responsibilities creep up on us soon enough.

By Czarina on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 10:53 am:

    Oh,and get her what she wants for X-mas.Let her eyes light up with delight.So what,if she tires of it quickly.She's 7,she doesn't have a whole lot more of innocent child years left.Let her get the practicle stuff like underwear,when she's a little older.

    Probably everyone here,could tell a X-mas disappointed story,from their childhood.Cause they got something their parents thought was better for them,than that which with childish delight filled their dreams.

    My s/o still talks about the shiny red bicycle he had his heart set on,when he got up and had an organ waiting for him next to the x-mas tree.Now,as adults,we can all see that the organ was a much more expensive,and much more practicle gift,but to a seven year old who had his heart set on a shiny red bicycle,it was a BIG letdown.[the fact that he still talks about it,is signifigant]

    Get her the damn electro kitty,or whatever it is she wants.Maybe next year she'll be big enough to get the underwear.

By dave. on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 01:30 pm:

    czarina, i totally understand. believe me, we are not a tidy, anal retentive household. i'm just saying that every couple of days, it shouldn't be too much to ask for her to gather up her stuff and throw it in her room and maybe once a week, clean up the room.

    she does it at school without even being asked.

    oh, and i was being just a bit dramatic. i like to be dramatic occasionally.

By The Watcher on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 02:25 pm:

    I hate practical gifts!!!

    I still like to have fun for Christmas.

    Give me the electric train or bicycle for Chistmas. Not the tie or sweater.

By Daniel ssss on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 07:08 pm:

    I've always wanted to come downstairs to find an ORGAN under the tree...I could use a new liver.

    After you get prehistoric artifacts from the wreckage of the Danube Valley, hey, what's left?

By jack on Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 11:53 pm:

    so, i hope everyone got their wishes.
    and i hope your exchanges are happy this year.

By Brian on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - 09:48 pm:

    fuck a women at 50

By J on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 05:53 am:

    When you are 50? And you have those blue pills? Wow!!! Not...