By trace on Friday, December 21, 2001 - 04:18 pm:

    Long time not much posting....
    I got a surprise party at work today durring the office christmas party.
    I got a trophy and a certificate of apprecation for a job well done, and a "we'll miss you" cake.
    They decided not to renew the contract for next year. The current one expires December 31st.
    There may be a GS spot sometime next year, and if there is they will call me directly with the offer, but as it stands now.... UNEMPLOYMENT!!

By The Watcher on Friday, December 21, 2001 - 05:05 pm:

    There are a lot of Government Jobs available.

    I'm sure you'll find one.

By agatha on Saturday, December 22, 2001 - 02:45 am:

    think of it as a little vacation, trace! a chance to spend some time with your family. you will find a new job, you have the skills that people want.

    don't let your holidays get ruined.

By Salty on Saturday, December 22, 2001 - 10:33 pm:

    Hey everyone. Nice cozy messageboard you have here. I just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Salty - and say Happy Holidays, Inebriated New Year's Eves, and Nauseous New Year's Days.

    And best of luck to you Trace.
    Listen to your mates - enjoy the free time during the holidays, then fret over employment. There's enough stress and suicide over the holidays themselves to add unemployment to the mix.
    Party it up - then worry.
    (Yea, I know. Easy for me to say)

By semillama on Sunday, December 23, 2001 - 12:17 pm:

    It's good advice. You need the vacation anyway, and having GS experience on a military base is a foot in the door in these times.

By eri on Sunday, December 23, 2001 - 07:35 pm:

    I keep telling him that we will work it out, but he still stresses too much for his own good. I can always go back to work for a while. There is always a shortage of receptionists, secretaries, data entry clerks, etc. Full time work is easy to find here for me.

    Here is my lovely Christmas Eve Eve day for you. We go visit my parents. I fall down the stairs. Then we go to my best friends house to celebrate Christmas with her kids since they are leaving to be with other family. I am sitting on the dining room chair and trying to put in a barette that her 7 year old made for me. The chair falls out from under me and I hit my head on the door. It's dinner time. I put my Coke on a coaster so that I don't spill it on her glass table. Where I am sitting is moved, so I move the coaster and the Coke spills all over the place and inside a video case. I think things can't get much worse. Everyone is asking what is wrong with me. Then the kids try to shut the door so the baby won't go in the room. They slam the door and it completely shuts on her finger. I go back there to find out what happened and the door was still shut. We thought her finger was broken and were heading out the door to the E.R. when she started moving it. It will be bruised. There is a cut and some broken blood vessels but she is allright. Just when I start to relax again, I get my monthly bill and now I am in so much pain I can't see straight or sit still, but I can't take anything cuz I took pain killers when I hit my head on the door.

    Merry Freaking Christmas!!!!

By LoneStranger on Monday, December 24, 2001 - 09:46 pm:

    hear hear.


By Czarina on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 03:35 am:

    At least you had a job that you liked that you are loosing.

    I fucking hate my job.

    I need to quit.
    I am going to do just that.

    "Southern Ignorance,not just a theory,
    it's a lifestyle!"

    I think I will make bumper stickers.

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Santas lil helper Daniel ssss on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 09:42 am:

    Merry Christmas CZ, and everybody else too. Santa brought some cold cold cold weather here.

    May the solstice bring you light.
    May CHristmas bring renewed hope.
    May the New Year be full of success.
    May Hannukah enlighten each of us.
    May Kwanza be cool...

    and let's not forget the gorrilla's birthday...

By Alex on Wednesday, December 26, 2001 - 11:58 am:

    we had a white christmas, The first in years, allthough only a handfull of flakes fell, it was enough to annoy the bookies!

By patrick on Wednesday, January 2, 2002 - 02:55 pm:

    my holiday was a bit hectic.


    we crashed in 5 different places in 8 days. Too much!!!!!

    Amongst the highlights.................


    hrmmmmmmmmmmmm lets see.....highlights......


    well poop...there wasnt a whole lot of excitement.

    *nico's parents still don't always.

    *fayetteville is just as scary/sleazy as always.

    *i learned that both my sister AND brother were molested by family members...i learned both these bits of info within a weeks time. TOO MUCH!!!!

    *i learned how annoying and sick my uncle is when he's drunk.

    *repression+alcohol = annoying uncle. Because i work for a gay/lesbian publisher doesnt mean i want to hear about your holidays and the call boys.

    *i can sing Okie from Muskogee on kareoke as well as Anarchy in the UK "100% WOW!!" according the kareoke machine scoreboard.

    *we both were reminded WHY we don't go back every year, as its the same ole stressful bullshit everytime. Individually our families are ok...but in a house together for even a night is so god damn dramatic.

    *we didnt see enough of our friends

    *nothing kinky happened with B&M even though they appeared to be game for it.

    *it was damn cold in Atlanta and Gwinnett county has grown wayyyyyy too much in such a short time.

    *the airports werent as bad as we though...and you get rewarded for being late.

    *new years eve was somewhat of a let down.

    *nico and i are "by far the coolest aunt and uncle we have" or so said my niece and nephew, 10 and 13 respectively. My nephew especially since i scored some fireworks for him in South Carolina.

    *my grandparents are as witty and "together" as can be for such an age. They werent as bad as the others had prepared me for.

    *drank some Hungarian shit called Zchwack (or something like that) that is supposedly made with opiates. Tasted like mix between Jager and Aqua Net.

    *i dont want to be here today.

By Czarina on Thursday, January 3, 2002 - 02:44 pm:

    It sounds like you had a lovely holiday.

    Glad you made it back safely :)